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Languages English (en)
Users 10
Active users (last month) 4
Active users (last six months) 6
Characters per post (max) 5,000
Known instances 21,234
First sight Dec 9, 2020 UTC
Last successful check Feb 11, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.4.0-alpha.1+glitch
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, and also according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) silentsunday
Short description
Personal server for trans moms <3
Long description
New members

If you want an account at transmom.love I’ll make one for you if:

  1. I (@elilla) know who you are personally, and
  2. You feel like 'trans mom' applies to you in any way (not necessarily as a literal childcarer).

Benefits of using a masto account here:

  • generous limits for toot length/profile fields/etc.
  • will add emojos upon request, just DM me (large blobcat curation already)
  • will block on sight, just DM me (large blocklist already)
  • glitch-soc features (https://glitch-soc.github.io/docs/ )
  • blazing fast thanks to my loving benefactress
Instance rules
  1. No fash.
  2. No liberalism. No libertarians, no neolibs, no apologia of capitalism or free markets.
  3. No terfs, no swerfs.
  4. No racism. No white fragility or tone policing either.
  5. CWs go for text too, not just images.
  6. Caption all images and media. If it's exhausting a very brief caption (ex: "photo of me smiling") is ok.
  7. CW content not for screenreaders. Things like emoji spam, custom emoji fonts, Unicode fake typography. Screenreaders get unpleasant reading those aloud.
  8. CW non-vegan stuff. All forms of animal abuse including food and end products (leather etc.) have to be behind a CW.
  9. CW sexual content.
  10. Defederation is good. No free speech discourse / fash enabling allowed.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. *.10minutepleroma.com: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: “Enter a subdomain to access a Pleroma server for up to 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the server will be permanently destroyed.” Obviously no moderation is possible because the instances are short-lived. Made by Alex Gleason (the admin of gleasonator.com) who made it clear that he is okay with racist and antisemitic slurs. If you use Pleroma, you need to block all sub-domains of the domain. In Mastodon, it's enough to block the top-level domain. Tags: free speech,harassment,nazism,fascism,antisemitism,racism)
  2. 101010.pl: suspended (reason: freeze peach)
  3. 10minutepleroma.com: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: “Enter a subdomain to access a Pleroma server for up to 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the server will be permanently destroyed.” Obviously no moderation is possible because the instances are short-lived. Made by Alex Gleason (the admin of gleasonator.com) who made it clear that he is okay with racist and antisemitic slurs. If you use Pleroma, you need to block all sub-domains of the domain. In Mastodon, it's enough to block the top-level domain. Tags: freespeech,harassment,nazism,fascism,antisemitism,racism)
  4. 13bells.com: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  5. 2.distsn.org: suspended
  6. 2ar.xyz: suspended
  7. 2hu.club: suspended
  8. 4qq.org: limited (reason: freeze peach)
  9. 7.62x54r.ru: suspended
  10. 80percent.social: suspended
  11. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended
  12. alive.bar: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Nazi images and swastikas were still not deleted 3 weeks after they were reported. Tags: nazism)
  13. animalliberation.social: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Is run by Alex Gleason, who also runs gleasonator.com. Tags: freespeech,racism,antisemitism,transmisia)
  14. anime.website: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin says: “i don't block any instances/users on the basis of politics, opinion, or even if theyre just a [slur]”. Registrations are open, no instances are blocked. Racist slurs are not moderated. Tags: racism,homomisia,freespeech)
  15. anitwitter.moe: suspended
  16. annihilation.social: suspended (reason: fash scum)
  17. antivaxxer.icu: suspended
  18. ap.uwu.st: suspended
  19. app.kenhbit.com: suspended
  20. asimon.org: suspended
  21. aspirant.de: suspended (reason: blocked preventively; one user is abuser/griefer, channer-style racism/transmisia/etc. went unchecked; admin posts covid scepticism; bad behaviour towards me and another user; empty about page)
  22. aus.social: suspended (reason: https://nitecrew.rip/@extinct/109373187383755901 transmisia)
  23. awakari.com: suspended (reason: scraper selling data)
  24. bae.st: suspended
  25. bajax.us: suspended
  26. banana.dog: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Slurs in instance rules. Tags: racism,homomisia)
  27. baraag.net: suspended
  28. based.directory: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: "In support of free speech and routing around censorship. Seeding supressed content and sharing bandwidth with other likewise minded instances" * American Renaissance: white nationalists * Martin Sellner: identitarian movement * Black Pigeon Speaks: alt-right/extreme right website * and so on ... Tags: nationalists,identitarian,freespeech)
  29. beefyboys.club: suspended
  30. beehub.org: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  31. berserker.town: suspended
  32. bigchungus.theautisticinvestors.quest: suspended
  33. bitcoinhackers.org: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Libertarian freezepeach instance, has no public admin, rules, or accountability. Admin tried to federate with gab, and otherwise opening itself to the alt right who are leaving twitter. No COC, “This is a free speech safe-space”. Tags: alt-right,free speech)
  34. bittube.video: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: “BitTube emphasizes free speech, fairness and unrestricted monetization across the board.” and “No terms for now.”. Tags: freespeech)
  35. boymoder.biz: suspended (reason: channer bullshit, edgy ableism from admins, bad vibes)
  36. brasileiros.social: suspended (reason: thinly veiled bolsonarista nest. has a birdsite mirror for the archfucker himself, admin boosts from it.)
