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Languages Scottish Gaelic (gd)
Users 90
Active users (last month) 25
Active users (last six months) 32
Characters per post (max) 1,500
Known instances 13,820
First sight Oct 19, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Dec 3, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.1
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, and also according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) Glasgow, Biden, StarTrek, SciFi, Space, quote, HunterBiden, FotoMontag
Short description
This server is aimed at Gaelic speakers.
Tha am frithealaiche seo ann do luchd na Gàidhlig.
Ma tha duilgheadas agad leis a’ CAPTCHA, cuir post-d thugainn air rianaire@co-shaoghal.net
Long description
This server is aimed at Gaelic speakers. If you aren't planning to write in Gaelic, head on over to mastodon.scot which is a friendly server, or check out the lists at joinmastodon.org or instances.social. You will still be able to talk to us from there. You can also create accounts on multiple servers if you like.

Tha am frithealaiche seo ann do luchd na Gàidhlig. Tha mi ’ga òstadh sa Ghearmailt le Hetzner ach am bi a h-uile duine fo dhìon an GDPR.

Ma tha duilgheadas agad leis a’ CAPTCHA, cuir post-d thugainn air rianaire@co-shaoghal.net


Chruthaich mi aiste le foir-shealladh air na seirbheisean agus le molaidhean air aplacaidean fòn-làimhe.

Sgrìobh rudeigin ’nad phròifil agus sgrìobh post leis an taga hais #fàilte ach am fàs sinn eòlach ort. Gheibh thu cuideachadh leis an taga hais #taic.

Airson daoine a lorg air a’ cho-shaoghal fharsaing a sgrìobhas mu chuspairean sònraichte, mholainn gun tadhail thu air Trunk agus fediverse.info ’s gun lean thu air @FediFollows@mastodon.social (Tha làrach-lìn aca cuideachd air fedi.directory). Cuideachd, gheibh thu liosta de phròifilean air Eòlaire nam pròifil.

Beusan sònraichte a’ cho-shaoghail

Tha beusan no netiquette aig a’ cho-shaoghal a tha beagan diofraichte o na meadhanan sòisealta eile.

  • Cleachdaibh CW (Content Warning, Rabhadh Susbainte) ma tha dad frionasach sa phost agaibh. Tha seo feumail do dhaoine a bhios an eisimeil air leughadairean-sgrìn cuideachd ma tha còd no teacsa fada agaibh. ’S urrainn dhuibh cuideachd comharra a chur ri dealbh no video gu bheil e frionasach.
  • Cuiribh teacsa ris na dealbhan, videothan is faidhlichean fuaime agaibh ach an tuig an fheadhainn air a bheil cion-lèirsinne no -cluaisneachd iad. Tha seo cudromach cuideachd mur eil an dealbh “fiosrachail” – is toigh leis a h-uile duine beagan fealla-dhà.
  • Airson taic a thoirt dhan fheadhainn air a bheil cion-lèirsinne, cleachdaibh litrichean mòra is beaga ann an #tagaicheanHais ach an leugh leughadairean-sgrìn os àrd iad mar bu chòir.
  • Tha daoine sa cho-shaoghal a dh’fhulaing droch-dhìol air Twitter, mar sin dheth feuch an can sibh “làrach an eun” no “birdsite” ’na àite.

Saoilidh mi gur e sin agaibh e! 😉

An sgioba

Seo an sgioba againn ma tha thu feumach air taic sam bith: RianaireanDèiligidh @gunchleoc ris an fhrithealaiche agus mur urrainn dhi a bhith ann, tha @neil comasach air cuideachadh ann an suidheachaidhean èiginneach ged nach eil a’ Ghàidhlig aige. Ma tha am frithealaiche sìos, gheibh thu grèim oirnn air @gunchleoc@mastodon.scot agus @neil@glasgow.social MaoirMa chì thu spama no dad sam bith a bhriseas riaghailtean an fhrithealaiche, cleachd gleus a’ ghearain. Ma tha barrachd taic a dhìth ort, faighnich dhe @gunchleoc agus/no @clamhan.

Bacadh fhrithealaichean

A thuilleadh air na lèirmheasan a nì sinn fhìn air frithealaichean eile, cleachdaidh sinn liosta aig oliphaunt agus bacadh fèin-obrachail air seann-bhathar-bhog.
Instance rules
  1. Bi caoimhneil
  2. Na bi ri gràin
  3. Na postaich nithean mì-laghail
  4. Tha postadh lomnochd cuingichte air an fhrithealaiche seo
  5. Na sgaoil mì-fhios
  6. Na sàraich càch
  7. Na foillsich fiosrachadh prìobhaideach mu chàch
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 0.0n.ee: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2. 076.**.jp: limited (reason: hate-associated)
  3. 0ve***.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  4. 101010.pl: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  5. 10minutepleroma.com: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  6. 13b****.*om: suspended
  7. 161*.****al: suspended (reason: hate-associated,anti-lgbtq,hate-speech)
  8. 194x1**.*****y.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  9. 19ma*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  10. 246***.*yz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  11. 2hu.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  12. 3v.*s: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  13. 4ae*.*om: suspended
  14. 4bear.com: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  15. 5dollah.click: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  16. 8030**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  17. 80c****.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  18. 80per****.**cial: limited
  19. 87**.*h: limited
  20. 9ine*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  21. 9kb.me: limited (reason: Spama)
  22. 9yo.punipoka.pink: suspended (reason: IFTAS:CSAM)
  23. a.b****.*yi: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  24. a.fa****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  25. a.ga*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  26. a.j***.**ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  27. a.kret*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  28. a.lu********.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  29. a.sc: suspended
  30. a11*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  31. absolut************ry.org: limited
  32. ac*.**o: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  33. ac**.*a: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  34. ace****.*et: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  35. aces****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  36. acil*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  37. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended (reason: IFTAS:Service-Abuse)
  38. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: Ionnsaighean)
  39. adac**.**rty: suspended (reason: harassment,hate-associated,hate-speech,racism)
  40. adte*****.com: suspended
  41. adul*****.lol: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  42. adultsocial.inet.party: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  43. aethy.com: suspended (reason: IFTAS:CSAM)
  44. afn.ga*******.***ns.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  45. agd*****.no: limited
  46. ai.***i: limited
  47. ains-no-*******.******oud.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  48. airwaves.social: limited (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  49. aisl**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  50. ak.in******.**rden: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  51. aka****.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  52. akkom*.****.chat: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  53. akkoma.*********h.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  54. akkoma.*********ng.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  55. aklp.club: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  56. alge***.*hat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  57. along******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  58. altere**********s.com: limited
  59. alterracloud.com: limited (reason: harassment,hate-speech)
  60. amami.paradigm-x.tokyo: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  61. ancr*****.com: limited
  62. ancr*****.xyz: limited
  63. ange***.*lub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  64. angr******.com: limited
  65. anima******.**mily: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  66. animal**********.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  67. annihilation.social: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  68. anon*******.com: suspended
  69. ante***.****.sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  70. anub**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  71. ap.***.*tf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  72. ap.h*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  73. ap.tu*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  74. ap.uwu.st: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  75. appsi****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  76. arac****.*own: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  77. archive.***************nded.tv: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  78. are***.*ne: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  79. arne******.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  80. arri****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  81. artis******.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  82. asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  83. ascii*******.**chts: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  84. asen********.ca: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  85. asi***.*rg: limited
  86. asocia*.********k.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  87. asstodon.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  88. astou*********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  89. astr*.***nic: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  90. astro******.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  91. att*.**.to: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  92. att*.**wn: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  93. audi*.****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  94. audi*.******.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  95. audio.*****.blue: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  96. audio.*******.vip: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  97. audio.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  98. audio.**********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  99. audiop************n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  100. aura***.**ace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  101. autist*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  102. auto****.run: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  103. awa****.*om: limited
  104. awad****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  105. axb**.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  106. b.kret*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  107. b.os*****.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  108. b.s****.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  109. b0x.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  110. b61*.*oe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  111. ba*.*n: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  112. ba**.*v: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  113. babyfurs.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  114. bad**.co: limited
  115. bae.st: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  116. bajax.us: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  117. bale*****.eus: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  118. balka*.*****e.rs: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  119. ballh***.*****nity: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  120. ban***.st: suspended (reason: hate-associated,antivax,harassment)
  121. baraag.net: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  122. bass**.***ial: suspended
  123. battl********.*ideo: suspended
  124. bbs.******.icu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  125. bean****.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  126. bear.community: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  127. beck******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  128. bee**.**er: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  129. bee*****.ga: limited
  130. beef*****.*lub: limited
  131. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  132. berg****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  133. bers*****.*own: limited (reason: hate-speech,alt-right,anti-lgbtq,fascism)
  134. bes****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  135. beyer*******s.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  136. bf*.**c: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  137. bgzashtita.es: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  138. bhs*.**te: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  139. bibli**.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  140. biblio.***********.rocks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  141. bibliot***.********ub.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  142. bidu**.****.in: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  143. bigballchunkyverse.online: limited (reason: Spama)
  144. biha*.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  145. bike****.**rty: limited
  146. bilb***.*ech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  147. bin**.**sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  148. bir***.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  149. bird.makeup: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  150. bird.zvo.io: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  151. bird*.***den: limited
  152. bird*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  153. birdsite.blazelight.dev: suspended
  154. birdsite.frog.fashion: suspended
  155. birdsite.lakedrops.com: suspended
  156. birdsite.noitl.space: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  157. birdsite.slashdev.space: suspended
  158. birdsite.tcjc.uk: suspended
  159. birdsite.thorlaksson.com: suspended
  160. birdsite.wilde.cloud: suspended
  161. birdsitelive.mastodon.vm.statshelix.com: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  162. bitc*****.com: limited
  163. bitcoinhackers.org: limited (reason: Mealladh)
  164. bkk.g******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  165. blaz****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  166. bli**.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  167. blob.cat: limited (reason: harassment,porn)
  168. bloc*****.mom: limited
  169. blog.****.*ish: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  170. blog.****.*oop: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  171. blog.****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  172. blog.*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  173. blog.*****.**rden: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  174. blog.*****.*ame: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  175. blog.*****.*izza: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  176. blog.*****.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  177. blog.*****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  178. blog.*****.fi: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  179. blog.*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  180. blog.*****.sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  181. blog.******.*pace: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  182. blog.******.fun: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  183. blog.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  184. blog.*******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  185. blog.*******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  186. blog.*******.gay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  187. blog.*******.icu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  188. blog.*******.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  189. blog.*******.re: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  190. blog.*******.town: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  191. blog.*******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  192. blog.********.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  193. blog.********.ink: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  194. blog.********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  195. blog.*********.org: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  196. blog.**********.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  197. blog.*********l.cc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  198. blog.********a.eu: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  199. blog.********i.cz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  200. blog.b***********s.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  201. blog.h*******.*tudio: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  202. blog.k*********.name: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  203. blog.l*********r.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  204. blog.m*********.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  205. blog.mi***********.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  206. blog.p**********er.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  207. blog.r***********i.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  208. blogi.*********mi.fi: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  209. blogs.******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  210. blogz.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  211. bloom********.icu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  212. blow.*******l.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  213. blu*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  214. blu***.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  215. bmu.beerinacan.com: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  216. bobin**.***.club: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  217. boil*******.ee: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  218. bokantaj.o-k-i.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  219. boo*****.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  220. book.***.ovh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  221. book*.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  222. book*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  223. book*.******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  224. books.*********.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  225. books.**********e.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  226. books.**********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  227. books.*********e.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  228. books.*********on.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  229. books.******o.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  230. books.dy***********.***hnology: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  231. books.k***********.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  232. books.l**************eon.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  233. bookstod**.**********aph.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  234. bookw***.******a.mx: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  235. bookwy**.********dv.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  236. bookwyr*.*********sh.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  237. bot***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  238. bots.s*****.****ha.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  239. bott****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  240. boymilk.cafe: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  241. boymoder.biz: suspended
  242. brai*****.net: suspended
  243. brainport.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  244. brasi*.*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  245. bre***.**be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  246. bre***.**wn: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  247. brea******.*lub: suspended (reason: racism,anti-lgbtq,harassment,hate-associated,hate-speech)
  248. brech*.********s.me: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  249. bridge.yopp.me: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  250. brigadeof***********.*****kdns.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  251. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  252. bronyfurry.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  253. brun****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  254. bsd.moe: limited (reason: Sàrachadh)
  255. btrfly.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  256. bull**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  257. bun*.**rk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  258. bungle.online: limited (reason: hate-associated,racism)
  259. bunn*.***ily: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  260. burg**.**deo: limited
  261. burg****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  262. bw.b********.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  263. bw.k*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  264. bw.tr*********s.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  265. byte****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  266. byte*****.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  267. cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  268. caekis.love: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  269. calc***.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  270. calcke*.********.co.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  271. calendari*.**************llion.es: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  272. calo***.*lub: limited
  273. camp*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  274. campd*****.**cial: limited
  275. can***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  276. canar*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  277. candyuniverse.art: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  278. cann****.*afe: limited (reason: inappropriate,underage)
  279. canso****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  280. carni****.**cial: limited
  281. casc****.**mes: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  282. cast.****.sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  283. catgirl.life: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  284. catgirls.nya.gay: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  285. catp*****.*lub: limited
