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Languages English (en)
Users 712
Active users (last month) 197
Active users (last six months) 330
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 27,663
First sight Nov 16, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Feb 10, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.3
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, and also according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) photography, Caturday, SilentSunday, birds, MusicSocial, owl, musician, photos, sunday, StandingStoneSunday
Short description
Fediverse community for musicians of all levels, instruments, regions, languages, and genres.
Long description
👥 Community

This is a place for musicians to interact, but you can bring your whole self.

You don't have to be a professional musician to join, but you should at least play an instrument or sing as a hobby.

Click here for more info.


🎶 Musicians.Today Jam Band

Mastodon on the tuba,
kangaroo on the didgeridoo,
otter on the concertina,
hyena on the bass,
capybara on the charango,
red panda on the taiko drum, and
long-billed curlews on the marimba!

Illustration by Averil. © 2023 DoomBloomArt

📢 Promote yourself

Sharing your own music is strongly encouraged, even (especially!) if it's not polished. Recommending other people's music is allowed, but it should be clear that you're not sharing your own work. Basically, you must follow copyright law and avoid plagiarism of any kind.

Self-promotion is allowed and welcome! However, Musicians.Today is a place for people; it is not a job network, marketing platform, or storefront. Operate your account as yourself, and do not engage in excessive unsolicited marketing or promotion. Do not post sponsored content or promotional campaigns and contests.

If you use Spotify you can follow this playlist, which includes amazing music created by the people on this instance. Thanks to @radioanywhere for creating it! If you want to be included in this playlist (or excluded!), shoot a message to @radioanywhere or @cambraca.

📔 Guidelines

Do not post excessively large media files. This server is maintained as a hobby, and storage space is not unlimited. Instead, it is preferred to link to media content hosted by servers intended for this purpose.

Use content warnings (CW) for anything that you think might be uncomfortable for people to see. This may include politics, upsetting news, discussions about other social media, spoilers, etc.

Strive for accessibility. Always add descriptions for any images and media that you post, this helps people with disabilities see your content. Also, hashtags with multiple words should be capitalized #LikeThis, so that screen readers can read them properly.

💰 Donations

This server is maintained as a side project by real people, not a company. You can contribute using this Patreon page: patreon.com/MusiciansToday, however, donating will never be a condition to joining.

➕ Additional services


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Full-text search is enabled using ElasticSearch (however, you can only search for posts related to yourself).

