Languages English (en)
Users 3
Active users (last month) 2
Active users (last six months) 3
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 8,254
First sight Dec 14, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Dec 14, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Short description
This is a local server, for local people.
Long description
This is a server owned, funded, and administered by Douglas Spencer. It's a one-user server (plus a couple of bots and an admin account). There's no intention to open it up to other users.
If you want to discuss supporting this instance financially, that's not necessary right now -- you may wish to support those in your local community who find themselves in need instead.
This instance semi-automatically defederates instances which host accounts which exist solely to retoot tweets. These mechanisms bypass blocks and violate user consent, and this instance isn't going to have anything to do with instances where doing so is normalised or encouraged.
Instance rules
- Don't be an arse. No bigotry, no punching down. Believe people when they speak for themselves.
- Don't overload the server. This means no enormous media files, no bulk following/boosting, and if you do something else which overloads the server you can be expected to be called in for a conversation about it.
- No scraping content without the individual user's explicit consent.
This means that if you're on an instance where there are bots which scrape other sites and toot what they find, that entire instance is likely to be blocked.
Moderated instances [?]
- * suspended (reason: Reuse without consent)
- * suspended (reason: Owned by Facebook)
- suspended (reason: Seeks to subvert fediblocks)
- suspended (reason: DDOS)
- suspended (reason: Scrapes and retoots Twitter without consent)
- suspended (reason: Scrapes and retoots Twitter without consent)
- suspended (reason: Scrapes and retoots Twitter without consent)
- suspended (reason: Scrapes and retoots Twitter)
- suspended (reason: Bridge without consent)
- suspended (reason: Right-wing bot farm)
- suspended (reason: Threats of sexual violence)
- suspended (reason: Scraper)
- suspended (reason: White supremacy)
- suspended (reason: scrapes without consent)
- suspended (reason: anti-lgbt hate speech)
- suspended (reason: Bridge without consent)
- suspended (reason: TERFs)
- suspended (reason: Owned by Facebook)
- suspended (reason: Scrapes and retoots Twitter without consent)
- suspended (reason: Scrapes and retoots Twitter without consent)
- suspended (reason: Threats of sexual violence)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Date of creation Apr 27, 2022 UTC
Display name nd2 Administrator
I look after the nd2 servers
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 1870 statuses, 24 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 167 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 171 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 173 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 166 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 164 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 169 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 167 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 164 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 168 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 172 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 163 L: 2 R: 0 | S: 26 L: 2 R: 0 |
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
12/7/24, 2:11:59 AM UTC | 12/8/24, 3:11:51 AM UTC | 12/9/24, 2:48:34 AM UTC | 12/10/24, 2:15:42 AM UTC | 12/11/24, 3:20:21 AM UTC | 12/12/24, 2:33:23 AM UTC | 12/13/24, 3:34:57 AM UTC | 12/14/24, 2:35:38 AM UTC |
Succesful checks: 666/666 (100%)