  37. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Fans of Donald Trump. Conspiracy ideologies in the terms of use and about page: Antifa = terrorist, fact checking trump is “radical left-wing propaganda”. Tags: trump,fascism,freespeech,conspiracyideology)
  38. buildthatwallandmakeamericagreatagain.trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Trump fans, admin is a racist. Tags: racism,trump,fascism)
  39. bwzone.xyz: suspended
  40. cannibal.cafe: suspended
  41. cassilda.house: suspended
  42. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Moderator is a racist. Tags: racism)
  43. cdrom.tokyo: suspended
  44. censorship.icu: suspended
  45. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: pepe fash, grommer discourse, brigaded this server)
  46. chungus.cc: suspended
  47. club.darknight-coffee.org: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: self-proclaiming free speech 3-user-instance whos admin is fine with promoting the far-right AfD party (germany) and more far-right authors like Birgit Kelle and Tichy. no rules against hatespeech. Mit „Genderwahn“ wird überwiegend die sichtbarmachung von nicht-männern, vor allem in der sprache bezeichnet. Wie zum beispiel Bauarbeiter*innen oder BauerbeiterInnen statt Bauarbeiter. Tags: transmisia,freespeech)
  48. clubcyberia.co: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: admin shows up in your replies in order to harass, racist, transphobic Tags: homomisia,transmisia,reply guy,racism)
  49. cofe.moe: suspended
  50. comm.network: suspended
  51. community.highlandarrow.com: suspended
  52. comp.lain.la: suspended (reason: hosts too many transphobes and channers, admin is anti-blocklist)
  53. counter.fedi.live: suspended
  54. counter.social: suspended
  55. cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: cringe channer nerds)
  56. cyberfuck.club: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: One of the moderators is a “free speech” advocate, a user is named “MysteryN*r”. Tags: freespeech,racism)
  57. daishouri.moe: suspended
  58. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: user dogpiled us, unclear rules, timeline is full of fash scum)
  59. degenerates.fail: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Openly advertises racism and transmisia on the frontpage. Admin posts racist memes. Tags: racism,transmisia)
  60. degooglization.icu: suspended
  61. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: transphobia and racism)
  62. devtube.dev-wiki.de: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Hosts large amount of german covid-19 denier videos ("Querdenken").[0, first screenshot] The instance is run by ggc-project.de, where @nipos@social.avareborn.de is the admin.[1,2] Nipos likes the conspiracy theory movement "Querdenken"[3] and conspiracy theorist KenFM[4], but he hates public broadcasting and say's it's "Staatsfunk"[5], which implies that the german state decides what ARD and ZDF have to say. Nipos also reposts Querdenken stuff himself[6, second screenshot]. So you could say that the admin of this instance is a classic conspiracy theory believer. Tags: covid-denial,querdenken,conspiracy)
  63. dingdash.com: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  64. disqordia.space: suspended
  65. djsumdog.com: suspended
  66. dobbs.town: suspended
  67. ediot.social: suspended
  68. egirls.gay: suspended
  69. eientei.org: suspended (reason: racism)
  70. expired.mentality.rip: suspended
  71. explosion.party: suspended
  72. fans.sonichu.com: suspended (reason: pepe fash, grommer discourse, brigaded this server)
  73. fe.disroot.org: limited (reason: local TL is replies to users on trash instances)
  74. fedi.absturztau.be: suspended (reason: admin opposes blocklists, "politicisation of the platform". instance federates with rage.lol &c.)