  286. cave.*******.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  287. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  288. ccr**.*om: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  289. cd0.nl: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  290. cdr**.***yo: limited
  291. cess****.*ity: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  292. chamac**.******y.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  293. chedda*********.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  294. chil*****.su: suspended (reason: underage,inappropriate)
  295. childlove.space: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  296. chirp.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  297. cho***.*rt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  298. chric***.***n.de: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  299. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  300. cir***.**wn: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  301. ckp*.***ce: limited
  302. classi********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  303. cle***.au: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  304. clew.lol: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  305. click.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  306. clif*.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  307. closed*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  308. clou******.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  309. cloud.****.*ocks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  310. cloudtu**.***.*******fer.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  311. club.darknight-coffee.eu: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  312. club*.***ial: limited
  313. clubcyberia.co: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  314. cm*.**i: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  315. cnet.site: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  316. coba******.*lue: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  317. cocka**********u.re: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  318. coco*****.co: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  319. cofe.moe: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  320. coll****.cat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  321. collapsitarian.io: limited (reason: alt-right,hate-associated)
  322. colo****.**rld: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  323. colt**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  324. com*.***ks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  325. comfyboy.club: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  326. comm.network: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  327. communit*.*************dom.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  328. community.****************ture.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  329. community.highlandarrow.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  330. comp******.*ost: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  331. comput*******.*gency: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  332. comput********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  333. conklin.lol: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  334. contra*********.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech)
  335. cool****.**use: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  336. coolsite.win: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  337. coom.club: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  338. corre****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  339. cotto******.cafe: suspended
  340. counter.social: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  341. cras******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  342. craz****.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  343. crea****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  344. cri***.*ay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  345. crit*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  346. crl*.***ja: suspended
  347. croo****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  348. cros*****.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  349. cruc****.**rld: suspended
  350. cryp*****.lol: limited (reason: crypto)
  351. crypt*******.com: limited
  352. csis**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  353. cua***.**sa: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  354. cubes.link: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  355. cubhub.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  356. cum.camp: suspended (reason: IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment)
  357. cum.desupost.soy: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  358. cum.salon: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  359. cunny.gay: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  360. cunnyborea.space: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  361. cunnyborea.top: suspended
  362. cute.*****.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  363. cute*****.net: limited (reason: spam,hate-speech,inappropriate,racism,underage)
  364. cyb**.*oe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  365. cybe*****.art: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  366. cyber.scamdemic.party: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  367. cyber*******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  368. cyber*******.xyz: limited
  369. cybercriminal.eu: limited (reason: harassment,hate-associated,spam)
  370. cyberstorm.one: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  371. cztw*****.cz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  372. d-fens.systems: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  373. d.ntauthority.me: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  374. da**.*i: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  375. daily*****.****.gay: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  376. daishouri.moe: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  377. dang**.**rts: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  378. dank*****.org: limited
  379. danoni***.*******o.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  380. dao.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  381. darapa**.******y.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  382. darri*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  383. dart*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  384. das**.io: limited
  385. dasge*********.art: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  386. data****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  387. de**.*o: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  388. dec***.eu: limited
  389. dec****.*ub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  390. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  391. deep*****.gay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  392. deepspace.cafe: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  393. delme******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  394. dem**.***se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  395. dembased.xyz: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  396. demente*.***.***.***.social: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  397. demo.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  398. der**.**ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  399. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  400. dev*****.de: limited
  401. devel*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  402. develop.gab.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  403. devo****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  404. devs.live: limited (reason: Dìth maorsainneachd)
  405. dhbe******.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  406. diary.********.dev: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  407. diat**.***ial: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  408. digis******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  409. digr******.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  410. dingdash.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  411. dirtyknight.life: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  412. discourse.helenprejean.org: limited (reason: Spama)
  413. discov**.*******a.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  414. disi****.*ips: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  415. disqordia.space: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  416. dj.*e: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  417. djsu****.com: suspended
  418. dob**.**wn: limited
  419. don.****.*ech: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  420. don.*******.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  421. dondon.*******.id.au: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  422. dono****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  423. dood****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  424. dr**.*e: limited
  425. drag***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  426. drag*****.xyz: limited
  427. drive**********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  428. drum******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  429. dry****.*ed: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  430. ds1**.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  431. dtp-*****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  432. dtz***.*yz: limited
  433. dud-vid**.***.*******den.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  434. duis****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  435. dump****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  436. eam***.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  437. eat.f*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  438. eatthebugs.social: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  439. ebi*.**ub: limited
  440. ebu**.***ld: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  441. edge.******.*loud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  442. eei-*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  443. eep*.**fe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  444. eggplant.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbheach)
  445. eientei.org: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  446. eig****.*et: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  447. eitel*.****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  448. el-spot.xyz: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  449. elb*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  450. ele.g*******.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  451. elect*******.tech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  452. electr***********.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  453. eleu***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  454. eli**.*et: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  455. elli*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  456. elon*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  457. encha****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  458. endtim*********s.com: limited
  459. enjo***.****ork: limited
  460. entro*********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  461. epen****.com: limited
  462. epsi***.***ial: limited
  463. erdk******.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  464. eris**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  465. esk***.*om: limited
  466. eveningzoo.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  467. event*.*****.moe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  468. event**.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  469. event**.*****b.pt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  470. evento*.*********e.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  471. events.*********.*lobal: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  472. everyth***.*******.horse: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  473. evia*****.org: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  474. exo.**be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  475. explosion.party: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  476. ext**.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  477. f.**.*m: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  478. f.3*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  479. f.dec*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  480. f.eo*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  481. f.haeder.net: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  482. f.le*****.app: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  483. f.q***.*rg: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  484. facebook.com: suspended (reason: Meta)
  485. famil*.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  486. fan**.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  487. fando******.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  488. farb**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  489. fark******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  490. fault.*********y.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  491. fb.pa********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  492. fbx*.*et: limited
  493. fe*.**r: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  494. fed.*****.in: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  495. fed.f********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  496. fed***.**te: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  497. fed***.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  498. fed***.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  499. fed****.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  500. fede*****.fun: limited (reason: anti-lgbtq,hate-speech)
  501. federa***.******r.dog: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  502. federate.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  503. fedi.*****.cz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  504. fedi.*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  505. fedi.*****.ee: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  506. fedi.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  507. fedi.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  508. fedi.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  509. fedi.*******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  510. fedi.*******.is: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  511. fedi.*******.moe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  512. fedi.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  513. fedi.*******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  514. fedi.********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  515. fedi.*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  516. fedi.*********.ink: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  517. fedi.*********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  518. fedi.**********.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  519. fedi.*********i.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  520. fedi.*********n.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  521. fedi.********s.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  522. fedi.app: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  523. fedi.b*******.*u.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  524. fedi.b*********t.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  525. fedi.j**********k.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  526. fedi.kar*************nan.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  527. fedi.openmtx.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  528. fedi.r*********l.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  529. fedi.treeoflifecomic.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  530. fedi*****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  531. fedi*****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  532. fedichive.tk: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  533. fedii.********a.ws: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  534. fedilist.com: suspended (reason: Sgrìobair)
  535. fedip*********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  536. fediv****.*****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  537. fediv****.****g.ca: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  538. fediv*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  539. fedivers*.*************b.world: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  540. fedp******.*lub: limited
  541. feed.********k.cx: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  542. feed.s**********s.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  543. fele*****.**oud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  544. fem**.*ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  545. femb***.*ove: suspended (reason: Chaidh briseadh a-steach orra)
  546. feminism.lgbt: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  547. fer**.**fe: limited
  548. fer**.**st: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  549. feti******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  550. fff.**.am: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  551. figh*****.net: limited (reason: hate-associated)
  552. fire.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  553. fire*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  554. firedr**********s.com: limited
  555. firefi**.*****.*rg.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  556. firefis*.************st1.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  557. fish****.**.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  558. flam****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  559. flas****.**deo: suspended (reason: Scraper)
  560. flax****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  561. flip*****.*eam: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  562. flo**.**nk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  563. flo***.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  564. flowe*.***.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  565. flowe**.*******.wtf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  566. flu*.**ub: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech)
  567. flutte**********.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  568. fnya.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  569. fo*.*x: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  570. foca*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  571. folk******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  572. follo*********.site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  573. follow.*********o.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  574. fomo******.*nfo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  575. fon****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  576. fora******.icu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  577. forge.*******4.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  578. forum********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  579. forw*****.**mes: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  580. fosstodon.org: limited (reason: Leth-bhreith cànain)
  581. fotograma*.**************ncia.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  582. foub****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  583. fourgo******.****py.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  584. fox****.*ol: suspended
  585. fr13nd5.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  586. fre****.*yz: limited (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech)
  587. freak.university: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  588. freak*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  589. free***.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  590. free******.*lub: limited
  591. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  592. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  593. freehold.earth: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  594. freequeefextremist.com: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  595. frees*****.*roup: limited
  596. freesocial.co: limited (reason: Spama)
  597. freesof************st.com: limited (reason: alt-right,hate-associated,hate-speech)
  598. freespeech.firedragonstudios.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  599. freespeech.host: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  600. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment;Disinformation)
  601. freet*******.com: limited
  602. freet*******.lgbt: limited
  603. freezepeach.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  604. frei****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  605. frennet.link: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  606. freu********.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  607. fri**.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  608. frie***.*afe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  609. frie*****.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  610. frien*.********.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  611. frien****.***u.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  612. frien****.**a.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  613. frien****.**y.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  614. friend***.****.***bo.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  615. friend***.*******.chat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  616. friend***.********.info: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  617. friend***.********eb.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  618. friend***.********ty.nl: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  619. friend***.*******s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  620. friend***.******e4.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  621. friend******.****.place: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  622. friend*********ig.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  623. friendi**.***********ce.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  624. friendi**.***********un.ovh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  625. friendi**.*********s.cyou: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  626. friendi**.********her.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  627. friendi**.********rpf.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  628. friendic*.**************apes.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  629. friendic*.***********ings.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  630. friendlica.de: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith, sàrachadh, mì-fhios)