ℹ️ More information

Check out info.musicians.today for a lot more information and cool things.
Instance rules
  1. Do not share intentionally false or misleading information.
  2. No hate speech, derogatory language, offensive comments, or the use of slurs directed at groups of people, especially those historically marginalized. Neo-Nazi, alt-right, and anti-LGBTQ content is explicitly forbidden.
  3. No incitement or promotion of violence including self-harm and suicide.
  4. Do not hit on people. Do not pry or inquire into people's sexual or personal lives.
  5. No harassment, dogpiling, bullying or doxxing.
  6. No NFTs, no crypto, no blockchain.
  7. NSFW content must be marked as sensitive and/or marked with a relevant Content Warning (CW) when posting. Avatars, headers, and bio content must be appropriate for all audiences.
  8. No explicit sexual, violent or gory content. No sexual depictions of minors.
  9. Sign-ups will only be approved for musicians (professionals and hobbyists).
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 076.ne.jp: suspended
  2. 10minutepleroma.com: suspended
  3. 13bells.com: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  4. 1611.social: suspended
  5. 4aem.com: suspended
  6. 5dollah.click: suspended
  7. 80percent.social: suspended
  8. 8777.ch: suspended
  9. a.sc: suspended
  10. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended
  11. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: Spam)
  12. addy.gg: suspended (reason: Poor moderation)
  13. ak.kyaruc.moe: suspended (reason: No blocks)
  14. akm.longyap.name.my: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  15. alteregocreations.com: suspended
  16. anemoneya.me: suspended
  17. angrytoday.com: suspended
  18. anime.website: suspended
  19. annihilation.social: suspended
  20. anon-kenkai.com: suspended
  21. arachnid.town: suspended
  22. asbestos.cafe: suspended
  23. babyfurs.social: suspended
  24. badly.co: suspended
  25. bae.st: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  26. bajax.us: suspended
  27. banepo.st: suspended
  28. baraag.net: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  29. bassam.social: suspended
  30. beefyboys.club: suspended
  31. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  32. beepboop.ga: suspended
  33. bgzashtita.es: suspended
  34. bibly.com: suspended
  35. bikeshed.party: suspended
  36. bitcoinlizard.net: suspended
  37. bitcointv.com: suspended
  38. blob.cat: suspended
  39. blockedur.mom: suspended
  40. botsin.space: limited (reason: Bots)
  41. brainsoap.net: suspended
  42. breastmilk.club: suspended
  43. brighteon.social: suspended
  44. bubbletea.dev: suspended
  45. bungle.online: limited (reason: Inappropriate content)
  46. cachapa.moe: suspended
  47. cachapa.xyz: suspended
  48. carnivore.social: suspended
  49. catgirl.life: suspended
  50. cawfee.club: suspended
  51. childlove.space: suspended
  52. childlove.su: suspended
  53. childpawn.shop: suspended
  54. chir.rs: suspended
  55. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  56. ckpg.space: suspended
  57. clew.lol: suspended
  58. clubcyberia.co: suspended
  59. cmm.fyi: suspended (reason: Spam)
  60. cockworshipper.com: suspended
  61. collapsitarian.io: suspended
  62. comfyboy.club: suspended
  63. contrapointsfan.club: suspended
  64. crucible.world: suspended
  65. cryptocartel.social: suspended (reason: Crypto)
  66. cryptodon.lol: suspended (reason: Crypto)
  67. cryptotooter.com: suspended (reason: Crypto)
  68. cubhub.social: suspended
  69. cum.camp: suspended
  70. cum.salon: suspended
  71. cunnyborea.top: suspended (reason: Spam)
  72. cutefunny.net: suspended
  73. cyberstorm.one: suspended
  74. d-fens.systems: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  75. danksquad.org: suspended
  76. darknight-coffee.org: suspended
  77. daspr.io: suspended
  78. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: No moderation)
  79. decept.org: suspended
  80. declin.eu: suspended (reason: Unmoderated instance)
  81. dembased.xyz: suspended
  82. desupost.soy: suspended
  83. detroitriotcity.com: suspended
  84. dickkickextremist.xyz: suspended
  85. dingdash.com: suspended
  86. disqordia.space: suspended
  87. dissident.business: suspended
  88. dixies.land: suspended
  89. djsumdog.com: suspended
  90. dobbs.town: suspended
  91. domain: suspended
  92. dtzbts.xyz: suspended
  93. eatthebugs.social: suspended
  94. eientei.org: suspended
  95. elementality.org: suspended
  96. endtimebelievers.com: suspended
  97. epenguin.com: suspended
  98. eveningzoo.club: suspended
  99. f.ckpg.space: suspended
  100. fbxl.net: suspended
  101. fed.celp.de: limited (reason: No content warnings)
  102. federated.fun: suspended
  103. fedposters.club: suspended
  104. feral.cafe: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  105. fightforthefuture.org: suspended (reason: Crypto)
