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Languages English (en)
Users 156
Active users (last month) 30
Active users (last six months) 43
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 35,360
First sight Before Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Last successful check Feb 11, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.10
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, but it’s currently impossible to verify it because this instance’s list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) silentsunday, Monsterdon, immigration, lifewithoutinternetanything, ukpolitics, cardgameasongorpoem, mondayactionmovie, mastersoftheuniverse, europol
Short description
Beach City is our private beach-side sanctuary for close friends and awesome folks. We are various flavors of trans, queer, non-binary, polyamorous, disabled, furry, etc.
Long description
Beach City Introduction

Hello Friend and thank you for checking out Beach City, our beautiful beach-side sanctuary on the internet. Beach City citizens are various flavors of trans, queer, non-binary, Black, POC, polyamorous, disabled, furry, etc. and all know at least a few of their neighbors really well!

We're a weird and mixed group of people here, but most of us are well known to someone else on the instance. If you wanna join us, send someone on here a message and ask. If you're a well-known friend of theirs, they might just help you get a link!

Beach City Logo by @supercee@plush.city.
Beach City Mascot "Fuschia Agate" created by @critter@meemu.org.
Beach City Color Theme by @coda@beach.city
Beach City Sourcecode on Github!
Help us pay for our infrastructure and staff on Patreon!
Follow @announcements@beach.city for server wide information and updates.
Follow @moderation_alerts@beach.city for information about moderation decisions, including suspensions and silencings.
Join Beach City on Discord
Join Beach City on Telegram

Not affiliated with Steven Universe nor Cartoon Network in any way. We just love them and are lightly theming our instance in a related way. If they ever complain about us, we'll probably switch to theming ourselves with 80s/vaporwave stylings.

Code of Conduct

  1. This is an 18+ server. Do not join or request access if you are not 18 years of age. We will remove accounts that are not 18+ accordingly.
  2. Treat others with respect, and be respectful in kind.
  3. No systemic abuse such as sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. When it comes to defining what constitutes "systemic abuse", the opinions of the marginalized are given priority at all times.
  4. No unfocused misandry. This is due to its impact on non-binary, genderqueer, trans, disabled, PoC, queer, and otherwise marginalized men, several of whom are on our instance. Misandry focused at the top of the kyriarchy is not against the rules.
  5. No harassment. Harassment campaigns may not be spread here, even against "valid" targets; this includes doxxing and dogpiling. If you must call someone out, do it elsewhere and link it here.
  6. No Quote Tooting. On other social networks it's often used just to show off how horrible someone else is or to draw followers into an argument that should be one-on-one. Attempts to circumvent this through screencaps are prohibited.
  7. Don't give unsolicited advice to others. Ask permission before making suggestions to folks.
  8. CW sexually explicit content This includes images and text. All sexually explicit images must exclusively involve consent-capable adults. ("Consent-capable": If asked whether they'd like to pose for an adult photo, they would be capable of responding "yes", and that "yes" would be able to stand up in court of law.)
  9. No scraping content from web interface or API.
  10. No public twitter crossposting unless you're on beach city a lot reading and replying. If you are mostly crossposting and not reading, you may post unlisted.

These provisions notwithstanding, the administration of the service reserves the right to revoke any user's access permissions, at any time, for any reason, except as limited by law.

Content Warnings

Content Warnings are a tool to enable someone to opt-into your content. This is particularly useful when posting publicly, as opposed to unlisted. When you post publicly, your posts are received by people from this server and other servers that may not currently follow you.

If you don't want to deal with CWs, feel free to post unlisted! Unlisted posts work just like twitter and only go to your profile and followers and or people posts are boosted to.

To use content warnings, click the CW button when composing your toots. This will hide the main body of your toot behind a line of text text like a subject line.

Here at Beach City, sexually explicit content, graphically violent content, and similar are required to be CWed. We heavily suggest you also CW the topics below as well. Topics can get fuzzy, so as long as you're not malicious with it, it's fine.

  • Sex and nudity
  • Drugs, drug use
  • Personal health, medical issues, hospitals
  • Depression, anxiety, mental health issues, suicidal thoughts
  • Food, weight loss, weight gain
  • Death, funerals
  • Violence of any kind
  • Links to Facebook or Twitter
  • Movie and TV show spoilers
  • Selfies, eye contact

There are a number of other topics you might consider CWing, such as bigotry and politics, but this is something between you and your audience. It's okay to ask others to CW certain topics, but it's also okay to ignore requests for CWs. People who do not like your CW choices can choose to mute or block you or use filters.

Harassing users to CW their content, as well as demanding CWs from folks talking about their personal experiences of racism and other forms of bigotry, is against our rules and could result in being banned.


In addition to the site's owner, @pandora_parrot, Beach.city's moderation staff include:

Our promise to you

We promise to do everything we can to avoid negatively impacting your social media experience. We will immediately block every single example of overt and explicit racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. We will be judicious about other forms of behavior we find unpleasant. We'll allow you to manage that yourselves, using your own personal block lists and mute lists. If you see a problem you think we need to act on as a server, report the user or toot that is a problem and we will act on it rapidly. We'll bias towards safety and act fast, but always be willing to step back from any mistakes we discover.
Instance rules
  1. This is an 18+ server. Do not join or request access if you are not 18 years of age. We will remove accounts that are not 18+ accordingly.
  2. Treat others with respect, and be respectful in kind.
  3. No systemic abuse such as sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. When it comes to defining what constitutes "systemic abuse", the opinions of the marginalized are given priority at all times.
  4. No unfocused misandry. This is due to its impact on non-binary, genderqueer, trans, disabled, PoC, queer, and otherwise marginalized men, several of whom are on our instance. Misandry focused at the top of the kyriarchy is not against the rules.
  5. No harassment. Harassment campaigns may not be spread here, even against "valid" targets; this includes doxxing and dogpiling, by way of quoting or linking directly to posts for harassment purposes. . If you must call someone out, do it elsewhere and link it here.
  6. Don't give unsolicited advice to others. Ask permission before making suggestions to folks.
  7. CW sexually explicit content This includes images and text. All sexually explicit images must exclusively involve consent-capable adults.
  8. No scraping content from web interface or API.
  9. No public twitter crossposting unless you're on beach city a lot reading and replying. If you are mostly crossposting and not reading, you may post unlisted.
  10. New users must be known by an existing citizen. This is to cut down on the need to moderate internal users. Everyone has someone else they are accountable to. Existing users can invite anyone they know.
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. cupoftea.social: suspension
  2. icosahedron.website: limitation
  3. monsterfuckers.online: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 7279 statuses, 288 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 566
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R: 0
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R: 0
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S: 704
L: 23
R: 0
S: 498
L: 23
R: 0
S: 694
L: 24
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L: 5
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/4/25, 4:28:50 AM UTC2/5/25, 3:45:41 AM UTC2/6/25, 3:57:23 AM UTC2/7/25, 3:40:27 AM UTC2/8/25, 2:51:25 AM UTC2/9/25, 3:44:27 AM UTC2/10/25, 3:16:53 AM UTC2/11/25, 3:33:53 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 900/901 (99.89%)