  75. fedi.jmizzle.com: suspended
  76. fedi.pawlicker.com: suspended (reason: kiwifarms)
  77. feminism.lgbt: suspended
  78. fiume.club: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The instance admin reported themself. they wrote: “put me on your f***ot list, gay re****ed nerd n***er” Tags: fascism,racism,nazism,freespeech,homomisia,ableism,antisemitism)
  79. flauschig.social: suspended
  80. fluf.club: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: FSE, kiwifarms adjacent, single user instance uses blockpolicy which sends a dm to anyone(from an instance that federates blocks) that has blocked a user from this instance Tags: free speech,blockpolicy,ableism,transmisia)
  81. freak.university: suspended
  82. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: trumpism)
  83. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: ableist slurs, lolis, toxic behaviour)
  84. freedomofpress.rocks: suspended (reason: frozen peaches, racism, rightwingery)
  85. freehold.earth: suspended
  86. freemarketbastard.theburning.world: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Hatespeech agains other people in the Fediverse. Tags: hatespeech,homomisia)
  87. freesoftwareextremist.com: suspended (reason: fuckwads)
  88. freespeech.firedragonstudios.com: suspended
  89. freespeech.group: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin is "pro free speech", gaslights in bio by saying that "if you block her or her instance, you are a transphobe". Also owns freethinkers.host and freethinkers.lgbt which already are on this list. Tags: freespeech,gaslighting)
  90. freespeech.host: suspended
  91. freespeech.icu: suspended
  92. freespeechextremist.com: suspended
  93. freethinkers.host: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin is “pro free speech” and writes in her bio: “If you block me or my instance you are a transphobe.”. Tags: freespeech,gaslighting)
  94. freethinkers.lgbt: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin is “pro free speech” and writes in her bio: “If you block me or my instance you are a transphobe.”. Tags: freespeech,gaslighting)
  95. freezepeach.xyz: suspended
  96. frennet.link: suspended (reason: fash scum)
  97. friends.nico: suspended
  98. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: freeze peaches, loli fans, admin loves pedophilia jokes)
  99. gasthe.lgbt: suspended
  100. gearlandia.haus: suspended
  101. genderheretics.xyz: suspended (reason: pepe fash, grommer discourse, brigaded this server)
  102. genitalia.observer: suspended
  103. gitmo.life: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: "GITMO.LIFE Free Speech Social Network". A lot of former Parler users. Admin shares conspiracy myths. Tags: freespeech,far right,trump,conspiracism)
  104. gleasonator.com: suspended
  105. glowers.club: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  106. godspeed.moe: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: this seems to be a personal instance, and the person in question seems really awful. they also seem friendly with neckbeard.xyz users, which is in fediblock as well. Tags: antisemitism,ableism)
  107. goldandblack.xyz: suspended
  108. gorf.pub: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Open registrations, no CoC/ToS. Quotes from the admin: “No porn but all else is welcome.”, “Jews are evil”. Uses homomisic slurs and wishes for doctors performing transition surgeries or abortions to get arrested. Tags: freespeech,transmisia,misogyny,homomisia,antisemitism)
  109. goyim.app: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Self-report. Tags: racism)
  110. gs.archae.me: suspended
  111. gs.kawa-kun.com: suspended
  112. gs.mon5t3r.info: suspended
  113. gs.smuglo.li: suspended
  114. hakui.club: suspended
  115. hallsofamenti.io: suspended (reason: free spech trumpian instance, uses gitmo.life logo, hosted people trying to harass trans women.)
  116. helladoge.com: suspended (reason: cryptoshit)
  117. hentai.baby: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin here. I'm reporting my kodocon instance because people should feel free to block kodocon content as they feel fit. Tags: kodocon,lolicon,shotacon)
  118. hitchhiker.social: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin endorses racist slurs, is a reply-guy, writes misogynic slurs, talks to people with the nazi flag in their name, is fond of racist jokes. Tags: racism,reply-guy,misogyny)
  119. homura.space: suspended
  120. hunk.city: suspended
  121. husk.site: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  122. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin uses transmisic, racist and antisemitic slurs; spreads conspiracy ideologies. Tags: transmisia,racism,antisemitism,conspiracy)
  123. ika.moe: suspended
  124. itmslaves.com: suspended
  125. jabb.in: suspended
  126. jojo.singleuser.club: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: a single user instance hosted by @p (who is a disgusting racist and freespeechextremist.com admin) and operated by a nazi going under the alias of @jojo Jojo himself has extremely close relations to many racists and bigots, and he himself is known for spamming disturbing porn without even including proper trigger warnings. Tags: racism,fascism)
  127. journa.host: suspended (reason: https://kitty.town/@June/109372707136444226 transmisia)
  128. karolat.press: suspended
  129. katiehopkinspolitical.icu: suspended
  130. kawaiistu.moe: suspended
  131. kisslolis.moe: suspended
  132. kitsunes.gay: suspended
  133. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: scum)
  134. kneegrows.top: suspended
