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Languages English (en)
Users 3
Active users (last month) 2
Active users (last six months) 2
Characters per post (max) 2,500
Known instances 7,611
First sight Oct 1, 2024 UTC
Last successful check Feb 10, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.4.0-nightly.2025-01-05+chuckya
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) caturday, superbowl
Short description
Personal Mastodon instance for Meghadeep Roy Chowdhury, and his fur babies. Running the emoji reaction enabled Chuckya fork of Mastodon Glitch-Soc.
Long description
Personal Mastodon instance for Meghadeep Roy Chowdhury, and his fur babies.

This instance runs the emoji reaction enabled Chuckya fork of Mastodon Glitch-Soc maintained by the amazing @chuckya@wetdry.world.

The container image used to run this specific instance is maintained by @roy@meghadeep.social.
Instance rules
  1. Be Meghadeep Roy Chowdhury, or his pets (his fur babies, not the other kind).
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 076.**.jp: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  2. 161*.****al: suspended (reason: hate-associated, anti-lgbtq, hate-speech)
  3. 5dol***.**ick: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-associated, racism)
  4. activi*********ll.cf: suspended (reason: dos, harassment, spam)
  5. adac**.**rty: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated, hate-speech, racism)
  6. aet**.*om: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  7. ai.wiki: suspended (reason: Unmoderated spam and illegal trades)
  8. annih*******.**cial: suspended (reason: hate-speech, harassment, hate-associated)
  9. asbe****.*afe: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-associated, anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, racism, underage)
  10. bae.st: suspended (reason: Hate speech, racism, violence)
  11. ban***.st: suspended (reason: hate-associated, antivax, harassment)
  12. bar***.*et: suspended (reason: underage, hate-associated, inappropriate)
  13. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: Hate speech, racism, violence)
  14. bers*****.*own: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, fascism)
  15. bir*.****up: suspended (reason: twitter, bots)
  16. blo*.*at: suspended (reason: harassment, porn)
  17. brea******.*lub: suspended (reason: racism, anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-associated, hate-speech)
  18. brigh****.**cial: suspended (reason: conspiracy)
  19. bsl.sid500.com: suspended (reason: Twitter scraper creating account mirrors)
  20. bung**.***ine: suspended (reason: hate-associated, racism)
  21. cac****.*yz: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  22. cann****.*afe: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  23. chickenfan.club: suspended (reason: Violent extremism)
  24. chil*****.**ace: suspended (reason: CSAM)
  25. chil*****.su: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  26. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: Highly offensive and violent hate speech instance)
  27. cle*.*ol: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, hate-associated)
  28. club*******.co: suspended (reason: hate-speech, harassment, racism)
  29. colla********n.io: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-associated)
  30. contra*********.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech)
  31. cryp*****.lol: suspended (reason: crypto)
  32. cum.**mp: suspended (reason: harassment, inappropriate)
  33. cum.salon: suspended (reason: Almost exclusively an instance for posting porn)
  34. cunnyborea.top: suspended (reason: Spam campaign)
  35. cute*****.net: suspended (reason: spam, hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, underage)
  36. cybe******.one: suspended (reason: hate-speech, nazism, alt-right)
  37. cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: Hate speech, racism, violence)
  38. deca*****.ink: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism, hate-associated)
  39. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: Supports/tolerates hate speech)
  40. dhivehinoos.net: suspended (reason: Admin (sole user) is homophobic who spreads fringe conspiracy theories)
  41. educhat.social: suspended (reason: Spam campaign)
  42. eie****.*rg: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  43. even******.*lub: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, antisemitism, conspiracy, fascism, racism)
  44. fede*****.fun: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech)
  45. fedi.cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: Hate speech, racism, violence)
  46. figh*****.net: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  47. fluf.club: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  48. fr13nd5.com: suspended (reason: Unmoderated homophobia)
  49. fre****.*yz: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech)
  50. freak.university: suspended (reason: Hate speech, racism, violence)
  51. freea*******.com: suspended (reason: conspiracy, hate-speech, misinformation)
  52. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: Almost exclusively an instance for posting porn)
  53. freesof************st.com: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-associated, hate-speech)
