Languages English (en)
Users 7
Active users (last month) 1
Active users (last six months) 2
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 6,242
First sight Nov 3, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Feb 10, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.3
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) musk
Short description
This is a mastodon instance created to give nonprofit organizations a voice in the fediverse. This is a professional oriented instance.
Long description
This is a mastodon instance created to give nonprofit organizations a voice in the fediverse. This is a professional oriented instance and all posts or other content originating from this instance must be appropriate to a casually professional environment. Hateful, lude, overly vulgar, abusive, misleading or threatening content is not permitted here, even when content warned.
Be sure to read the rules for more info on some of this. Moderation will be handled based on both the list of rules and this description.
At the time of this writing, I am the sole owner and administrator of the server, handling all costs involved. I do this in my free time and have a full time job, so responses may be delayed. If the server becomes large enough to justify it, I may ask for moderation assistance, and possibly financial though that is unlikely. I run this instance as a service to nonprofits who may wish to have a presence on Mastodon, but are daunted by the number of possible instances and/or the rules regarding organizations, advertisement, and things like that.
To avoid the need for personally keeping up with technical maintenance, I have chosen to run this instance through, which is itself a one person owned company. There are pros and cons to such an arrangement, and it is quite different from large social media. Should there be any lengthy interruption to the instance for any reason, I will do my best to contact users with what information I have. Decentralization has its risks, but it also has the advantage of more control. Should your organization at any point decide to move instances, including setting up your own, there are migration tools available.
Instance rules
- Unless otherwise specified, rules apply not only to original posts but also to boosts.
- Hate and threats of violence will not be tolerated. Disagreements and differing viewpoints are allowed, but they should be kept to a professional level and not devolve to personal attacks, attacks on any person's identity, or implied or explicit threats.
- Harassment is forbidden, which mostly consists of failing to stop engaging with someone in ways they have asked you to cease. Other situations may be considered harassment and the final decision is up to the administrators.
- Keep posts professional and only boost posts which are fitting to a professional environment.
- Images, videos, audio recordings etc that are directly attached to a post should have a description alt tag, be described in the post itself, or contain the #Alt4Me hashtag.
- Do not randomly mention people with advertisements. To let others know about your services, post public content or, within reason, reply to ongoing conversations if you have something to add.
- Administrators have final say. If a specific local user is jeopardizing the server or harassing others on any instance, action will be taken. In extreme cases, we may reach out to the user's organization. The intent is not to be heavy handed, but to protect others on mastodon from abusive behavior.
- You represent your company. As such, registration will only be approved with your work email address. This is different from other instances, but needed so that nonprofits have a place to reach out to and engage with interested parties on other servers that may not welcome company related accounts.
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]

Date of creation Aug 6, 2023 UTC
Display name Christy Smith
I am the server's owner and run this instance in my free time, while working as a
#Salesforce admin with a
#nonprofit organization. You can reach me at christys1075 (at) My email address is modified to discourage bot scraping.
I am blind, Christian, an animal lover, a techy, and a vocalist. I do my best to be kind and supportive to all, regardless of identity or life experiences.
Interactions here will be mostly administrative. My main personal account is
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 38 statuses, 11 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 5 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 8 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 5 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 4 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 1 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 1 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 5 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 1 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 1 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 3 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 4 L: 1 R: 0 | S: 0 L: 0 R: 0 |
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/3/25, 3:52:08 AM UTC | 2/4/25, 3:11:18 AM UTC | 2/5/25, 4:00:44 AM UTC | 2/6/25, 3:40:45 AM UTC | 2/7/25, 3:03:03 AM UTC | 2/8/25, 2:19:32 AM UTC | 2/9/25, 4:02:33 AM UTC | 2/10/25, 3:14:15 AM UTC |
Succesful checks: 466/466 (100%)