  135. kosmos.social: suspended (reason: https://cathode.church/@moderation/107913359561281451)
  136. kowai.youkai.town: suspended
  137. kyot.me: suspended
  138. kys.moe: suspended
  139. lab.nyanide.com: suspended (reason: pleroma fuckwads)
  140. lain.com: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The admin of lain.com uses homomisic and ableist slurs. Tags: homomisia,ableism)
  141. lain.sh: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin is a racist. Tags: racism)
  142. leafposter.club: suspended
  143. liberdon.com: suspended
  144. libertarianism.club: suspended
  145. libre.video: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: libre.video, a #peertube instance with awful freeze-peach energy and which hosts far right content. according to their about page, they are not "interested in censoring you for political or philosophical views" and they "champion free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online." Tags: free speech)
  146. ligma.pro: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin announced to build an archive spider for the Fediverse with spoofed User-Agent header. Harasses people who block them, intentional misgendering. Tags: archiving,harassment,transmisia,ableism)
  147. loli.estate: suspended
  148. loli.pizza: suspended
  149. lolis.world: suspended
  150. lolison.top: suspended (reason: pro-irl pedophilia)
  151. loveforlandlords.com: suspended
  152. lush.moe,lc.imexile.moe: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: LUSH is a Mastodon instance dedicated to sharing underage anime pornography (also known as lolicon¹ or shotacon depending on whether the subjects are girls or boys, although sometimes both genders appear in a single image). Originally premiered on July 2020 under the domain name lc.imexile.moe, it switched to the domain lush.moe by the end of September 2020; lc.imexile.moe now redirects to lush.moe. The first two receipts/screenshots are of the homepage (about) and the expanded description page (about/more); the third receipt/screenshot (manually censored by me because of its NSFW nature) is of the instance admin’s profile page which has an explicit, uncensored banner featuring underage girls (lolis) with microbikini clothing (except for one girl who has her panty lowered, exposing her butt). ¹ See Wikipedia-link in receipts. Tags: loli,shota)
  153. manx.social: suspended
  154. masochi.st: suspended
  155. mastertibbles.co.uk: suspended (reason: freeze peach)
  156. masthead.social: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Instance looks legit for journalists but is not moderated, seemingly free for all registrations. Hosts several QAnon accounts. Recently a big german covid denialist has made his home here and has amassed several hundred followers. Instance is administrated (runs on latest release of Mastodon) but admin does only react on reports after pressured. Tags: no moderation,conspiracism,transmisia)
  157. mastodon.cesium.pw: suspended (reason: no rules, bad vibes)
  158. mastodon.city: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Mastodon.city is a Norwegian alt-right instance that pushes fake news through their Norwegian propaganda blog[2] as well as linking to other fake news articles (for example [3] and to a Norwegian alt-right propaganda machine called Resett (as seen here [4]). In addition, they are also attempting to spread covid denialism ([5]). Tags: alt-right,fake news,covid denialism)
  159. mastodon.derveni.org: suspended (reason: https://x0r.be/@carcinopithecus/108010240531842563)
  160. mastodon.green: suspended (reason: racism and whatnot)
  161. mastodon.loliandstuff.moe: suspended
  162. mastodon.online: suspended
  163. mastodon.scot: suspended (reason: ACAB)
  164. mastodon.social: suspended
  165. melalandia.tk: suspended
  166. memehub.eu: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Small instance without any rules against hate-speech etc. Admin posts hitler-memes and memes where woman gets slapped in the the face ( Tags: nazism,freespeech)
  167. meta-tube.de: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: mirrors large amount of German CoVid19 denier videos (Querdenken) is the peertube instance of the conspiracy site https://meta-news.de/ Tags: conspiracy,covid-denial)
  168. midnightride.rs: suspended (reason: admins are transmisic fuckboys)
  169. minidisc.tokyo: suspended
  170. mirr0r.city: suspended (reason: admin self-ids as pedophile, instance accepts nazis)
  171. mk.absturztau.be: suspended (reason: see absturztau.be)
  172. mobile.co: suspended
  173. mobile.tmediatech.io: suspended
  174. monads.online: suspended
  175. monk.ey.business: suspended
  176. mst.vsta.org: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  177. mstdn.jp: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Nazi images were still not deleted 3 weeks after they were reported. Tags: nazism)
  178. mstdn.starnix.network: suspended (reason: freeze peach / anti-defederation server; harboring fashos who spammed us with anti-semitism)
  179. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: pepe fash, grommer discourse, brigaded this server)
  180. mulmeyun.church: suspended
  181. music.pawoo.net: suspended
  182. natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: fash)
  183. natehiggers.org: suspended (reason: racism)
  184. nationalist.social: suspended (reason: fash scum)
  185. nazi.social: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: I think I don't need to explain why, but anyways, nazism, swastikas everywhere, "free speech". Tags: nazism,fascism)
