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Languages English (en)
Users 9
Active users (last month) 6
Active users (last six months) 9
Characters per post (max) 5,000
Known instances 5,450
First sight Dec 26, 2024 UTC
Last successful check Feb 11, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.3+glitch
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) trans, News, gaza, writing, democracy, watercolor, Android, space, environment
Short description
Floofy and gay is a mastodon server that is meant to be a safe space for furrys that are apart of the LGBTQ+ community
Long description
Floofy and gay is a mastodon server that is meant to be a safe space for furrys that are apart of the LGBTQ+ community

We do not respond to takedown requests from Russia and China

liberapay.com liberapay.com liberapay.com
Instance rules
  1. AI art is not allowed at all
  2. You must be 18+ to join
  3. No cubs/lolis in NSFW art
  4. No lolis at all
  5. Charging back donations is grounds for a ban
  6. Lewd content must at the bare minimum have a CW
  7. Credit other people's artwork
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 076.ne.jp: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  2. 13bells.com: suspended
  3. 1611.social: suspended (reason: hate-associated, anti-lgbtq, hate-speech)
  4. 5dollah.click: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-associated, racism)
  5. 9yo.punipoka.pink: suspended
  6. abraham.su: suspended (reason: Go fuck yourself. NAZIs and racism)
  7. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended
  8. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: dos, harassment, spam)
  9. adachi.party: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated, hate-speech, racism)
  10. aethy.com: suspended (reason: smells like a disguised pedo server)
  11. ai.wiki: suspended (reason: Your instance is geared around breaking my server's rules)
  12. alterracloud.com: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech)
  13. annihilation.social: limited (reason: hate-speech, harassment, hate-associated)
  14. ap.invalid: suspended
  15. asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-associated, anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, racism, underage)
  16. ating.pres: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: Known Pedophile Instance)
  17. bae.st: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism)
  18. banepo.st: suspended (reason: hate-associated, antivax, harassment)
  19. baraag.net: limited (reason: hate-associated, inappropriate, underage)
  20. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated)
  21. berserker.town: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, fascism)
  22. bird.makeup: suspended (reason: bots, twitter)
  23. birdsite.tcjc.uk: suspended
  24. birdsite.wilde.cloud: suspended
  25. blob.cat: suspended (reason: harassment, porn)
  26. boingo00.wtf: suspended (reason: Go fuck yourself. NAZIs and racism)
  27. boymoder.biz: suspended (reason: hate-associated, harassment, hate-speech, racism, underage)
  28. breastmilk.club: suspended (reason: racism, anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-associated, hate-speech)
  29. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: conspiracy)
  30. bungle.online: suspended (reason: hate-associated, racism)
  31. cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  32. cannibal.cafe: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  33. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech)
  34. childlove.space: suspended
  35. childlove.su: suspended (reason: underage)
  36. childlove.top: suspended (reason: Nazi pedo's see https://hub.thefurpack.eu/@Raccoon@techhub.social/113494743621571428)
  37. chode.pics: suspended (reason: Hate Speech / Harassment: slurs and rape threats on public timeline, rejects incoming deletes. See https://toot.lgbt/@ellesaurus/113080023742266065)
  38. chudbuds.lol: suspended
  39. clew.lol: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, hate-associated)
  40. clubcyberia.co: suspended (reason: hate-speech, harassment, racism)
  41. collapsitarian.io: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-associated)
  42. contrapointsfan.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech)
  43. cottoncandy.cafe: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: "pro-contact MAP" instance, see https://labyrinth.zone/objects/b8b76b87-ce2a-41ce-ad3f-43b5b871e242)
  44. cryptodon.lol: suspended (reason: crypto)
  45. cub.lol: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: see https://labyrinth.zone/objects/52ee14dc-3173-423a-9539-0aacc3a84627)
  46. cubfucker.pro: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: Admin self-reports that these are Cub instances, see https://techhub.social/@Raccoon/113329823969799310)
  47. cubsex.lol: suspended (reason: Furry csam)
  48. cum.camp: suspended (reason: harassment, inappropriate)
  49. cum.salon: suspended (reason: hate-speech, porn)
  50. cunnyborea.space: suspended (reason: antisemitism, hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, underage)