  54. freesp************t.com: suspended (reason: hate-speech)
  55. fro**.**ne: suspended (reason: bots, hate-associated)
  56. g0v.social: suspended (reason: Unmoderated spam)
  57. gamel******.club: suspended (reason: bots, hate-speech, racism)
  58. gear******.*aus: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, racism, alt-right)
  59. gende*********.xyz: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech)
  60. geof****.**cks: suspended (reason: racism, hate-speech, nazism)
  61. ghet**.****ter: suspended (reason: antisemitism, hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, underage)
  62. girlcock.club: suspended (reason: Almost exclusively an instance for posting porn)
  63. gl**.*i: suspended (reason: harassment, racism, hate-speech)
  64. glea*******.com: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq)
  65. h5*.**t: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate, porn)
  66. hen***.**by: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  67. hidam***.******ents: suspended (reason: nazism, alt-right)
  68. hus*.**te: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, racism)
  69. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  70. igno******.com: suspended (reason: dos, spam)
  71. int***.**nk: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, antisemitism)
  72. kawa****.com: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  73. kitsu******.club: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  74. kiwi*****.cc: suspended (reason: harassment, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, racism)
  75. kom****.cz: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, nazism, racism)
  76. kuro****.moe: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, racism, harassment, underage)
  77. leaf******.*lub: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated)
  78. lewdi*******.com: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  79. lig**.*ro: suspended (reason: alt-right)
  80. lol****.*op: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  81. loli***.****ork: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  82. loli***.**cks: suspended (reason: underage, hate-speech)
  83. loving**********s.net: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated, nazism, racism)
  84. maps******.de: suspended (reason: underage, harassment, inappropriate)
  85. masochi.st: suspended (reason: Unmoderated racism and hate speech)
  86. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: Bypasses blocks and makes all toots public without consent)
  87. mastodon-swiss.org: suspended (reason: Spam campaign)
  88. merov******.club: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, hate-speech)
  89. milker.cafe: suspended (reason: An instance dedicated to bots that posts anime porn)
  90. mir***.**ty: suspended (reason: hate-associated, inappropriate, underage)
  91. missk**********b.cf: suspended (reason: dos, spam)
  92. misskey.cloud: suspended (reason: Unmoderated spam)
  93. misskey.gg: suspended (reason: Unmoderated anime spam)
  94. misskey.io: suspended (reason: Unmoderated spam)
  95. moar.cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: An instance dedicated to bots that posts anime porn)
  96. moe.social: suspended (reason: An instance dedicated to anime porn)
  97. monads.online: suspended (reason: Violent extremism)
  98. mous*.*****ces: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated)
  99. mugi***.*lub: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  100. nateh******.**line: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, fascism)
  101. nicec***.***ital: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, racism)
  102. nni*.***ce: suspended (reason: alt-right, underage)
  103. noage*********.com: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right)
  104. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: An instance dedicated to extremism, hate crime, and calls for violence)
  105. nobod*******.biz: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq)
  106. norw*******.net: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, racism, anti-lgbtq, nazism)
  107. nya****.*om: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, racism, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, nazism)
  108. ob*.*h: suspended (reason: underage, alt-right, inappropriate)
  109. oddb****.***ine: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  110. out***.st: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism)
  111. paw**.*et: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  112. ped*.****ol: suspended (reason: underage)
  113. pib**.*et: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  114. piev****.net: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, nazism)
  115. pis****.io: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated)
  116. pkte*****.xyz: suspended (reason: alt-right, conspiracy)
  117. pleroma.someotherguy.xyz: suspended (reason: Homophobic admin posting homophobic content)
  118. poa.st: suspended (reason: Unmoderated spam and other nonsense)
  119. pon*.****al: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, racism, underage)