  186. neckbeard.xyz: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: “We support free speech”; They don't moderate nazis. Tags: freespeech,nazism,fascism,antisemitism)
  187. nerdica.net: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  188. netzsphaere.xyz: suspended (reason: empty pleroma, toxicity and brigading from user)
  189. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: pepe fash, grommer discourse, brigaded this server)
  190. niu.moe: suspended
  191. nnia.space: suspended
  192. noagenda.social: suspended
  193. NoAgenda.social,noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: They are already on everybody's block list because of the cross-platform harassment of @CreatrixTiara in the early days of Mastodon, but they also are into conspiracy theories which are low-key anti-Semitic. Their podcast is also doing covid conspiracies. Tags: anti-semitic racism)
  194. noagendasocial.com: suspended
  195. noc.social: suspended
  196. not.phrack.fyi: suspended
  197. notbird.site: suspended (reason: compromised)
  198. npf.mlpol.net: suspended
  199. nyanide.com: suspended (reason: pleroma fuckwads)
  200. oursocialism.today: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The admin is named "national socialism". They published a video (receipt 2) claiming “National Socialism […] was Left Wing Socialist in creed”. Another video (receipt 3) is blatant capitalist propaganda. Tags: nazism,trump,free speech,disinformation,capitalism)
  201. p.bilb.info: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  202. p.mr64.net: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  203. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: transmisia)
  204. pawoo.net: suspended
  205. paypig.org: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: No code of conduct, seemingly unmoderated, free use of racist, homophobic terms and strong suggestions of antisemitism. Tags: racism,homophobia,antisemitism,unmoderated)
  206. pedo.school: suspended
  207. peertube.sharivegas.com: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: This instance currently has a single peer, video.nobodyhasthe.biz which is an openly nazi instance hosting holocaust denial content as well as apology of nazi ideology Tags: rightwing,nazism,holocaust denial)
  208. pieville.net: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The members of this instance openly call themselves nazis. Even just a brief glance at the local timeline reveals plenty of racist and antisemitic content. The admin posts and boosts antisemitic, racist, transmisic, homomisic, ableist posts. Tags: racism,nazism,freespeech,antisemitism,transmisia,homomisia,ableism)
  209. pl.anon-kenkai.com: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The instance admin reported himself with the attached screenshot. He wrote: “The entire server is so chock full of smut, racism, and worse, that it absolutely deserves to be placed on this list.”. I have found no evidence of nazism but I trust the admin's own assessment. Tags: freespeech,lolicon,racism,nazism,homomisia,misogyny)
  210. pl.craftplacer.moe: suspended
  211. pl.i2p.rocks: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The admin used the word "faggot". Tags: homomisia)
  212. pl.info.natehiggers.online: suspended
  213. pl.kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: pepe fash, grommer discourse, brigaded this server)
  214. pl.slash.cl: suspended
  215. pl.smoothbrain.top: suspended
  216. pl.smuglo.li: suspended
  217. pl.smuglo.li,pl.smugloli.net: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin posts racist and transmisic slurs. smugloli.net is a fallback-domain. Other domains they may fall back to are smug.nepu.moe and bhm5koavobq353j54qichcvzr6uhtri6x4bjjy4xkybgvxkzuslzcqid.onion. See <https://smuglo.li/fallback.txt>. Tags: racism,transmisia)
  218. pl.thj.no: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin of the instance makes fun of the Holocaust Tags: antisemitism)
  219. pl.valkyrie.world: suspended (reason: hosting toxic users, homomisia, brigading)
  220. pl.wysteriary.art: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Hi, I would like to put my instance on the fediblock list. While my instance is quite young (indeed, that is how I like them), I was still disappointed to see that no one had bothered to give me a place on it. Hopefully you can fix that for me, thank you. Tags: lolicon)
  221. plandemic.icu: suspended
  222. pler.spearman.xyz: suspended (reason: admin profile is racist caricature, misgenders, ableist slurs everywhere)
  223. pleroma.cucked.me: suspended
  224. pleroma.elementality.org: suspended (reason: no rules, bad actors reported)
  225. pleroma.freespeech.host: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  226. pleroma.kitsunemimi.club: suspended
  227. pleroma.mouse.services: suspended (reason: transmisic/bad actor admins)
  228. pleroma.narrativerry.xyz: suspended
  229. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin posted a picture of Joseph Goebbels with the caption “OUR PATIENCE HAS ITS LIMITS” in response to Nickelodeon searching for trans and non-binary actors. Tags: nazism,transmisia)
  230. pleroma.rareome.ga: suspended
  231. pleroma.runfox.tk: suspended
  232. pleroma.soykaf.com: suspended
  233. pleroma.us: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin is named after Donald Trump, has a Gab account (“NAZI“), e-mail address is “rape@gamergate.us”, uses racist and homomisic slurs. Tags: trump,nazism,fascism,racism,homomisia)
  234. pleroma.wolfie.pw: suspended (reason: admin frozen peaches)
  235. pleroma.xmanifesto.club: suspended (reason: racism, religious prejudice, edginess etc.)