  51. cunnyborea.top: suspended (reason: hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, spam, underage)
  52. cunnyfu.cc: suspended (reason: Pedo)
  53. cutefunny.net: suspended (reason: hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, spam, underage)
  54. cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated, spam)
  55. cyberpunk.lol: suspended (reason: Mutual defedation. Email us when you've decided you can think before you let your emotions talk)
  56. cyberstorm.one: suspended (reason: hate-speech, nazism, alt-right)
  57. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism, hate-associated)
  58. defense-psychotronics.com: suspended (reason: Hate Speech / Harassment: Eugenicist admin. see https://toot.lgbt/@ellesaurus/113311716874527310)
  59. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-speech, racism)
  60. eientei.org: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  61. eveningzoo.club: suspended (reason: Go fuck yourself)
  62. ey.business: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: Known Pedophile Instance)
  63. federated.fun: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech)
  64. fediverse-lite.com: suspended (reason: Hate Speech / Harassment, Misinformation: only visible user posts bigotry, blocklist calls queer instances "Degenerate" See https://techhub.social/@Raccoon/113200151634323291)
  65. fediverse.pl: limited (reason: Server primarily speaks a different language other than English)
  66. feministwiki.org: suspended (reason: Hate Speech / Harassment: feminism-appropriating transphobes / neonazis, see https://enby.life/notes/9yk54rjd8k)
  67. fightthis.net: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  68. filly.love: suspended (reason: Furry csam)
  69. fluf.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech)
  70. fr13nd5.com: suspended
  71. freak.university: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  72. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: hate-speech, conspiracy, misinformation)
  73. freecumextremist.com: suspended
  74. freesoftwareextremist.com: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-associated, hate-speech)
  75. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: hate-speech)
  76. frennet.xyz: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech)
  77. fsebugoutzone.org: suspended (reason: Go fuck yourself. NAZIs and racism)
  78. gab.ai: suspended
  79. gab.com: suspended
  80. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: bots, hate-speech, racism)
  81. gearlandia.haus: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, racism, alt-right)
  82. gegenstimme.tv: suspended
  83. genderheretics.xyz: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech)
  84. geofront.rocks: suspended (reason: racism, hate-speech, nazism)
  85. ghetti.monster: suspended (reason: antisemitism, hate-speech, racism, underage)
  86. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq)
  87. glee.li: suspended (reason: harassment, racism, hate-speech)
  88. glindr.org: suspended
  89. good.news: suspended (reason: Undisclosed Twitter relay)
  90. goyim.social: suspended (reason: Go fuck yourself. NAZIs and racism)
  91. h5q.net: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate, porn)
  92. hentai.baby: suspended (reason: underage)
  93. hidamari.apartments: suspended (reason: nazism, alt-right)
  94. hunk.city: suspended
  95. husk.site: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, racism)
  96. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated, nazism)
  97. ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: dos, spam)
  98. imouto.exposed: suspended
  99. imouto.pics: suspended
  100. intkos.link: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, antisemitism)
  101. inumimi.love: suspended (reason: Pedo server)
  102. kawa-kun.com: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  103. kbin.cafe: suspended
  104. kids.0px.io: suspended
  105. kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  106. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: harassment, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, racism)
  107. kiwifarms.is: suspended
  108. kompost.cz: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, nazism, racism)
  109. kurosawa.moe: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, racism, harassment, underage)
  110. lain.la: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  111. lawsocial.org: suspended
  112. leafposter.club: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated)
  113. lewd.dad: suspended (reason: Ban evasion cunnyfu.cc)
  114. lewdieheaven.com: suspended (reason: underage)
  115. liberdon.com: suspended
  116. ligma.pro: suspended (reason: alt-right)
  117. loli.church: suspended
  118. loli.rodeo: suspended (reason: CSAM and NAZI shit)
  119. lolicon.monster: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: "Lolicon" in URL, see https://enby.life/notes/9xz94ut467)
  120. lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: hate-speech, underage)
