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Languages Chinese (zh)
Users 3,844
Active users (last month) 331
Active users (last six months) 5,518
Characters per post (max) 1,984
Known instances 26,825
First sight Apr 29, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Feb 10, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.4.0-250117(CST+8)+Xajh
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) superbowl, silentsunday, tvduell, eggcornamovieorplay, OWL, owls, superbowlsunday, kanzlerduell, lifewithoutinternetanything, superbowls
Short description
The time is gone, the story is over, thought we'd something more to say.
Long description
fAiry.iD is a corner of the vast decentralized federal universe, there is no mandatory topic here, but I hope you will find scientists, engineers, philosophers, musicians, literary scholars, painters, and connect with like-minded people in the federal universe.

We accept and welcome friends from other languages, although most of the active users of this site live in Asia, and the media content is mainly in Chinese.

fAiry.iD pledges to follow the Mastodon 'Server Covenant', in addition to our own moderation 'Server Rules'.All are welcome here!

This site does not use large CDN services such as Cloudflare, which effectively reduces the risk of MITM attacks.





嘟文 1984 字數上限(1984 Word limit),你可以用焦點調整你的圖片的縮略圖。也可以使用自定義的表情符號,把東西藏在警告標籤(CW)後面,並選擇誰才能看到你的發言。
本站不使用 Cloudflare 等大型 CDN 服務,有效降低 MITM 攻擊帶來的風險。

  • 圖片與媒體大小限制上限 20MB/100MB (Expanded maximum image and media size limits respectively)
  • 媒體分辨率上限 3840×2160 (Image resolution enhancement)
  • 投票上限允許最大 10 個候選框 (The voting limit allows for a maximum of 10 candidate boxes)
  • 已開啓 全文搜索 功能(Enabled full text search function)
  • 支援翻譯功能(DeepL translate support)
  • 在 Mastodon 默認主題的基礎上進行了樣式修改以及增加了一些可用的另類主題(Modified Mastodon theme CSS style)
  • 使用 Noto Sans Display / 霞鶩文楷 / 夢源宋體 字型(Introduction of third party fonts)
Instance rules
  1. 重拾關注的力量。作爲私人的個體來到一起,形成公衆!
  2. 色情或暴力媒體內容必須標註爲敏感或內容警告,个人资料图片和标题图片不得包含色情或暴力内容,零容忍兒童色情。
  3. 無任何形式的歧視(包括種族主義、性別歧視、仇視同性戀、仇視變性人、仇外心理、種姓歧視、能力歧視等)
  4. 不得煽動暴力或宣揚暴力意識形態。
  5. 不得骚扰、回避封禁、诽谤或攻击他人,禁止张贴他人的私人个人信息。
  6. 切勿分享衆所周知的虛假和誤導性信息。
  7. 引用 TA 人所創造的內容時必須註明來源,並且必須主動表明是否使用了人工智能。
  8. 這裡不歡迎商業廣告、服務推廣和搜索引擎優化消息。宣傳自己的作品除外!
  9. 自由傳播,自由批評,自由信,自由不信。好好說話!
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. aipub.social: limitation
  2. bolha.us: suspension
  3. eu.mastodon.green: suspension
  4. infosec.exchange: suspension
  5. killer.academy: limitation
  6. mastodon.green: suspension
  7. mastodon.raykoworld.com: suspension
  8. mastodonsweden.se: limitation
  9. mytter.jp: suspension
  10. orchard.social: limitation
  11. privacysafe.social: limitation
  12. ravearizona.club: suspension
  13. social.sp-codes.de: limitation
Admin account xoyo@fairy.id
Date of creation Feb 10, 2022 UTC
Display name 特異人士
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 12676 statuses, 2333 logins, 140 registrations)
S: 1248
L: 255
R: 25
S: 1196
L: 273
R: 42
S: 1150
L: 203
R: 4
S: 964
L: 198
R: 4
S: 1198
L: 231
R: 42
S: 791
L: 180
R: 0
S: 955
L: 191
R: 0
S: 988
L: 186
R: 3
S: 1222
L: 180
R: 5
S: 1427
L: 196
R: 6
S: 1476
L: 194
R: 8
S: 61
L: 46
R: 1
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/3/25, 3:13:31 AM UTC2/4/25, 2:17:51 AM UTC2/5/25, 4:03:32 AM UTC2/6/25, 3:45:17 AM UTC2/7/25, 2:34:08 AM UTC2/8/25, 3:48:50 AM UTC2/9/25, 3:46:06 AM UTC2/10/25, 2:17:58 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 896/901 (99.45%)