  631. frndc.s***********der.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  632. froth.zone: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  633. fsebu********.org: suspended
  634. ftl.**at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  635. fun*.***.si: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  636. funk.****.*arm: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  637. funkw****.***l.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  638. funkw****.**g.re: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  639. funkwh***.********e.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  640. funkwh***.*****ir.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  641. funkwhal*.************ich.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  642. furuyo**********.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  643. fw.****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  644. g2s.e******.***tact: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  645. gab.ai: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  646. gab.best: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  647. gab.com: suspended
  648. gab.io: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  649. gab.polaris-1.work: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  650. gab.protohype.net: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  651. gab*.***ks: limited
  652. gabfed.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  653. gadge*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  654. gam**.*go: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  655. game**.****sed: limited
  656. game*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  657. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: Bot a dh'fhoillsicheas fiosrachadh mu bhacaidhean)
  658. gangstalking.services: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  659. gay.camera: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  660. gaybdsm.group: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  661. gayfr.social: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  662. gayr****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  663. gazo******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  664. gearlandia.haus: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  665. geda*******.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  666. geek****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  667. gegenstimme.tv: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  668. gen***.**ve: limited
  669. gende*********.xyz: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq,hate-speech)
  670. gens****.*lub: limited
  671. geofront.rocks: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  672. gerv*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  673. gespe**********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  674. get****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  675. gh0st.live: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh, leth-bhreith)
  676. ghet**.****ter: limited (reason: antisemitism,hate-speech,inappropriate,racism,underage)
  677. ghett*******o.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  678. gigaohm.bio: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  679. ging****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  680. git.***.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  681. git.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  682. gitmo.life: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  683. giveu********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  684. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  685. glee.li: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  686. glindr.org: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  687. glitc*.***.**mily: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  688. globa*********.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  689. glow***.***den: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  690. glowers.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  691. gly**.**ty: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  692. gnus*****.jp: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  693. gnus*****.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  694. gnuso****.*****.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  695. go3.**te: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  696. goldandblack.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  697. goma****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  698. goo****.*og: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  699. gor*.**be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  700. gor*.*ub: limited
  701. gosus****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  702. got*.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  703. goto.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  704. goto.*****.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  705. goto.*******.band: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  706. goto.********.*oday: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  707. goto.h**********s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  708. gotoso****.*****w.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  709. gotosoc***.*******rf.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  710. goyim.social: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  711. grea*****.**deo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  712. green*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  713. green******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  714. grei***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  715. grem***.**rty: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  716. grypstu**.***********ald.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  717. gts.*.****.je: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  718. gts.****.**cks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  719. gts.*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  720. gts.*******.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  721. gts.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  722. gts.1**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  723. gts.a******.cool: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  724. gts.ap************e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  725. gts.dis************ic.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  726. gts.g*******.shop: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  727. gts.i********.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  728. gts1.*******.dk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  729. gul**.at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  730. gulp.cafe: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  731. gyoz*.****ter: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  732. h3h*.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  733. h5q.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  734. hack********.se: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  735. hae***.*et: suspended
  736. halls*******i.io: limited
  737. hand*******.io: suspended
  738. hanna******.**line: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  739. hard**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  740. harpy.faith: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  741. haru***.*ork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  742. hat*.**sa: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  743. hayu.sh: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  744. hedg****.pub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  745. hedge*********.club: limited
  746. heig**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  747. hell.twtr.plus: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  748. hell*.*****.xin: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  749. hell*****.com: limited
  750. hen***.**by: limited (reason: inappropriate,underage)
  751. hendr*******.com: limited
  752. hepb***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  753. her****.li: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  754. hex****.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  755. hidam***.******ents: limited (reason: nazism,alt-right)
  756. his**.li: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  757. hitch*****.**cial: suspended
  758. holo*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  759. home.s********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  760. hometo**.*********n.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  761. homura.space: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  762. honi.******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  763. honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  764. hoots.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  765. hps****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  766. hsjz.e***********a.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  767. huar**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  768. hub.pythia.cloud: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  769. hub.s*********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  770. hunk.city: suspended
  771. hus*.**te: limited (reason: harassment,hate-speech,racism)
  772. hya*.*nk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  773. hybrid*********e.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  774. hyp**.**fe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  775. hyper.equipment: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  776. i.c****.*om: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  777. i.transmit.love: limited (reason: Spama)
  778. ibite.lol: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  779. ic**.*e: limited
  780. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  781. idea.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  782. ifrit.g***.********dn.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  783. igno******.com: limited (reason: dos,spam)
  784. im.****.*ev: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  785. im.e*******.ovh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  786. im.m***.*ive: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  787. imas*****.*lue: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  788. imouto.exposed: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  789. imouto.pics: suspended (reason: IFTAS:CSAM)
  790. in.c*****.rip: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  791. ina**.**at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  792. ind*.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  793. indi*.*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  794. indi*****.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  795. inkspill.co: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  796. inst*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  797. inst********.pw: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  798. insta***.***ital: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  799. instagram.com: suspended (reason: Meta)
  800. inte*****.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  801. inthe****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  802. intkos.link: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  803. ip.o*******.cc: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  804. ippaita*************ey.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  805. iro****.*rg: limited
  806. is.a.****.dog: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  807. itab****.***.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  808. itmslaves.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  809. itsm*.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  810. itsnero.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  811. ix.*y: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  812. iyke.own****.*********re.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  813. jabb.in: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  814. jabb*******.moe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  815. jaeger.website: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  816. jak*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  817. james*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  818. jane*****.su: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  819. jaun******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  820. jets*****.**tch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  821. jj*.*h: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  822. jkl**.**.to: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  823. john*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  824. jollyville.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  825. jonma*****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  826. jus****.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  827. just****.xyz: limited
  828. kad***.**ve: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  829. kad***.*oe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  830. kaf**.*cu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  831. kag***.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  832. kaje****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  833. katz****.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  834. katzen*****.****z.cat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  835. kawa****.com: limited (reason: hate-associated)
  836. kazar.ma: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  837. kazu****.**.si: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  838. kemo*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  839. ken****.*om: limited
  840. kenfm.quadplay.tv: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  841. kesk*****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  842. keu***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  843. kilo****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  844. kilogram.makeup: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  845. kinb***.*lub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  846. kinky.business: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  847. kinkyelephant.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  848. kit***.**fe: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  849. kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  850. kiwi*****.net: limited
  851. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  852. kiwifarms.is: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  853. kiwifarms.pleroma.net: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  854. knowl*******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  855. kobu****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  856. kok*.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  857. kompost.cz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  858. koso***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  859. kotob*********n.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  860. kowai.youkai.town: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  861. koware*******.**y.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  862. kra*****.se: limited
  863. kri*****.lv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  864. kult*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  865. kuni*****.icu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  866. kuro****.moe: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech,racism,harassment,underage)
  867. kuroyuk********.*****ey.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  868. kuz**.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  869. ky*.**e: limited
  870. kya***.*oe: suspended
  871. la**.*a: limited (reason: hate-associated)
  872. la**.*h: limited
  873. lab-01.************et.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  874. labo.****.tk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  875. labv***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  876. lai*.*ay: limited
  877. lai***.*om: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  878. lam**.**sa: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  879. landof*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  880. lang***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  881. lapse2.o******.*********re.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  882. last******.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  883. laws*****.org: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  884. leafposter.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  885. learnin***********.social: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  886. leatherdyk.es: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  887. leb****.*et: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  888. lebensr***.*******.trade: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  889. lect***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  890. leg**.*og: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  891. lemm*.****.ee: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  892. lemm*.****.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  893. lemm*.****.pt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  894. lemm*.******.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  895. lemm*.******.se: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  896. lemmy.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  897. lemmy.************y.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  898. lemmy.**********n.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  899. lemmy.*********y.im: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  900. lemmy.*******x.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  901. lemmy.i************ax.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  902. les-carnets-d************.***********afouilles.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  903. lesser.******.****itute: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  904. letsalllovela.in: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  905. lewdieheaven.com: limited (reason: underage,inappropriate)
  906. lib**.***eo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  907. lib***.*ne: limited
  908. lib***.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  909. liber********y.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  910. liberdon.com: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, mì-fhios)
  911. libr***.*ove: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  912. libr****.**.za: limited
  913. libr*******.fr: limited
  914. libra******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  915. libre.tube: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  916. lig**.*ro: suspended (reason: alt-right)
  917. ling******.*nfo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  918. linuxrocks.online: suspended (reason: Dìth maorsainneachd)
  919. lit.t*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  920. liv*.***.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  921. live.*****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  922. live.*****.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  923. live.******.cafe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  924. live.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  925. live.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  926. live.******.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  927. live.******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  928. live.********.site: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  929. live.*********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  930. live.*********.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  931. live.**********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  932. live.********b.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  933. live.d*********e.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  934. live.e**********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  935. live.lo************.games: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  936. live.t*********w.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  937. live********.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  938. livho.****.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  939. liz***.**ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  940. log.*******.me: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  941. log.li**********to.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  942. logo******.com: limited
  943. logs.reinhart1010.id: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  944. lol*.****ch: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  945. lol*.****te: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  946. lol*.***eo: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  947. lol**.***ld: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  948. lol****.*in: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  949. lol****.*op: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  950. loli***.****ork: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  951. loli***.****ter: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  952. loli***.**cks: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  953. long***.****.my: limited