  236. pleroma.yorha.club: suspended
  237. poa.st: suspended
  238. podcastindex.social: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  239. political.icu: suspended
  240. pone.social: suspended (reason: https://cathode.church/@moderation/109373957492384283 freeze peach, anti-moderation)
  241. posting.lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Really bad language. N word, T word. Blatant antisemitism. Gaslighting. All of this from an admin. https://posting.lolicon.rocks/s8n Tags: racism,nazism,antisemitism,conspiracism,alt-right,lolicon,lookism,transmisia,fascism)
  242. povertypimps.xyz: suspended
  243. preteengirls.biz: suspended
  244. pridelands.io: suspended
  245. projectveritas.icu: suspended
  246. pt.pube.tk: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: homomisic / homophobic terms of service, reading: "No homosexual content (figuratively and literally)." Tags: homomisia)
  247. qoto.org: suspended (reason: Freeze peach instance)
  248. quanta.wiki: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: quanta.wiki, short for QAnon Taskforce wiki, is a project by Clay Ferguson. Ferguson used to have an account on the rightwing QAnon instance "social.teci.world", where he claims that mainstream media (MSM) were a PsyOps tool against the people. From his current account on noagendasocial, he claims that quanta.wiki is what should become the alternative platform Donald Trump wants to build. Putting all of this together, it is certain that the large Q in the logo stands for the "Q" of "QAnon". Tags: qanon,freespeech,rightwing,trump)
  249. rage.lol: suspended
  250. rainbowdash.net: suspended
  251. rakket.app: suspended (reason: https://godforsaken.website/@alex/106845808451589524)
  252. rape.pet: suspended
  253. rapefeminists.network: suspended
  254. rapemeat.express: suspended
  255. rats-at.work: suspended (reason: Federates with lot's of bad instances, admin is friends with disqordia admin.)
  256. rayn.bo: suspended (reason: frozen peaches)
  257. rdrama.cc: suspended
  258. rino.icu: suspended
  259. rojogato.com: suspended (reason: Racism & Transphobia)
  260. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: owner is self-identified racist, antisemite, misogynist, trans hater etc. dogpilers.)
  261. santsenques.cat: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The conversation from the first hyperlink, machine translated: A: Semitic capitalism kills. B: man, what this? what do you mean ? A: Well, it is very crystalline and diaphanous, Jewish capitalism kills people, I hope it has clarified your doubts At the time of this writing, the user is the only one who posted public posts for the last week. It is probably the admin. The original post was deleted by the user and reposted without image. Tags: antisemitism)
  262. sayit.world: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin spreads misinformation about COVID pandemic, and posts transmisic stuff. From about page: "I created this site because I was fed up with places like Twitter and their tyrannical censorship. If we want to live in a world where free speech exists, then we cannot continue supporting corporations that are trying to stomp us out." Tags: conspiracism,covid denial,transmisia,free speech)
  263. sealion.club: suspended
  264. seo.chat: suspended
  265. seocommunity.social: suspended
  266. shitasstits.life: suspended
  267. shitposter.club: suspended
  268. shortstackran.ch: suspended
  269. shota.house: suspended (reason: racism)
  270. shredderfood.com: suspended
  271. silkhe.art: suspended
  272. skins.gay: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Skins.gay is a neonazi mastodon instance. Its admin is @volition@skins.gay which follows people using common Neonazi symbols like the black sun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sun_(symbol) and the state flag of germany of the time before 1935. Since Swastika-flags are prohibited in Germany, this flag is commonly used instead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Nazi_Germany#Origins https://skins.gay/@volition/105176786292892686 shows two kissing men, but the tshirt contains the logo of blood and honour and combat18 which are neo nazi terrorist organizations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_18 https://skins.gay/about/more says it is part of the german skinhead network, which uses the state flag of germany from before 1935 again as recognition symbol. https://deutsches.skinheads.network/auth/sign_in Tags: neonazi,fascist)
  273. sleepy.cafe: suspended
  274. sneed.shop: suspended
  275. sneed.social: suspended
  276. soc.ua-fediland.de: suspended (reason: Ukrainian fascists, banderists, Azov, homophobia, nazis. follow req and dogpile on queer people in mass. admins play disingenous then shows homophobia, banderism etc.)
