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Languages German (de)
Users 209
Active users (last month) 95
Active users (last six months) 121
Characters per post (max) 5,000
Known instances 27,998
First sight Before Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Last successful check Feb 10, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.3-stable+ff1
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) SuperBowl, silentsunday, TVDuell, scholz, kanzlerduell, monsterdon, duell, superb_owl, owls, superbowlsunday
Short description
This is a Fediverse instance for climate justice groups.
If you're an individual please instead sign up at:
Long description

This is a Fediverse/Mastodon instance for climate justice activism groups and other groups who feel they belong to the climatejustice movement and follow our rules and principles as described below.


"We" is currently basically just Paula (@PaulaToThePeople@climatejustice.social), who owns the server.
It is hosted locally in Vienna, Austria via the Fediverse Foundation. The server is NOT officially part of the Fediverse Foundation though.
Paula will try and found a new club to have a legal structure responsible for this server. If you want to join, holler!


The usage of the server is free and will always remain free, unless something completely unforeseen happens (it won't!).
But the server costs money, which Paula pays out of her own pocket. To support her please donate to:

Name: PaulaToThePeople
IBAN: DE16 4306 0967 8229 4427 00


We stand for climate justice, which includes justice for all marginalized people as well as other living beings and we stand against discrimination and exploitation.

We are allies to disabled people, queer and lgbtqia* people, BIPoC, women, poor people, kids and future generations as well as other vulnerable groups including animals, plants and all living beings. We might be critical to religion in general, but stand up against antisemitism, islamomisia and other forms of discrimination due to religious background. We acknowledge our own privileges and work on our own unintentionally discriminatory behaviors. We are all part of an exploitative system and it's impossible to live within that system without harming anyone. We are aware of that and try to work against it, but we are not all fossil free and vegan and that's okay. We don't exclusively post about climate justice, but at least some of our posts should be about climate justice.

We consider ourselves on the left side of the political spectrum and stand up against right wing ideologies.

We have different political views, but are all on the left side or at least are left-open, but right-closed centrists. We stand together against capitalism and fascism and even if we disagree on important issues we don't loose sight of our common goals.

We believe the Fediverse should be a place for respectful discourse and we stand against harassment, trolling and spam.

Everybody's boundaries are to be respected.

We stand up for peace and against violence, oppression and authoritarianism.

We are pacifists, but acknowledge that when attacked, people have the right to defend themselves following international law. We may be critical of states in general, but we never deny any country their statehood. We condemn violence against innocent people and always show solidarity with victims of violence. We don't promote violence in protest, but peaceful sabotage against oppressors is not violence.

We stand behind the science and against fake-news & propaganda.

We are not all scientists ourselves and experts in every field we post about, but we try not to spread any false information. If possible we provide reliable sources. We don't spread unverified rumors.


  • follow Austrian and EU law
  • don't post pornography


Try to always:

  • provide media descriptions
  • use CamelCase in hashtags
  • not overdo it with emojis
  • use content warnings when appropriate
  • hide sensitive media
  • avoid links to privacy violating sites if possible


Principles, rules and guidelines may change at any time and sanctions may be applied according to rules that have not been written yet at that time, but of course never without justification. Appeal is always possible.


These are just examples for further clarification. Our principles, rules and guidelines above are what you have to stick to.

What will get you banned immediately:

  • open discrimination
  • right wing ideologies
  • harassment, trolling, spam and porn
  • calls for violence
  • sympathy for oppression
  • pro-authoritarianism
  • spreading of anti-science stances, fake news or propaganda
  • breaking the law drastically or repeatedly

When will we ask you to leave our instance:

  • when you don't align with our principles
  • when you follow our rules, but post almost nothing related to climate justice
  • when you appear more critical of other leftists than the people on the right
  • when we recorded multiple strikes against you
  • when you show a pattern of failing to condemn violence or show unreflected solidarity with a violent, oppressive or authoritarian group of people
  • when you do things that break Austrian law, but are okay somewhere else
  • when even after multiple hints you completely disregard our guidelines

What will get your post deleted and a strike recorded against you:

  • likely unintentional discriminatory behavior or wording
  • likely unintentional behavior that doesn't respect someone else's bondaries
  • likely unintentionally posting something that could lead to violence
  • likely unintentional spreading of false or unverified information
  • when you post something that we fear might get us in trouble with the law

When will we ask you to edit your post and/or consider something for the future:

  • clearly unintentional inconsiderate or unreflective behavior or wording


Paula Kreuzer
Sillerplatz 8, 1130 Wien
Instance rules
  1. Before signing up please read the full set of principles, rules and guidelines at https://climatejustice.global/about
  2. We stand for climate justice, which includes justice for all marginalized people as well as other living beings and we stand against discrimination and exploitation.
  3. We consider ourselves on the left side of the political spectrum and stand up against right wing ideologies.
  4. We believe the Fediverse should be a place for respectful discourse and we stand against harassment, trolling and spam.
  5. We stand up for peace and against violence, oppression and authoritarianism.
  6. We stand behind the science and against fake-news & propaganda.
  7. Also, we stick to Austrian and EU law and we don't post pornography.
  8. Principles, rules and guidelines may change at any time and sanctions may be applied according to rules that have not been written yet at that time, but of course never without justification. Appeal is always possible.
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Date of creation Feb 17, 2020 UTC
Display name Climatejustice.Global
Profile pic: A black version of the Fediverse pentagram with a green and blue globe in the background.

Header: Stock-Artwork of a few people holding a protest banner reading "Climate Justice!". In the background there is the same globe as in the profile pic, but this time with a colorful Fediverse pentagram.
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 2259 statuses, 749 logins, 3 registrations)
S: 77
L: 72
R: 0
S: 58
L: 62
R: 0
S: 77
L: 69
R: 0
S: 0
L: 60
R: 1
S: 101
L: 61
R: 1
S: 163
L: 59
R: 0
S: 256
L: 64
R: 0
S: 295
L: 66
R: 0
S: 295
L: 73
R: 0
S: 511
L: 77
R: 0
S: 407
L: 67
R: 1
S: 19
L: 19
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/3/25, 2:24:16 AM UTC2/4/25, 4:15:09 AM UTC2/5/25, 4:18:48 AM UTC2/6/25, 2:36:41 AM UTC2/7/25, 3:00:48 AM UTC2/8/25, 2:50:00 AM UTC2/9/25, 2:08:29 AM UTC2/10/25, 3:30:47 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 897/900 (99.67%)