  954. lore.l***********to.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  955. lovefo*********s.com: limited
  956. lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  957. lust4****.**.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  958. lvi*.***ay: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  959. m.abu*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  960. m.and**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  961. m.b*****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  962. m.biendeo.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  963. m.co*****.*ech: suspended (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  964. m.f****.au: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  965. m.fil********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  966. m.gal********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  967. m.ge******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  968. m.ke****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  969. m.nev********.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  970. m.ni*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  971. m.o***.*et: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  972. m.pa*******.co: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  973. m.qu****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  974. m.s***.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  975. m.s****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  976. m.te****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  977. m.tp********.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  978. m.und*******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  979. m.wi*****.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  980. m.yo*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  981. m.yt***.*nfo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  982. m.z***.*yz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  983. m11.***.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  984. m12.***.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  985. m2.kr*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  986. m6*.*u: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  987. ma**.*t: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  988. macro.********.blog: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  989. mad***.*ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  990. madd**.**cks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  991. mag****.*rg: limited
  992. magn********.dk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  993. mahi*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  994. mahno.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  995. maind********v.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  996. majes*****.****orce: limited
  997. makemy**********s.com: suspended
  998. mala*******.art: limited
  999. mam***.mx: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1000. mam*****.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1001. mamosw***.****.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1002. mamu*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1003. mamut.******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1004. maps******.de: limited (reason: underage,harassment,inappropriate)
  1005. mar***.**ub: limited
  1006. marimoko.biz: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1007. mas.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1008. mas.******.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1009. mas.g*********.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1010. mas.ne*********e.day: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1011. mas*.***.is: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1012. mas*****.cf: limited
  1013. mas*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1014. mas*****.la: limited
  1015. mas*****.se: limited
  1016. mashtodon.alterracloud.com: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1017. mask****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1018. masochi.st: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1019. masse.***********sa.tk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1020. mast.****.li: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1021. mast.*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1022. mast.ohbutt.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1023. mast*.*****.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1024. mast*.*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1025. mast*.******.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1026. mast****.***.au: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1027. mast****.***.dk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1028. mast****.***.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1029. mast****.***.no: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1030. mast****.***ial: limited
  1031. mast****.***ule: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1032. mast****.bot: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1033. mast*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1034. mast*******.one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1035. maste********.*o.uk: limited
  1036. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1037. masto.****.*d.au: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1038. masto.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1039. masto.*******.chat: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1040. masto.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1041. masto.************.buzz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1042. masto.************ce.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1043. masto.*********g.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1044. masto.******m.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1045. masto***.***.**m.br: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1046. masto***.***.*e.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1047. masto***.***.ooo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1048. masto***.****.*loud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1049. masto***.****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1050. masto***.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1051. masto***.*****.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1052. masto***.*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1053. masto***.*****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1054. masto***.*****.eus: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1055. masto***.*****.fun: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1056. masto***.*****.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1057. masto***.*****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1058. masto***.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1059. masto***.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1060. masto***.******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1061. masto***.******.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1062. masto***.******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1063. masto***.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1064. masto***.******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1065. masto***.******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1066. masto***.******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1067. masto***.******b.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1068. masto***.******e.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1069. masto***.******k.gr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1070. masto***.******l.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1071. masto***.******l.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1072. masto***.******m.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1073. masto***.******n.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1074. masto***.******o.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1075. masto***.******r.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1076. masto***.*****5.tv: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1077. masto***.*****a.cz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1078. masto***.*****a.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1079. masto***.*****c.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1080. masto***.*****f.co: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1081. masto***.*****k.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1082. masto***.*****n.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1083. masto***.*****n.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1084. masto***.*****n.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1085. masto***.*****o.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1086. masto***.*****p.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1087. masto***.****a.im: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1088. masto***.****b.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1089. masto***.****e.ro: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1090. masto***.****l.ca: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1091. masto***.****land: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1092. masto***.****o.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1093. masto***.****q.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1094. masto***.***o.cz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1095. masto***.***o.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1096. masto***.***u.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1097. masto*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1098. mastobate.social: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1099. mastod**.****.**lm.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1100. mastod**.*****.*ku.hk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1101. mastod**.*****.black: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1102. mastod**.*****.tokyo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1103. mastod**.*****.world: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1104. mastod**.******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1105. mastod**.******.id.au: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1106. mastod**.*******.host: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1107. mastod**.*********.blue: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1108. mastod**.*********.casa: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1109. mastod**.*********.cool: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1110. mastod**.*********.name: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1111. mastod**.*********d.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1112. mastod**.*********l.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1113. mastod**.*********re.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1114. mastod**.*********y.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1115. mastod**.*********y.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1116. mastod**.*********y.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1117. mastod**.********2.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1118. mastod**.********en.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1119. mastod**.********er.co: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1120. mastod**.********g.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1121. mastod**.********g.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1122. mastod**.********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1123. mastod**.********r.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1124. mastod**.********s.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1125. mastod**.********t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1126. mastod**.*******04.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1127. mastod**.*******b.pro: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1128. mastod**.*******c.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1129. mastod**.*******e.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1130. mastod**.*******e.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1131. mastod**.*******k.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1132. mastod**.*******o.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1133. mastod**.*******ou.se: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1134. mastod**.*******s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1135. mastod**.*******s.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1136. mastod**.*******s.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1137. mastod**.*******t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1138. mastod**.*******t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1139. mastod**.*******ud.lu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1140. mastod**.******h.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1141. mastod**.******h.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1142. mastod**.******i.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1143. mastod**.******i.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1144. mastod**.******ig.co: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1145. mastod**.******k.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1146. mastod**.******ll.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1147. mastod**.******n.win: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1148. mastod**.******no.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1149. mastod**.******o.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1150. mastod**.******on.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1151. mastod**.******s.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1152. mastod**.******t.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1153. mastod**.******t.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1154. mastod**.******y.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1155. mastod**.******y.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1156. mastodo*.********.*igital: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1157. mastodo*.********.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1158. mastodo*.*********.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1159. mastodo*.*********.social: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1160. mastodo*.**********.gen.nz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1161. mastodo*.**********.group: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1162. mastodo*.***********.space: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1163. mastodo*.************al.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1164. mastodo*.************dge.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1165. mastodo*.************el.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1166. mastodo*.************nti.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1167. mastodo*.************ory.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1168. mastodo*.************ted.se: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1169. mastodo*.***********ast.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1170. mastodo*.***********ck.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1171. mastodo*.***********erk.de: limited
  1172. mastodo*.***********ps.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1173. mastodo*.***********rs.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1174. mastodo*.**********ab.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1175. mastodo*.**********c.site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1176. mastodo*.**********in.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1177. mastodo*.**********om.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1178. mastodo*.**********on.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1179. mastodo*.**********ru.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1180. mastodo*.**********s.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1181. mastodo*.**********se.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1182. mastodo*.**********va.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1183. mastodo*.*********e.guru: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1184. mastodo*.*********esi.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1185. mastodo*.*********ms.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1186. mastodo*.*********ro.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1187. mastodo*.*********to.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1188. mastodon-********.******lane.app: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1189. mastodon.**********.***dns.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1190. mastodon.***********.***ology.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1191. mastodon.***************.com.br: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1192. mastodon.******************e.social: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1193. mastodon.****************w.lawyer: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1194. mastodon.*************ite.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1195. mastodon.************ate.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1196. mastodon.************ecke.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1197. mastodon.adtension.com: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  1198. mastodon.popps.org: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1199. mastodon.x*************.******s937b.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1200. mastodong.lol: suspended (reason: Ionnsaighean)
  1201. mastodonhub.com: suspended (reason: Sgàthanadh chunntasan gun chead)
  1202. mastoscat.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1203. matt******.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1204. matth********.live: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1205. mb.evi***********r.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1206. md.g****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1207. mdx.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1208. me.p****.*nfo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1209. me**.*e: limited
  1210. medi****.***tos: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1211. media.*******.*adio: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1212. media.********.*du.uy: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1213. media.***********m.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1214. media.*********d.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1215. media.*********m.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1216. media*.********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1217. meet****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1218. meetbeauties.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1219. meetup.*************on.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1220. megamast.io: limited (reason: Dìth maorsainneachd)
  1221. meis****.one: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1222. melalandia.tk: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1223. melo****.run: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1224. ment**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1225. meo*.****ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1226. merci*********e.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1227. merov******.club: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1228. meta-tube.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  1229. mete*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1230. mew.**bt: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1231. mi.****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1232. mi.g****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1233. mi.i****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1234. mi.n****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1235. mi.o******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1236. mi.p*****.moe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1237. mi.p*******.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1238. mi.s*******.ga: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1239. mi.t*******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1240. mi.u*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1241. mi*.**u: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1242. mic***.*yz: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1243. mica*.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1244. micr*.***.cat: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1245. micr*.*****.al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1246. micro.********.blog: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1247. micro.b************.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1248. micro****.*****.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1249. microb***.*******e.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1250. microwor**.***********ius.org: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1251. midni***.****very: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1252. midnightride.rs: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  1253. midwa*******.com: suspended (reason: hate-associated,alt-right,anti-lgbtq)
  1254. migh*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1255. miju***.*ork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1256. miku-e*********.club: limited
  1257. mil***.**fe: limited
  1258. millc****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1259. mille********.*loud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1260. min**.**fo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1261. minc*.****ork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1262. minds.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  1263. mini***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1264. mini****.**kyo: limited