  277. social.076.ne.jp: suspended (reason: cringe edgelord nazi dweebs)
  278. social.allthefallen.ninja: suspended
  279. social.ancreport.com: suspended
  280. social.au2pb.net: suspended
  281. social.beepboop.ga: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: One of the 2 users of this instance embraces racist, homomisic and fatphobic slurs. Tags: racism,homomisia,lookism)
  282. social.bund.de: suspended
  283. social.getgle.org: suspended
  284. social.guizzyordi.info: suspended
  285. social.handholding.io: suspended
  286. social.heldscal.la: suspended
  287. social.here.blue: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  288. social.hidamari.blue: suspended
  289. social.homunyan.com: suspended
  290. social.i2p.rocks: suspended
  291. social.librem.one: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  292. social.louisoft01.moe: suspended
  293. social.lovingexpressions.net: suspended
  294. social.lucci.xyz: suspended
  295. social.quodverum.com: suspended
  296. social.raptorengineering.io: suspended
  297. social.redxen.eu: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The admin uses homomisic and racist slurs. Tags: homomisia,antisemitism,racism)
  298. social.sunshinegardens.org: suspended
  299. social.super-niche.club: suspended
  300. social.targaryen.house: suspended (reason: frozen peaches. claims to accept valyrian but no posts in valyrian in practice, v disappointing)
  301. social.teci.world: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: "The Empowered Citizen Initiative" is an initiative that wants to provide technical help for the so-called "Great Awakening". That is a concept part of the rightwing conspiracy QAnon myth. The main site teci.world is full of QAnon dog whistles like "The Great Awakening Began in 2017 It is part of all of us now!" They also publish a so-called user guide which goes full QAnon playbook: "A User's Guide to The Great Awakening is designed to help citizens make sense of the new civilization that is being created by a combination of President Donald Trump, U.S. military/military intelligence, other world leaders, and citizens worldwide." The Pleroma instance itself has a freespeach policy. Because "Hurting someone's feelings" won't get you banned. They also have a Gab account and use Soapbox (from Alex Gleason) as frontend Tags: freespeach,rightwing,qanon,soapbox,trump)
  302. social.uden.ai: suspended
  303. social.urspringer.de: suspended (reason: covid denialists, including admin)
  304. social.wiuwiu.de: suspended
  305. societal.co: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: “We champion free speech”. Tags: freespeech)
  306. socnet.supes.com: suspended
  307. solagg.com: suspended
  308. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Tons of TERF content. Tags: terf)
  309. springbo.cc: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The admin is spouting racism and transmisia. Tags: racism,transmisia)
  310. stop.voring.me: suspended (reason: capitalist fucks)
  311. strelizia.net: suspended (reason: https://goblin.camp/@umalkosh/107876517554865063)
  312. strm.natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: fash)
  313. strm.natehiggers.org: suspended (reason: racism)
  314. stupid.moe: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin uses ableist and homosic slurs. Transmisic misinformation. Tags: ableism,transmisia,homomisia)
  315. sunshinegardens.org: suspended
  316. takesama.com: suspended (reason: harvest bots)
  317. taprlight.com: suspended (reason: admin free spech stan for Parler case)
  318. tcode.kenfm.de: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Wikipedia article of KenFM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KenFM Ken Jebsen is known for conspiracy theories and antisemitism positions. Tags: conspiracism,racism,covid denial)
  319. thechad.zone: suspended
  320. thecitadel.social: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Self-report. Instance is an effort to de-centralize the bitcoin social space away from bitcoinhackers.org, an instance already on this list. Admin gives zero fucks about policing content beyond crypto scams and ambiguous appeals to "common sense" . Tags: freespeech)
  321. thecitizen.icu: suspended
  322. theduran.icu: suspended
  323. thejoyo.com: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  324. thepopulist.icu: suspended
  325. theres.life: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin defends Gab, a social media site for white supremacists, nazis and the “alt-right”. Users write transmisic and misogynic posts regularly. Tags: racism,freespeech,transmisia,misogyny)
  326. threads.net: suspended (reason: terrible moderation, no respect for privacy, persecutes Kurds and Palestinians, involved in electoral politics, enabled literal genocide, toxic engagement algorithms, ads/spam)
  327. toot.canberrasocial.net: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: "All lives matter" + "free speach" + "systematic racism doesn't exist in the US/AU" Tags: racism,freespeech)
  328. toot.love: suspended