  121. lolison.network: suspended (reason: underage)
  122. lolison.top: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  123. lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated, nazism, racism)
  124. m.corduba.tech: suspended
  125. m.n1l.dev: suspended
  126. map-and-yap.club: suspended (reason: Ban evasion cubsex.lol)
  127. map.mom: suspended (reason: Ban evasion cunnyfu.cc)
  128. mapsupport.de: suspended (reason: Pedo)
  129. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: bots, harassment)
  130. merovingian.club: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, hate-speech)
  131. mesugaki.xyz: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: see https://toot.lgbt/@ellesaurus/113045414680886551)
  132. midwaytrades.com: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right, anti-lgbtq)
  133. minor.cafe: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: Pedophiles actively trying to attract minors, see https://toot.lgbt/@ellesaurus/113155071410124120)
  134. mirr0r.city: suspended (reason: hate-associated, underage)
  135. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: dos, spam)
  136. misskey.io: suspended (reason: Targeted harassment)
  137. mostr.pub: suspended
  138. mouse.services: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated)
  139. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: Go fuck yourself. NAZIs and racism)
  140. natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: fascism, hate-speech, racism)
  141. nationalist.social: suspended (reason: hate-speech, nazism, racism, alt-right)
  142. nazi.social: suspended
  143. neckbeard.xyz: suspended
  144. neomobius.com: suspended
  145. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: NAZIs and racism)
  146. ninetail.club: suspended (reason: Ban evasion cunnyfu.cc)
  147. nnia.space: suspended (reason: alt-right, underage)
  148. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right)
  149. noagendasocial.nl: suspended (reason: Hate Speech / Harassment: see NoAgenda.Social (FediNuked))
  150. noagendatube.com: suspended (reason: Hate Speech / Harassment: see NoAgenda.Social (FediNuked))
  151. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: Not properly moderated. Racism and NAZIs)
  152. nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech)
  153. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, racism, anti-lgbtq, nazism)
  154. novoa.nagoya: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, racism, antisemitism, harassment)
  155. nyanide.com: suspended (reason: Go fuck yourself. NAZIs and racism)
  156. obo.sh: suspended (reason: underage, alt-right)
  157. oddballs.online: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  158. outcast.zip: suspended (reason: Ban evasion cunnyfu.cc)
  159. outpoa.st: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism)
  160. paravielfalt.zone: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  161. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: Racism and NAZIs)
  162. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: CSAM spam/Pedos)
  163. pedo.school: suspended (reason: underage)
  164. pettanko.art: suspended
  165. pibvt.net: suspended (reason: underage)
  166. pieville.net: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, nazism)
  167. pisskey.io: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated)
  168. pkteerium.xyz: suspended (reason: alt-right, conspiracy)
  169. poa.st: suspended (reason: Racism and NAZIs)
  170. poast.org: suspended
  171. poast.tv: suspended
  172. pone.social: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, racism, underage)
  173. pooper.social: suspended
  174. poster.place: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, racism, alt-right, hate-associated, nazism)
  175. pravda.me: suspended
  176. puls.social: suspended
  177. puppyspace.cc: suspended (reason: Maps aka pedos)
  178. quanta.wiki: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right, anti-lgbtq)
  179. rakket.app: suspended
  180. rape.pet: suspended (reason: Furry csam)
  181. rapemeat.express: suspended
  182. rapemeat.solutions: suspended (reason: hate-speech, inappropriate, underage)
  183. rayci.st: suspended (reason: Hate Speech / Harassment: URL is literally "racist" (FediNuked))
  184. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-speech, racism)
  185. refusal.biz: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, inappropriate, underage)
  186. repl.co: suspended (reason: dos, spam)
  187. republic.red: suspended (reason: alt-right, fascism, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, hate-speech)
  188. rojogato.com: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech)
  189. rot.gives: suspended (reason: underage, hate-speech)
  190. rqd2.net: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: Known Pedophile Instance)
  191. ru: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
  192. ryona.agency: limited (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq)