  1265. mir***.**ty: suspended (reason: hate-associated,inappropriate,underage)
  1266. mis****.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1267. mis****.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1268. miso*****.*nfo: limited
  1269. miss***.****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1270. miss***.****.to: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1271. miss*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1272. missk**.****.gift: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1273. missk**.****.icu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1274. missk**.****.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1275. missk**.****.site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1276. missk**.****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1277. missk**.*****.*orks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1278. missk**.*****.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1279. missk**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1280. missk**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1281. missk**.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1282. missk**.*****.run: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1283. missk**.******.cyou: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1284. missk**.******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1285. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1286. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1287. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1288. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1289. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1290. missk**.******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1291. missk**.******.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1292. missk**.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1293. missk**.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1294. missk**.*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1295. missk**.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1296. missk**.*******.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1297. missk**.*******a.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1298. missk**.*******n.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1299. missk**.******b.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1300. missk**.******o.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1301. missk**.*****a.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1302. missk**.*****a.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1303. missk**.*****e.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1304. misske*.*****.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1305. misske*.*****.*rg.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1306. misske*.*******.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1307. misske*.*******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1308. misske*.*******.life: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1309. misske*.*******.work: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1310. misske*.********.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1311. misske*.********.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1312. misske*.*********.work: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1313. misske*.**********.page: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1314. misske*.**********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1315. misske*.*********7.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1316. misske*.*********a.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1317. misske*.*********i.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1318. misske*.*********t.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1319. misske*.********n.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1320. misske*.********o.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1321. misske*.*******3.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1322. misske*.*******a.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1323. misske*.*******e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1324. misske*.*******k.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1325. misske*.*******m.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1326. misske*.*******o.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1327. misske**********e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1328. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: Ionnsaighean)
  1329. misskey.**.********.ac.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1330. misskey.*************d.games: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1331. misskey.************ra.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1332. misskey.ar**************.**ve-on.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1333. mk.***.af: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1334. mk.****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1335. mk.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1336. mk.l*****.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1337. mk.sh*.*******a.jp: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1338. mk.v******.*ite: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1339. mkey.*******.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1340. mn.*****.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1341. mo.*t: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1342. mo**.*o: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1343. mobi****.***lin: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1344. mobil****.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1345. mobil****.****y.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1346. mobile.co: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1347. mobili***.*******et.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1348. mobili***.******l.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1349. mobili***.******x.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1350. mobili***.*****s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1351. mobilizon.*****************bres.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1352. moch******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1353. moda*****.*lub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1354. moe.******.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1355. moet*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1356. mofm**.***fee: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1357. mofu*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1358. mogmo*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1359. mokom********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1360. mola****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1361. mon-****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1362. mona**.***ine: limited
  1363. monk.ey.business: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1364. moo*.*om: limited
  1365. moos******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1366. mor***.ch: suspended
  1367. moriy*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1368. morr**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1369. mostr.pub: suspended
  1370. mot***.**ub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1371. moto.*****nge: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1372. moto.t*********n.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1373. mous*.*****ces: suspended (reason: harassment,hate-associated)
  1374. mouth.*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1375. movies.***********er.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1376. mrha***.**rse: limited
  1377. ms**.*g: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1378. msk.****.*nfo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1379. msk.q*******.*5.si: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1380. msk.s******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1381. msky.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1382. msky.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1383. msky.**********t.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1384. msl***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1385. mst.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1386. mst.ak*********rk.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1387. mst**.***ka: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1388. mst**.**er: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1389. mst**.**ru: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1390. mst**.*cu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1391. mst**.jp: limited
  1392. mst**.md: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1393. mstd*.***.**kyo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1394. mstd*.***.pw: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1395. mstd*.****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1396. mstd*.*****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1397. mstd*.*****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1398. mstd*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1399. mstd**.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1400. mstdn.*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1401. mstdn.*****.help: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1402. mstdn.******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1403. mstdn.******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1404. mstdn.*******.tel: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1405. mstdn.********.info: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1406. mstdn.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1407. mstdn.********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1408. mstdn.*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1409. mstdn.*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1410. mstdn.************e.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1411. mstdn.**********e.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1412. mstdn.*********m.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1413. mstdn.*********s.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1414. mstdn.*******o.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1415. mstdn.******n.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1416. mstdn.foxfam.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1417. mstdn.itsnero.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1418. mstdn.m*************er.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1419. mstdn.t***********to.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1420. mstdn.x**************86p.st: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1421. mstdn*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1422. mstn.*******t.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1423. msz.***.*ar: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1424. mt.a*******.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1425. mtd.*******.at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1426. mtdn.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1427. mtdn.s*********d.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1428. mtl.***ks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1429. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1430. mulm****.***rch: limited
  1431. mus*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1432. musi*.*****.cab: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1433. music.*********.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1434. music.*********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1435. music.***********.live: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1436. music.************ss.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1437. music.g************upe.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1438. music*.******s.es: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1439. myli*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1440. myn*.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1441. mysid**********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1442. n.kd******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1443. na**.*e: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1444. naloc*****.**cial: limited
  1445. nan*.**bt: suspended (reason: Mì-ghnàthachadh)
  1446. nana*.******.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1447. nar*.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1448. narra*******.xyz: suspended
  1449. nateh******.**line: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1450. natio******.**cial: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1451. nazi.social: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1452. nba***.**ub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1453. ndrg***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1454. neb*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1455. nebu**.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1456. neckbeard.xyz: suspended
  1457. nee**.***ka: suspended
  1458. neen****.org: suspended
  1459. nega****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1460. neko****.xyz: limited
  1461. neko*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1462. nekola**.******o.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1463. nekosat.work: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh, leth-bhreith)
  1464. nekt**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1465. neomobius.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1466. neont*******.lol: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1467. ner*.****cy: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1468. nerd*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1469. net.ma***********s.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1470. net**.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1471. net****.*rg: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1472. net****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1473. netwo******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1474. neur*.****ing: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1475. nev**.*id: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1476. nev****.*ne: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1477. newjack.city: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  1478. newsk**.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1479. nexi***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1480. next.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1481. ngoa.****.*oan: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1482. nhw.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1483. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1484. nick******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1485. niederbayern.social: limited (reason: Spama)
  1486. nier-d*******.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1487. nigh*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1488. night*****.**cial: suspended
  1489. nik***.*in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1490. nite**.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1491. niu.moe: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1492. nixn**.***ial: limited
  1493. nn**.*c: limited
  1494. nnia.space: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1495. noage*******.com: suspended
  1496. noagenda.social: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1497. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1498. noaut******.**cial: suspended (reason: alt-right,hate-speech,racism,anti-lgbtq,conspiracy,harassment)
  1499. nobod*******.biz: suspended (reason: hate-speech,anti-lgbtq)
  1500. nocturn*.***********ld.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1501. noe***.pt: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1502. noeld*******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1503. nofu*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1504. nope.rodeo: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1505. nor***.**fe: limited
  1506. norm**.**yle: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1507. norr****.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1508. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  1509. nost******.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1510. not***.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1511. notb***.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1512. notret***.*****ma.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1513. novo*.***oya: limited
  1514. nowplayi**.**********edi.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1515. noz**.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1516. nrg*.*et: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1517. ns.auction: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1518. nsfw.lgbt: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1519. nsfw.social: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1520. nsfw.wnymathguy.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbheach)
  1521. nsfwphotography.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1522. null*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1523. nulli*****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1524. nuwa******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1525. nxt.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1526. nya.****ee: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1527. nya****.*om: suspended (reason: harassment,anti-lgbtq,hate-speech,nazism,racism)
  1528. nyon.**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1529. o.b**.fo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1530. obo.sh: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1531. oc.sc********.city: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1532. occu*****.**ace: limited
  1533. oco**.*oo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1534. oddballs.online: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1535. oddpr*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1536. of.r*******.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1537. off****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1538. ofl****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1539. oft.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1540. ohka*****.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1541. ohuton.*********i.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1542. okap*.****ite: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1543. omg.s*********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1544. omo**.**fo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1545. omo***.*yz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1546. onevery.ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: Bathar-bog droch-rùnach)
  1547. onio******.org: suspended
  1548. onion.ly: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1549. onion.pet: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1550. onl*****.cc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1551. online**********.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1552. onlyc*****.*egal: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1553. ooe.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1554. opay*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1555. or*.**i: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1556. orbis*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1557. organ***.***.land: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1558. ot*.*t: limited
  1559. otak******.com: limited
  1560. otr.rocks: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1561. oubl*****.*ity: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1562. ouli**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1563. ounse.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1564. our.be*********rk.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1565. out****.nl: limited
  1566. outdoor***********.space: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1567. oute****.art: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1568. outpoa.st: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1569. outs***.***.dog: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1570. ovaltu**.*******ab.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1571. ove***.**ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1572. owncas*.********b.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1573. owncast.***********o.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1574. p.g**.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1575. p.m***.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1576. p.rhi*******.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1577. p.t**.fm: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1578. pac*.*ip: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1579. pac*****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1580. pages.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1581. pajcevina.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1582. pal***.**ub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1583. pap**.wf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1584. par****.sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1585. paravielfalt.zone: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbheach)
  1586. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  1587. parsa.********.love: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1588. pas****.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1589. pasta******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1590. pate*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1591. patr***.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1592. patri********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1593. pawl*****.com: suspended
  1594. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean. Susbaint inbhich.)