  120. poster.place: suspended (reason: Highly offensive content)
  121. posting.lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  122. qua***.**ki: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right, anti-lgbtq)
  123. rap*.*et: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  124. rapem***.*****ions: suspended (reason: hate-speech, inappropriate, underage)
  125. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: Unmoderated racism)
  126. re**.*o: suspended (reason: dos, spam)
  127. ref****.*iz: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, inappropriate, underage)
  128. repu****.red: suspended (reason: alt-right, fascism, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, hate-speech)
  129. rojo****.com: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech)
  130. rot.***es: suspended (reason: underage, hate-speech, inappropriate)
  131. ruhrpott.social: suspended (reason: Spam campaign)
  132. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: Unmoderated racism)
  133. schwa*******.xyz: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech)
  134. scot*.****ork: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech)
  135. sea*.**fe: suspended (reason: racism, anti-lgbtq, harassment, alt-right, antisemitism, hate-associated, hate-speech)
  136. shit****.**oud: suspended (reason: alt-right, harassment, hate-speech, racism)
  137. shit******.*lub: suspended (reason: alt-right, harassment)
  138. sho**.***se: suspended (reason: alt-right, underage, inappropriate)
  139. short********n.ch: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, antisemitism, hate-associated)
  140. shortstackran.ch: suspended (reason: Racism promoted by admin)
  141. shrim*******.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, harassment)
  142. skinh****.**cial: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, nazism)
  143. skipp*******.com: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  144. snee*.***ial: suspended (reason: racism, antisemitism, fascism, hate-speech, anti-lgbtq)
  145. social.********y.net: suspended (reason: CSAM)
  146. spin****.xyz: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq)
  147. spr*****.cc: suspended (reason: alt-right, anti-lgbtq, racism, harassment)
  148. stere*******.*pace: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right, harassment)
  149. stre*****.net: suspended (reason: hate-speech, underage)
  150. submarin.online: suspended (reason: Unmoderated spam)
  151. super****.**cial: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, alt-right)
  152. tasti*********.net: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, spam)
  153. team.matechan.com: suspended (reason: Unmoderated spam)
  154. tec*.***ld: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right)
  155. threads.net: suspended (reason: Built by a convicted pedophile and white supremacist: Zuck (no fact checking needed))
  156. troll.cafe: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  157. truthsocial.co.in: suspended (reason: Hate speech, racism, violence)
  158. usual********.lol: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-speech)
  159. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: Admin uses hate speech)
  160. whi***.**wn: suspended (reason: hate-associated, anti-lgbtq, racism)
  161. wide****.org: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-associated, racism)
  162. wolf****.bar: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, antisemitism, racism)
  163. yggdrasil.social: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  164. you**.**ve: suspended (reason: antisemitism, antivax, inappropriate, underage)
  165. zztails.gay: suspended (reason: Unmoderated NSFW content without content warning)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Admin account roy@meghadeep.social
Date of creation Sep 12, 2024 UTC
Display name Meghadeep Roy Chowdhury :moopsy: :verified_trekkie: :verified_d…
To quote Jeff Geerling, "I cosplay as a sysadmin".

Personal account, so my (somewhat left-leaning) opinions should be taken as they are, someone's personal opinions on the internet.

My personal blog is federated at @blog, where I post long form content on anything that interests me (or irritates me).

Follow my rescue baby at @hutom.

Rest in peace, @deanna. You lived a short, yet profound life, little baby.

All my posts are are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 :cc: :ccby: :ccsa: (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.en).
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 6 statuses, 2 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 0
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S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
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S: 0
L: 0
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S: 1
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R: 0
S: 5
L: 1
R: 0
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L: 0
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/3/25, 4:29:20 AM UTC2/4/25, 2:54:25 AM UTC2/5/25, 3:29:02 AM UTC2/6/25, 2:45:26 AM UTC2/7/25, 3:44:28 AM UTC2/8/25, 2:20:25 AM UTC2/9/25, 3:56:59 AM UTC2/10/25, 3:54:30 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 131/137 (95.62%)