  329. traboone.com: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: “pro-freedom of speech and expression instance”. Tags: freespeech)
  330. truthsocial.co.in: suspended
  331. truthsocial.com: suspended
  332. tube.kenfm.de: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Here's the Wikipedia article on that platform: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KenFM racist video, translation would be "Ni**er-loving and having fun" where racist language is defended https://tube.kenfm.de/videos/watch/a4ce50c0-5d6e-4950-99cf-92e5943b05a5 "Is Corona deadly, or is the gene-vaccine?" https://tube.kenfm.de/videos/watch/f9fdb911-bbb9-4281-9f81-1182abd6b6db is typical anti-vaxxing and corona denialism. "The new absolutism: the kingdom Gates" https://tube.kenfm.de/videos/watch/de0715dd-9179-478d-bd5b-c421f65cde35 propagates the conspiracy myth of Bill Gates trying to control the whole world and gain absolute power. "The Great Reset" is a conspiracy myth with anti-semite dog whistles also known in the anglosphere, I suggest you to do your research in English resources. I can confirm you that this video propagates that myth, not debunk it. Tags: conspiracy,racism,covid-denial)
  333. tube.querdenken-711.de: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: "Querdenken" is the largest organisation of covid-deniers in Germany. They've organised large demonstrations without masks and distancing, and are spreading conspiracy myths about the SARS-CoV2 virus not existing/ being harmless, antisemitic stuff like "the Great Reset", and work together with literal (Neo)Nazis on their rallies. The instance promotes a lot of stuff from tube.kenfm.de, which is on this blocklist already for similar reasons. Tags: conspiracism,rightwing,covid denial,anti-vaxx)
  334. tweety.icu: suspended
  335. unholy-lair.69.mu: suspended
  336. unsafe.space: suspended
  337. vampire.estate: suspended
  338. video.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: This is an openly nazi instance, hosting white supremacist / white nationalist content, featuring holocaust denial, antisemitism, misogyny, transmisia and islamophobia Tags: rightwing,alt-right,nazism,misogyny,transmisia,holocaust denial,white supremacy,islamomisia,antisemitism)
  339. videos.martinezperspective.org: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Alt-right instance, openly hosts nazi content. About page links to alt-right.com Tags: alt-right,rightwing,nazism,free speech)
  340. voicenews.icu: suspended
  341. voluntaryism.club: suspended
  342. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended
  343. waifu.social: suspended
  344. weeaboo.space: suspended
  345. westernconnect.org: suspended (reason: https://anticapitalist.party/@kittenlikeasmallcat/105420232707067562)
  346. wiki-tube.de: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: wiki-tube.de is a single-channel instance run by a guy who claims there is a widespread conspiracy to control the Wikipedia, spread propaganda and cooperate with the "mainstream media" to do so. This is mostly because he couldn't get his euphemistic edits on another conspiracy mythologists Wikipedia article. I guess videos like this tell it all: "Bill Gates total population control" has heavy ties to KenFM Tags: conspiracy,covid-denial,antisemitism)
  347. wintermute.fr.to: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: The admin is a literal neo-nazi who wants to put people in gas chambers. The black-white-red flag is a popular neo-nazi symbol, the eagle is a symbol of the “original” nazis. Admin threatens to harass and DDoS people. Tags: racism,nazism,ableism,harassment)
  348. wogan.im: suspended
  349. woofer.alfter.us: suspended
  350. wrongthink.net: suspended
  351. wurm.host: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin is a racist. The hyperlinked thread is with people from freespeechextremist.com, yggdrasil.social and spinster.xyz. Tags: racism)
  352. www.bigguys.club: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: poa.st, kiwifarms adjacent admin* posts and boosts racist, fascist, lgbt-misic stuff *says its theirs instance, however misskey doesn't really show who's the admin Tags: racism,free speech,alt-right,rightwing,fascism,hatespeech,homomisia,transmisia)
  353. wxw.moe: suspended
  354. xn--p1abe3d-xn--80asehdb: suspended (reason: transmisia)
  355. xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: suspended (reason: transmisia)
  356. yggdrasil.social: suspended (reason: From https://fediblock.org/api/v1/list: Admin is a nazi, terf and racist. Tags: nazism,fascism,terf,racism,homomisia)
  357. yiff.rocks: suspended
  358. youjo.love: suspended
  359. youkai.town: suspended
  360. zerohack.xyz: suspended
  361. zov.oti.st: suspended (reason: soapbox shit)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. monads.online: suspension
  2. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity
Not available
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
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Succesful checks: 900/901 (99.89%)