  1595. pay***.*rg: limited
  1596. peal.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1597. ped*.****ol: suspended (reason: underage)
  1598. pede****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1599. peer.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1600. peer.*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1601. peer****.***.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1602. peert***.**.**udio: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1603. peert***.***.**p.tf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1604. peert***.****.cat: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1605. peert***.****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1606. peert***.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1607. peert***.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1608. peert***.******a.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1609. peert***.******b.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1610. peert***.******e.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1611. peert***.******t.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1612. peert***.****a.im: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1613. peert***.****b.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1614. peert***.****h.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1615. peert***.****l.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1616. peert***.***3.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1617. peertu**.****.*tudio: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1618. peertu**.******.*enter: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1619. peertu**.******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1620. peertu**.*********e.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1621. peertu**.*********s.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1622. peertu**.*********s.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1623. peertu**.********d.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1624. peertu**.********ng.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1625. peertu**.********t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1626. peertu**.*******a.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1627. peertu**.*******c.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1628. peertu**.*******on.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1629. peertu**.*******y.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1630. peertu**.******b.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1631. peertu**.******bs.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1632. peertu**.******cr.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1633. peertu**.******d.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1634. peertu**.******e.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1635. peertu**.******er.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1636. peertu**.******n.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1637. peertu**.******pe.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1638. peertu**.******ux.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1639. peertub*.***********re.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1640. peertub*.**********cte.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1641. peertub*.**********gel.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1642. peertub*.**********ia.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1643. peertub*.**********ng.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1644. peertub*.**********om.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1645. peertub*.*********er.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1646. peertub*.*********ik.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1647. peertube.*****.******gmaz.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1648. peertube.*******.****.gouv.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1649. peertube.*************bly.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1650. peertube.*************tute.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1651. peertube.************ates.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1652. peertube.************ght.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1653. peertube.************hey.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1654. peertube.************nion.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1655. peertube.************rum.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1656. peervideo.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1657. pei****.*rg: limited
  1658. penci*.*****.cafe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1659. pend*****.**cks: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1660. peopl*.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1661. petl****.**.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1662. pettanko.art: suspended
  1663. pfeed.ayotocorp.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1664. pff.*.****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1665. phenom***.*******l.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1666. photo*.*****.*okyo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1667. photo*.******k.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1668. photos.**************.video: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1669. photos.*********ri.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1670. photos.********n.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1671. phpa***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1672. phys***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1673. pi4l*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1674. piaz**.**day: suspended
  1675. pib**.*et: suspended (reason: underage,inappropriate)
  1676. pic.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1677. pic*.***.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1678. pic***.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1679. pics.****.gay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1680. pid***.*om: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1681. pieville.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1682. ping.t*********.space: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1683. piou****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1684. pip**.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1685. pisskey.io: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1686. pissqordia.space: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1687. pix.**.ax: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1688. pix.******.is: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1689. pix.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1690. pix.*******.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1691. pix.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1692. pix.ca*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1693. pix.g*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1694. pix.s********.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1695. pix.we************s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1696. pixe*.****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1697. pixe**.***.ai: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1698. pixe**.***.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1699. pixe****.*.st: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1700. pixel.**.*******a.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1701. pixel.*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1702. pixel.************ny.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1703. pixel.***********r.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1704. pixel.in*************aku.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1705. pixel***.*****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1706. pixel***.******t.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1707. pixel***.******x.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1708. pixel***.*****n.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1709. pixel***.****4.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1710. pixelf**.********.world: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1711. pixelf**.*********ll.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1712. pixelf**.********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1713. pixelf**.******ux.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1714. pixelfed.******.********stle.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1715. pixelfed.*******.******tion.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1716. pixels.g***************le.host: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1717. pixl*.******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1718. pkte*****.xyz: limited (reason: alt-right,conspiracy)
  1719. pl.****.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1720. pl.8*****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1721. pl.ju********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1722. pl.slash.cl: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  1723. pl.smuglo.li: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1724. pl.tkammer.de: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  1725. pl.voltrina.net: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1726. pla**.ee: suspended
  1727. plan******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1728. planetrage.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1729. play.*****.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1730. play.*********.tech: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1731. play.*******a.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1732. play.xmr.101010.pl: suspended (reason: Mealladh)
  1733. play***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1734. pler***.**.th: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1735. pler***.***.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1736. pler***.***.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1737. pler***.****.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1738. plero**.***.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1739. plero**.****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1740. plero**.****.kim: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1741. plero**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1742. plero**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1743. plero**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1744. plero**.******.icu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1745. plero**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1746. plero**.*******c.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1747. plero**.*******l.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1748. plerom*.******.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1749. plerom*.********.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1750. plerom*.*********.in.th: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1751. plerom*.**********e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1752. plerom*.**********z.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1753. plerom*.*********t.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1754. plerom*.********rt.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1755. plerom*.*******v.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1756. pleroma.*************er.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1757. pleroma.adachi.party: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1758. pleroma.cucked.me: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1759. pleroma.fun: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1760. pleroma.kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1761. pleroma.kiwifarms.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1762. pleroma.leopold.fajtak.at: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1763. pleroma.mouse.services: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1764. pleroma.narrativerry.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1765. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1766. pleroma.quietrelay.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1767. pleroma.rareome.ga: suspended (reason: Foillseachadh nithean prìobhaideach)
  1768. pleroma.salastil.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1769. pleroma.soykaf.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1770. pleroma.yorha.club: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1771. pleromer.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1772. ples******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1773. plume.a*****.*****rta.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1774. po*.*l: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1775. po0.****ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1776. poa.st: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1777. poast.org: suspended (reason: IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment)
  1778. poast.tv: suspended (reason: IFTAS:TVEC)
  1779. podhubie.vsieti.sk: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1780. podl****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1781. podl****.**deo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1782. pog*.**fe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1783. pon*.****al: limited (reason: anti-lgbtq,hate-associated,racism,underage)
  1784. pond******.co: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1785. poop*.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1786. pooper.social: suspended (reason: Bot a dh'fhoillsicheas fiosrachadh mu bhacaidhean)
  1787. popo*.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1788. pori***.*lub: limited
  1789. pork****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1790. porn*****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1791. pos*.***eo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1792. post.********t.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1793. poster.place: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1794. postin*.*******.rocks: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1795. postnstuffds.lol: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1796. posts.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1797. posts.*********ve.ie: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1798. posts.di*************ies.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1799. pou***.*et: limited
  1800. poue*.***.la: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1801. pourp******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1802. pqc***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1803. pr.a****.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1804. pr0m****.*ife: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1805. prais*.********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1806. pre**.**op: limited
  1807. prete*******.biz: limited
  1808. pri****.*ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1809. prism******.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1810. priso*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1811. priv**.***ial: limited
  1812. probablyfreespeech.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  1813. proj*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1814. proj*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1815. pros*****.**ace: suspended
  1816. prz**.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1817. pseud*********.bar: limited
  1818. psi**.co: limited
  1819. psycho*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1820. pt.***.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1821. pt.go*****.**n.nz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1822. pu**.*k: limited
  1823. pub.******.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1824. pub.*******.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1825. pub.m********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1826. publ.***.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1827. pul*.****al: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  1828. pup*.**fe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1829. pur****.*ub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1830. purpo*******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1831. pxl.***.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1832. pxl.r********r.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1833. q8ma***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1834. qa.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1835. qaf.men: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1836. qua.**me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1837. qua***.**ki: limited (reason: hate-associated,alt-right,anti-lgbtq)
  1838. quasiso****.********rr.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1839. queer*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1840. quixo**.***.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1841. qunag*.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1842. quod*****.com: suspended
  1843. qww**.*at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1844. r18.****al: suspended
  1845. racc***.**est: limited
  1846. rada.*********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1847. radio.wa*************.online: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1848. rag*.*ol: limited
  1849. rai****.*ol: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1850. raik**.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1851. rail.*******.work: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1852. railca**********t.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1853. rainbowdash.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1854. rakket.app: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1855. rally.guide: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1856. ramen****.**.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1857. rap.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1858. rap*****.st: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1859. rape.pet: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  1860. rapefe*******.**twork: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1861. rapem***.*****ions: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1862. rapem***.***ress: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1863. raplst.town: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1864. raptu**.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1865. ray**.st: suspended
  1866. rb.2snc.eu: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1867. rcso****.net: limited
  1868. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1869. read.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1870. read.*******.surf: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1871. rebe*****.*ite: suspended
  1872. rec****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1873. red.col************ra.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1874. redsnake.io: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1875. refu****.**deo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1876. refusal.biz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1877. regar***.****.pub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1878. repl.co: suspended (reason: Ionnsaighean)
  1879. repl**.****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1880. repu****.red: limited (reason: alt-right,fascism,anti-lgbtq,conspiracy,hate-speech)
  1881. resea*.*******e.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1882. respublicae.eu: limited (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  1883. ret**.id: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1884. ret*****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1885. rethin*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1886. reti*****.top: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1887. rick*.***tos: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1888. rid***.*om: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1889. rivende**.********ard.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1890. rkg*.*oe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1891. rl*.*t: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1892. ro-ma******.***o.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1893. roark.voluminum.net: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1894. robo***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1895. roc***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1896. rojogato.com: limited (reason: harassment,hate-speech)
  1897. rol***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1898. roo***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1899. rot.***es: limited (reason: underage,hate-speech,inappropriate)
  1900. roys****.**ace: limited
  1901. rrge****.*ive: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1902. rso****.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1903. rtypedbs.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spama)
  1904. ru**.*e: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1905. rubb****.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1906. ruin*******.rs: limited
  1907. rwfert******.***ns.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1908. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1909. s.a*.**mo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1910. s.co*****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1911. s.hum*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1912. s.ku******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1913. s.ne****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1914. s2.u*****.*ail: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1915. sa*.**b: suspended
  1916. sa**.*s: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1917. sai*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1918. saig*****.*you: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1919. sak*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1920. samm******.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1921. sant****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1922. sard****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1923. sato*******.de: limited
  1924. sawa***.**ace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1925. say.****.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1926. sayn***.*gbt: limited
  1927. sb1*.***ce: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1928. sca****.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1929. schn*****.de: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1930. schwa*******.xyz: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech)
  1931. scip***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1932. scit***.**deo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1933. scor**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1934. scots.network: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  1935. scr***.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1936. scr*****.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1937. scul***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1938. sea****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1939. seac**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1940. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1941. sealion.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1942. seas******.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1943. sebi****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1944. secret**********y.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1945. secu****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1946. sed*.****al: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  1947. seeed******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1948. sei****.*ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1949. seka.****.la: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1950. seka*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1951. sel**.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1952. selq.me: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1953. sensitive.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spama)
  1954. server*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1955. sha*.*pp: suspended
  1956. sha****.*rg: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1957. shabs****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1958. shado*******.info: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1959. shado*******.org: limited
  1960. shaku*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1961. shar**.*****ics: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1962. shar******.com: limited
  1963. shar*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1964. share.a************re.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1965. shef*****.pub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1966. shel***.*hat: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1967. sherlo********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1968. shigu******.club: suspended
  1969. shitasstits.life: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1970. shitp*****.*orld: limited (reason: alt-right,harassment)
  1971. shitpisscum.mooo.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1972. shitpo*****.***iness: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1973. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1974. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1975. sho**.***se: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1976. sho**.**wn: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1977. short********n.ch: suspended (reason: hate-speech,racism,antisemitism,hate-associated)
  1978. shortstackran.ch: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1979. shot*.***ial: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1980. shot*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1981. shpp*****.*lub: limited
  1982. shri*****.pw: limited
  1983. shrim*******.club: limited (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech,harassment)
  1984. sight*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1985. silli****.****rver: suspended
  1986. silverheart.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1987. sim***.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1988. sin.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1989. sist****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1990. sjtu.******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1991. ske*****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1992. skin*****.eu: suspended
  1993. skin*****.io: suspended
  1994. skin*****.uk: suspended