  193. schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended (reason: Go fuck yourself. NAZIs and racism)
  194. scots.network: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech)
  195. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: Go fuck yourself. NAZIs and racism)
  196. seda.social: suspended
  197. sharke*.******.***tures: suspended (reason: Ban evasion cubsex.lol)
  198. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: alt-right, harassment, hate-speech, racism)
  199. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: alt-right, harassment)
  200. shitposter.world: suspended (reason: alt-right, harassment)
  201. shortstackran.ch: suspended
  202. shortstacksran.ch: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, antisemitism, hate-associated)
  203. shota.house: suspended (reason: alt-right, underage)
  204. shrimpposter.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, harassment)
  205. sinblr.com: limited
  206. skinheads.social: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, nazism)
  207. skippers-bin.com: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  208. sleepy.cafe: suspended
  209. sneed.social: suspended (reason: racism, antisemitism, fascism, hate-speech, anti-lgbtq)
  210. solagg.com: suspended
  211. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq)
  212. springbo.cc: suspended (reason: alt-right, anti-lgbtq, racism, harassment)
  213. startrekshitposting.com: suspended
  214. stereophonic.space: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right, harassment)
  215. strelizia.net: suspended (reason: hate-speech, underage)
  216. su: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
  217. supernets.social: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism)
  218. tastingtraffic.net: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, spam)
  219. tech.lgbt: suspended (reason: Owner block Block evading and personally emailing users to evade blocks)
  220. teci.world: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right)
  221. theblab.org: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  222. threads.net: suspended (reason: I would say suck my dick Zuck but you would probably give me aids)
  223. tickler.cc: suspended
  224. tor.observer: limited (reason: Block Evasion Relay: Onion Tunnel for Websites, reportedly used for Pedo instances)
  225. truthsocial.co.in: suspended (reason: alt-right)
  226. tummy.town: suspended (reason: Pedophilia / Lolicon: "Tummy.town is an LGBTQ+, queer, MAP, zoo, biasto, necro, etc. friendly pleroma instance" see https://fediblock.ing/@fediblock/statuses/01HKQZ7GPAATT8CYE00MZEXTEM)
  227. twi.social: suspended
  228. usasa.ky: suspended
  229. usualsuspects.lol: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-speech)
  230. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, racism)
  231. wank.social: limited (reason: Absurd amounts of NSFW content)
  232. whinge.town: suspended (reason: hate-associated, anti-lgbtq, racism)
  233. white-flix.com: suspended (reason: Hate Speech / Harassment: White Supremacist Peertube Instance. see https://toot.lgbt/@ellesaurus/113385563164913074)
  234. whitewomen.dog: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, racism, underage)
  235. wideboys.org: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-associated, racism)
  236. wolfgirl.bar: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, antisemitism, racism)
  237. xn--80asehdb: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
  238. xscape.club: suspended
  239. yggdrasil.social: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq)
  240. youjo.love: suspended (reason: antisemitism, antivax, underage, inappropriate)
  241. zztails.gay: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism)
  242. дети: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
  243. москва: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
  244. онлайн: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
  245. орг: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
  246. рус: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
  247. рф: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
  248. сайт: suspended (reason: Great deal of spam and don't speak the primary language of our server)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Date of creation Jan 22, 2025 UTC
Display name Cozy Critters Society
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 608 statuses, 29 logins, 9 registrations)
S: 0
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S: 104
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R: 1
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R: 1
S: 117
L: 4
R: 1
S: 44
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R: 1
S: 115
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R: 0
S: 1
L: 3
R: 1
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/4/25, 3:15:27 AM UTC2/5/25, 2:35:29 AM UTC2/6/25, 3:57:11 AM UTC2/7/25, 2:47:47 AM UTC2/8/25, 2:20:21 AM UTC2/9/25, 4:13:04 AM UTC2/10/25, 3:10:19 AM UTC2/11/25, 4:12:05 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 48/48 (100%)