Help!For information about Mastodon and how to use it, the
documentation section of is a great place to start.
To report bugs or issues with the Mastodon software, or to suggest features/improvements, go to the
Mastodon projects page on GitHub.
For any questions about the server send an email to or visit
our helpdesk (free registration required).
We have a page showing uptime and server status at
status.mastodon.scotDonationsWe run as a free service because we love Mastodon, but it costs us
lots of money! If you'd like to donate towards our running costs you can contribute by
buying Trumpet a donut. Or lots of donuts! Trumpet
loves donuts.
ModerationModeration of this server is carried out by our volunteer moderators on a best-efforts basis, based on interpretation of content posted to the server against our published rules.
To protect our users and the wider Fediverse we use the IFTAS
DNI and
CARIAD blocklists.
We subscribe to the IFTAS
pledge against targeted misgendering and deadnaming in the Fediverse.
Do luchd na GàidhligCuiridh sinn fàilte chridheil air a' Ghàidhlig aig ach nam b' fheàrr leat frithealaiche le barrachd Gàidhlig ann, mholamaid
SupportersWe are very grateful to
dotScot Registry who have kindly provided our domain name.
Follow them on at