  1995. skinh****.**cial: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech,nazism)
  1996. skipp*******.com: suspended (reason: inappropriate,underage)
  1997. skys*****.xyz: suspended
  1998. sla**.cl: suspended
  1999. slange******.***am.as: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2000. slap.*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2001. sleepy.cafe: suspended
  2002. slo***.**at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2003. slon.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2004. slon**.*****.ru: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2005. slop*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2006. smokecircle.co: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2007. smu***.li: suspended
  2008. smuganimeavatar.xyz: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2009. smutlandia.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2010. snac*.***.st: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2011. sneak.berlin: suspended (reason: Foillseachadh nithean prìobhaideach)
  2012. snee*.***ial: suspended (reason: racism,antisemitism,fascism,hate-speech,anti-lgbtq)
  2013. snf-1921*.******.*******oud.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2014. snipe*******e.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2015. sno****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2016. sns.t********i.be: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2017. so.***.**nk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2018. so.****.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2019. so.*****.tk: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2020. soapbo*.****.****unity: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2021. soapbox.minaduki.dev: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2022. soc.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2023. soc.********.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2024. soc.********.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2025. soc.crashed.org: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2026. soc.r******.site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2027. soc.tri**********.online: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2028. soc.ua-fediland.de: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  2029. soci**.***.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2030. soci**.***.is: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2031. soci**.***.li: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2032. soci**.***.moe: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2033. soci**.***.ooo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2034. soci**.****.at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2035. soci**.****.at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2036. soci**.****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2037. soci**.****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2038. soci**.****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2039. soci**.****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2040. soci**.****.li: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2041. soci**.****.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2042. soci**.****.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2043. soci**.****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2044. soci**.****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2045. soci**.****.one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2046. soci**.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2047. soci**.****.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2048. soci**.*****.de: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2049. soci**.*****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2050. soci**.*****.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2051. soci**.*****.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2052. soci**.*****.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2053. soci**.*****.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2054. socia*.****.***site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2055. socia*.****.**udio: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2056. socia*.****.blue: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2057. socia*.****.chat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2058. socia*.****.coop: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2059. socia*.*****.*odes: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2060. socia*.*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2061. socia*.*****.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2062. socia*.*****.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2063. socia*.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2064. socia*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2065. socia*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2066. socia*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2067. socia*.*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2068. socia*.******.*arty: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2069. socia*.******.chat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2070. socia*.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2071. socia*.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2072. socia*.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2073. socia*.******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2074. socia*.******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2075. socia*.******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2076. socia*.******.fun: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2077. socia*.******.link: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2078. socia*.******.name: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2079. socia*.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2080. socia*.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2081. socia*.******.ski: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2082. socia*.******.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2083. socia*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2084. socia*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2085. socia*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2086. socia*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2087. socia*.*******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2088. socia*.*******.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2089. socia*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2090. socia*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2091. socia*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2092. socia*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2093. socia*.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2094. socia*.*******.one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2095. socia*.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2096. socia*.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2097. socia*.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2098. socia*.*******.tech: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2099. socia*.*******.wtf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2100. socia*.********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2101. socia*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2102. socia*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2103. socia*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2104. socia*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2105. socia*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2106. socia*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2107. socia*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2108. socia*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2109. socia*.********.nyc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2110. socia*.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2111. socia*.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2112. socia*.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2113. socia*.********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2114. socia*.********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2115. socia*.********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2116. socia*.********.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2117. socia*.********a.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2118. socia*.********e.ai: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2119. socia*.********h.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2120. socia*.********r.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2121. socia*.********t.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2122. socia*.*******d.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2123. socia*.*******g.sh: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2124. socia*.*******n.jp: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2125. socia*.*******s.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2126. socia*.*******s.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2127. socia*.*******t.me: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2128. socia*.*******x.ai: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2129. socia*.*******x.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2130. socia*.******a.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2131. socia*.******a.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2132. socia*.******e.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2133. socia*.******h.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2134. socia*.******k.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2135. socia*.******k.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2136. socia*.******s.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2137. socia*.******t.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2138. socia*.*****2.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2139. socia*.*****7.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2140. socia*.*****a.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2141. socia*.*****a.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2142. socia*.*****i.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2143. socia*.*****n.ws: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2144. socia*.*****o.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2145. socia*.*****r.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2146. socia*.*****s.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2147. socia*.*****s.no: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2148. social-****.********ace.pl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2149. social-******.*****eus.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2150. social-en*************.****media.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2151. social.**.********re.edu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2152. social.****.***tures: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2153. social.*****.**rg.cl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2154. social.******.**stems: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2155. social.******.**twork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2156. social.******.*ov.br: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2157. social.*******.**llege: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2158. social.*******.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2159. social.********.**.rocks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2160. social.********.link: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2161. social.********.tech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2162. social.*********.name: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2163. social.*********.space: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2164. social.**********.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2165. social.**********.link: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2166. social.**************es.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2167. social.**************ms.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2168. social.*************an.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2169. social.*************er.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2170. social.*************le.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2171. social.*************ms.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2172. social.*************pe.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2173. social.************er.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2174. social.************er.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2175. social.************rs.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2176. social.************st.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2177. social.************th.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2178. social.***********at.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2179. social.***********cy.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2180. social.***********da.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2181. social.***********gua.ge: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2182. social.***********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2183. social.***********nne.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2184. social.***********on.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2185. social.***********r.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2186. social.***********re.pl: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2187. social.***********s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2188. social.***********s.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2189. social.***********t.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2190. social.**********1.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2191. social.**********es.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2192. social.**********es.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2193. social.**********n.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2194. social.**********o.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2195. social.**********rs.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2196. social.**********s.art: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2197. social.**********s.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2198. social.**********te.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2199. social.**********x.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2200. social.**********y.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2201. social.**********y.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2202. social.*********ct.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2203. social.*********g.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2204. social.*********ik.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2205. social.*********m.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2206. social.*********n.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2207. social.*********n.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2208. social.*********r.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2209. social.*********s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2210. social.*********s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2211. social.*********s.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2212. social.*********t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2213. social.*********t.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2214. social.*********ti.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2215. social.********0.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2216. social.********87.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2217. social.********ay.im: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2218. social.********b.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2219. social.********d.one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2220. social.********ds.gr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2221. social.********fe.ru: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2222. social.********g.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2223. social.********i.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2224. social.********n.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2225. social.********re.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2226. social.********rn.in: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2227. social.********se.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2228. social.********y.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2229. social.076.ne.jp: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2230. social.12vpx.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2231. social.a****************enf.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2232. social.ancreport.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2233. social.as59715.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2234. social.bryanthomestead.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2235. social.cutefunny.net: suspended
  2236. social.denseanalysis.org: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2237. social.dirigibly.ltd: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2238. social.encryptomatic.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2239. social.getgle.org: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2240. social.guizzyordi.info: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2241. social.h*************tuut.nl: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2242. social.hidamari.blue: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2243. social.hinter.bayern: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2244. social.homunyan.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2245. social.i************.*omputer: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2246. social.i2p.rocks: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2247. social.inversamente.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2248. social.itm.osaka: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2249. social.louisoft01.moe: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  2250. social.lucci.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  2251. social.malan.family: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2252. social.masked.cloud: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2253. social.protectors.moe: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2254. social.quodverum.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2255. social.raptorengineering.io: limited (reason: Sanasachd)
  2256. social.res***************.*echnology: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2257. social.retroedge.tech: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2258. social.rucksfuchs.de: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2259. social.saghul.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2260. social.samizdatpixelpress.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2261. social.sanfranciscan.org: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2262. social.sunshinegardens.org: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2263. social.super-niche.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2264. social.t****************ili.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2265. social.targaryen.house: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2266. social.theredcaps.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2267. social.urspringer.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  2268. social.veraciousnetwork.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2269. social.wiuwiu.de: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2270. social.xcess.one: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mealladh)
  2271. socialcon**.************ital.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2272. socialgoblins.club: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2273. socnet.supes.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2274. sol*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2275. solagg.com: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  2276. solc******.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2277. solid*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2278. some.*****.*sia: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2279. someo*******.xyz: limited
  2280. someti***.****.***puter: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2281. son****.*om: suspended
  2282. sonora.************go.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2283. sop***.**fe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2284. soran**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2285. sota.*********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2286. soul****.***.pw: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2287. sound.********.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2288. sovr**.***tos: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2289. sovr**.**deo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2290. sovran.me: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2291. soy***.*om: limited
  2292. sp.k******.ru: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2293. spa***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2294. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  2295. splod**.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2296. spoil****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2297. spoj***.**rks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2298. spookygirl.boo: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2299. spoon**.*****nity: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2300. spr*****.cc: suspended (reason: alt-right,anti-lgbtq,racism,harassment)
  2301. spt.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2302. sta***.**wn: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2303. staging.*****.******.network: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2304. star***.****ork: limited
  2305. star*****.*afe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2306. star*****.*ive: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2307. startr************g.com: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  2308. stat**.*****.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2309. statu*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2310. staycur************mil.in: limited
  2311. std*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2312. stere*******.*pace: limited (reason: hate-associated,alt-right,harassment)
  2313. ston**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2314. storie*.*******.*nline: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2315. story*******s.kr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2316. str****.ca: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2317. stran*********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2318. stre*****.net: suspended (reason: hate-speech,underage)
  2319. strea*.*****.lol: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2320. strea*.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2321. strea*.*******.pub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2322. strea*.*******m.md: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2323. strea*.*******t.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2324. strea*.*****e.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2325. strea****.*****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2326. stream.*******.click: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2327. stream.**********.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2328. stream.************s.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2329. stream.**********3k.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2330. stream.********ar.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2331. stream.********us.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2332. studio*.*******9.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2333. su**.*x: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2334. subs*******.xyz: suspended
  2335. suiv**.***.ovh: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2336. suke***.*ove: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2337. sul**.**te: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2338. sun.f********.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2339. sunc****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2340. sunm****.rip: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2341. super****.**cial: limited (reason: hate-speech,racism,alt-right)
  2342. supernatural.fans: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2343. swin***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2344. sy.n****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2345. t.fr*****.im: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2346. t.joe********n.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2347. t.k*****.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2348. t.l3r.me: suspended (reason: Mealladh)
  2349. taih**.****ite: suspended
  2350. taiwan.*********h.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2351. tak***.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2352. takahe.******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2353. takahe.*************.madrid: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2354. take****.com: limited
  2355. tale.********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2356. talk.****.red: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2357. talke******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2358. talkin*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2359. tall***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2360. tasti*********.net: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq,spam)
  2361. tbs.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2362. tebu****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2363. tec*.***ld: suspended (reason: hate-associated,alt-right)
  2364. tech*****.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2365. tech*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2366. tech******.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2367. techo**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2368. ten****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2369. termin*.*********up.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2370. terr****.**ace: limited
  2371. test**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2372. tetrah*****.****ec.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2373. text.*****.*ocks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2374. text.a***********dl.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2375. textes.********.land: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2376. the***.**fe: limited
  2377. the****.*rg: suspended (reason: hate-speech,racism)
  2378. theb**.***ial: limited
  2379. thec****.*one: suspended
  2380. thechad.zone: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2381. thefo******.cafe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2382. then**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2383. then*****.*lub: suspended
  2384. theo-*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2385. thepat*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2386. thepost**************on.com: suspended
  2387. thes*****.cc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2388. thi****.*tf: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2389. thicc.horse: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2390. thoughtful.social: limited (reason: Spama)
  2391. thre**.****.rip: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2392. thre***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2393. threa******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2394. threads.net: suspended (reason: Meta)
  2395. tibu*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2396. time.*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2397. times.*******k.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2398. tine*.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2399. tini***.**rld: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2400. tka****.de: suspended
  2401. tl.x******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2402. tldr.*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2403. toddc***.***site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2404. todo*.****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2405. todo*.*****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2406. toge***.**rty: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2407. toko**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2408. too**.nu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2409. too***.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2410. too***.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2411. toot.****.gay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2412. toot.****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2413. toot.****.yt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2414. toot.*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2415. toot.*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2416. toot.******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2417. toot.******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2418. toot.******.tech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2419. toot.*******.icu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2420. toot.*******.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2421. toot.********.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2422. toot.*********.info: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2423. toot.**********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2424. toot.**********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2425. toot.********k.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2426. toot.canberrasocial.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2427. toot.k*********.name: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2428. toot.love: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2429. toot.p*********h.ing: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2430. toot.r*********0.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2431. toot.s**********.co.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2432. toots.******.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2433. toots.********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2434. toots.*********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2435. toots.*********a.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2436. tou**.me: limited
  2437. tough*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2438. tow**.*ay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2439. tpo.***ld: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2440. tran*.****.*own: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2441. trans****.**rden: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2442. tras******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2443. tro**.**fe: limited
  2444. trouth.eu: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2445. tru.*****.*ork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2446. tru*****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2447. trumpi************.life: suspended
  2448. truth******.*o.in: suspended (reason: alt-right)
  2449. truthsocial.com: suspended (reason: Dòmhnall na Trombaid)
  2450. truthsocial.st: suspended (reason: Dòmhnall na Trombaid)
  2451. tsc****.li: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2452. tsubuy***.*****3.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2453. tsum****.**rty: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2454. tt.****.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2455. tty*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2456. tub*.***.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2457. tub*.***.is: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2458. tube.***.***.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2459. tube.****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2460. tube.*****.***work: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2461. tube.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2462. tube.*****.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2463. tube.*****.nu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2464. tube.*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2465. tube.*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2466. tube.*****.sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2467. tube.*****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2468. tube.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2469. tube.******.news: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2470. tube.******.ru: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2471. tube.*******.**g.il: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2472. tube.*******.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2473. tube.*******.nz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2474. tube.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2475. tube.********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2476. tube.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2477. tube.*********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2478. tube.**********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2479. tube.**********.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2480. tube.**********e.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2481. tube.**********v.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2482. tube.*********e.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2483. tube.********d.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2484. tube.********n.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2485. tube.d***********m.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2486. tube.doc*************ics.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2487. tube.kenfm.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  2488. tube.l**********ys.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2489. tube.ni***********ant.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2490. tube.querdenken-711.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  2491. tube.s*******.*nline: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2492. tube.s**********r.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2493. tube.t*******.*gency: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2494. tul**.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2495. tummy.town: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2496. turbot***.********m.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2497. tus**.**nk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2498. tut***.**be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2499. tut***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2500. tv.a******.bg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2501. tv.far**********a.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2502. tv.pir********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2503. tv.sa**********e.ru: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2504. tv.su*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2505. tv.u*******.re: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2506. tv**.*u: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2507. twe**.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2508. tweet.********.co.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2509. tweetbridge.kogasa.de: suspended
  2510. tweets.icu: suspended
  2511. twhtv.club: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2512. twi.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  2513. twit****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2514. twitte*.*******l.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2515. twitter-bridge.cryobyte.net: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  2516. twitter.activitypub.actor: suspended (reason: Duilgheadasan teicnigeach)
  2517. twitter.kfem.cat: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  2518. twitter.toot.as: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  2519. twitter.toots.ro: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  2520. twog***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2521. twtr.plus: suspended (reason: À bith)
  2522. ty**.*l: limited
  2523. typ**.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2524. ua-f*******.de: limited
  2525. uec-*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2526. uin.l********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2527. ull.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2528. um**.*s: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2529. uma****.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2530. umbr*****.org: limited
  2531. unbo***.***ial: limited
  2532. unip**.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2533. unn***.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2534. unp*****.us: limited
  2535. unsafe.space: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2536. unx***.**rm: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2537. urchan.org: suspended
  2538. ursp******.de: limited
  2539. usual********.lol: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq,harassment,hate-speech)
  2540. utrera.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2541. uwu.****al: limited
  2542. uwu.**wn: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2543. v.e**.cc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2544. v.kret*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2545. v1.s******.nu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2546. v11-k.******.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2547. v454**.****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2548. v6*.**t: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2549. valen***.*****y.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2550. vampi******.cafe: suspended
  2551. vampire.estate: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2552. vapes*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2553. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2554. vart***.*ans: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2555. vaul****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2556. vcas****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2557. vect****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2558. ver*.****os: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2559. veri****.*oop: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2560. vid.***.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2561. vid.******.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2562. vid.pr********.**stems: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2563. vid.s*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2564. vide*.***.**oud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2565. vide*.***.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2566. vide*.***.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2567. vide*.****.no: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2568. vide*.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2569. vide*.*****.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2570. vide*.*****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2571. vide*.******.co: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2572. vide*.******.co: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2573. vide*.******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2574. vide*.******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2575. vide*.******.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2576. vide**.****.in: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2577. video.***.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2578. video.****.*z.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2579. video.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2580. video.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2581. video.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2582. video.*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2583. video.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2584. video.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2585. video.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2586. video.*********.tech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2587. video.**********.name: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2588. video.**********e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2589. video.**********y.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2590. video.*********al.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2591. video.*********ke.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2592. video.*********m.si: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2593. video.*********p.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2594. video.*********t.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2595. video.********d.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2596. video.*******4.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2597. video.*******e.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2598. video.******r.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2599. video.******s.lt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2600. video.a***********en.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2601. video.b**********.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2602. video.f*************ms.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2603. video.l***********rte.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2604. video.sof****************ierte.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2605. video.v************y.band: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2606. video.wsz***************ejsze.pl: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2607. video*.*****.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2608. video*.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2609. video*.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2610. video*.*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2611. video*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2612. video*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2613. video*.******2.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2614. video*.*****o.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2615. video*.*****y.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2616. videos.***.*******ud.lu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2617. videos.******.*erlin: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2618. videos.***********a.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2619. videos.***********on.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2620. videos.***********t.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2621. videos.***********ue.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2622. videos.**********te.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2623. videos.**********w.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2624. videos.*********re.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2625. videos.*********s.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2626. videos.*********x.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2627. videos.c***************ine.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2628. videot***.*****it.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2629. vis**.pt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2630. vladt********.com: limited
  2631. vocalfry.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2632. vods.****.*ube: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2633. voi*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2634. volun********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2635. vore.*****que: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2636. vorny-*******.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2637. vps.gl***********b.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2638. vr**.*s: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2639. vrch**.**day: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2640. vrij.social: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2641. vtg****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2642. vtube****.**cial: suspended
  2643. vulp***.*one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2644. wac**.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2645. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2646. waif****.*ife: limited
  2647. waifu.social: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2648. waifuappreciation.club: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2649. waku****.boo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2650. wakuw*********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2651. wal***.*ev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2652. walkw*****.*oday: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2653. wank.social: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2654. washingt**.************work.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2655. waskuisland.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2656. watch.****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2657. watch.******.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2658. watch.*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2659. watch.************.life: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2660. watch.w************gs.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2661. watts.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2662. wb.z********.tk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2663. wb.zh*******.*omes: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2664. we.defake.app: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2665. weather***********.*etwork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2666. webs*****.ing: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2667. webw*****.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2668. weeaboo.space: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2669. weir*****.pro: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2670. weir******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2671. wer.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2672. were.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2673. werem*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2674. westergaard.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2675. wf.f**.****ems: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2676. wf.l*******.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2677. wf.u******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2678. where*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2679. whi***.**wn: limited (reason: hate-associated,anti-lgbtq,racism)
  2680. whin**.**use: limited
  2681. whit******.dog: limited (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech,inappropriate,racism,underage)
  2682. wide****.org: limited (reason: anti-lgbtq,harassment,hate-associated,racism)
  2683. wiki-tube.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  2684. wiki******.org: limited
  2685. winds*****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2686. wintermute.fr.to: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  2687. wir****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2688. wire****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2689. wisd******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2690. wise***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2691. wist****.*afe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2692. withbrains.com: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  2693. wjla******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2694. wmd.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2695. wolf****.bar: suspended (reason: harassment,hate-speech,antisemitism,racism)
  2696. woll**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2697. woof.group: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2698. woofer.alfter.us: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2699. workers.dev: suspended (reason: Lìonra bhotaichean)
  2700. wri*.**ve: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2701. wri**.bz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2702. writ*.*****.pl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2703. writ*****.is: limited
  2704. writ******.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2705. write.*****.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2706. write.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2707. write.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2708. write.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2709. write.********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2710. write.*********e.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2711. write.******a.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2712. write.i*************.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2713. writef*****.*****n.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2714. writin*.*********.me.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2715. writing*.***********me.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2716. wrongthink.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2717. www.******.*ube: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2718. www.******.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2719. www.******.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2720. www.f*********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2721. www.g*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2722. www.k*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2723. www.kale*************ger.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2724. www.la************a.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2725. www.mypr***************rney.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2726. www.p*********e.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2727. www.ps*********.tech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2728. www.r**********a.tv: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2729. wxw.moe: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2730. wyrm.******.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2731. wyrm.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2732. x.**.*a: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2733. x.ice*****.**ffee: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2734. xmrp*****.*lub: limited
  2735. xn--br-***.*********ly.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2736. xn--l********t.is: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2737. xn--p1a****.******asehdb: suspended
  2738. xn--y9a******.****y9a3aq: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2739. xz.*c: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2740. yab**.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2741. yaky****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2742. yap.***.*oo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2743. yasai********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2744. yes***.*et: limited
  2745. yggdr****.**cial: suspended (reason: hate-speech,anti-lgbtq)
  2746. yiff.life: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2747. ymsk*.*****.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2748. you**.**ve: suspended (reason: antisemitism,antivax,inappropriate,underage)
  2749. youkai.town: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2750. your-****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2751. yuga.surf: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  2752. zan*.**ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2753. zerohack.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2754. zhu*.**nk: suspended
  2755. zitid**.******m.cc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2756. znajom*.********i.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2757. zoomer.photography: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2758. zztails.gay: limited (reason: alt-right,hate-speech,racism)
  2759. zztails.online: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2760. zztails.wtf: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 3035 statuses, 207 logins, 4 registrations)
S: 174
L: 18
R: 1
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R: 0
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R: 0
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L: 19
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S: 571
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S: 43
L: 13
R: 3
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
11/26/24, 2:33:31 AM UTC11/27/24, 2:15:14 AM UTC11/28/24, 3:12:40 AM UTC11/29/24, 3:09:37 AM UTC11/30/24, 3:26:54 AM UTC12/1/24, 2:26:17 AM UTC12/2/24, 4:03:56 AM UTC12/3/24, 3:59:22 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 707/708 (99.86%)