  106. fightthis.net: suspended
  107. firedragonstudios.com: suspended
  108. firefaithfellowship.com: suspended
  109. fluf.club: suspended
  110. foxfam.club: suspended
  111. fr13nd5.com: suspended
  112. freak.university: suspended
  113. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: Misinformation)
  114. freecumextremist.com: suspended
  115. freedomstrike.net: suspended
  116. freedomstrike.org: suspended
  117. freesoftwareextremist.com: suspended
  118. freespeech.group: suspended
  119. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  120. freetalklive.com: suspended
  121. freethinkers.lgbt: suspended
  122. freezepeach.xyz: suspended
  123. frennet.xyz: suspended
  124. froth.zone: suspended
  125. gab.ai: suspended
  126. gab.com: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  127. gamers.exposed: suspended
  128. gangstalking.services: suspended
  129. gearlandia.haus: suspended
  130. genderheretics.xyz: suspended
  131. gentoo.live: suspended
  132. geofront.rocks: suspended
  133. ghetti.monster: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  134. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  135. glindr.org: suspended
  136. glowers.club: suspended
  137. gorf.pub: suspended
  138. goyim.app: suspended
  139. goyslop.cafe: suspended
  140. guizzyordi.info: suspended
  141. haeder.net: suspended
  142. hallsofamenti.io: suspended
  143. handholding.io: suspended
  144. handicapped.tk: suspended
  145. hedgehoghunter.club: suspended
  146. helladoge.com: suspended
  147. hendrixgames.com: suspended
  148. hentai.baby: suspended
  149. hermitmountain.top: suspended
  150. heymaven.com: suspended (reason: Scraper)
  151. hidamari.apartments: suspended
  152. hitchhiker.social: suspended
  153. homd.xyz: suspended
  154. honkwerx.tech: suspended
  155. hornyjail.pro: suspended
  156. hunk.city: suspended
  157. husk.site: suspended
  158. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  159. ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: Malware?)
  160. imi****.fr: suspended
  161. inferencium.net: suspended
  162. intkos.link: suspended
  163. inumbra.xyz: suspended
  164. ironbug.org: suspended
  165. jayus.net: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  166. jorts.horse: limited
  167. justbros.xyz: suspended
  168. justicewarrior.social: suspended
  169. kabuki.club: suspended
  170. kawa-kun.com: suspended
  171. kawen.space: suspended
  172. kazar.ma: suspended
  173. kenhbit.com: suspended
  174. kitsunemimi.club: suspended
  175. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  176. kiwifarms.is: suspended
  177. kiwifarms.net: suspended
  178. kompost.cz: suspended
  179. kurosawa.moe: suspended
  180. kyaruc.moe: suspended
  181. kys.moe: suspended
  182. lain.gay: suspended
  183. lain.sh: suspended
  184. leafposter.club: suspended
  185. leftychan.net: suspended
  186. letsalllovela.in: suspended
  187. lgbtfree.zone: suspended
  188. liberdon.com: suspended
  189. librem.one: suspended
  190. librenet.co.za: suspended
  191. ligma.pro: suspended
  192. lizards.live: suspended
  193. logografos.com: suspended
  194. lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  195. lolicon.win: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  196. lolison.network: suspended
  197. lolison.top: suspended
  198. lovingexpressions.net: suspended
  199. lucasvl.nl: suspended
  200. mahodou.moe: suspended
  201. majestic12.airforce: suspended
  202. maladaptive.art: suspended
  203. marsey.club: suspended
  204. masochi.st: suspended
  205. mastertibbles.co.uk: suspended
  206. mastodon-swiss.org: suspended (reason: Spam)
  207. mastodon.cf: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  208. mastodon.online: limited (reason: Poor moderation)
  209. mastodon.se: limited
  210. mastodon.social: limited (reason: Poor moderation)
  211. mastodong.lol: suspended (reason: No blocks)
  212. maven.ly: suspended (reason: Scraper)
  213. megamast.io: suspended (reason: Poor moderation)
  214. meld.de: suspended
  215. meme.moe: suspended
  216. merovingian.club: suspended
  217. midwaytrades.com: suspended
  218. miku-enthusiast.club: suspended
  219. milker.cafe: suspended
  220. mirr0r.city: suspended (reason: Poor moderation)
  221. miruku.cafe: suspended
  222. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: Spam)
  223. mitra.social: suspended
  224. mk.codingneko.com: suspended
  225. moa.st: suspended
  226. morale.ch: suspended
  227. moth.zone: suspended
  228. mouse.services: suspended
  229. mrhands.horse: suspended
  230. mstdn.jp: limited (reason: Unacceptable content)
  231. mugicha.club: suspended
  232. mytransponder.com: suspended (reason: Spam)
  233. nalocal519.social: suspended
  234. narrativerry.xyz: suspended
  235. natehiggers.online: suspended
  236. nationaljustice.social: suspended
  237. nazi.social: suspended
  238. neckbeard.xyz: suspended
  239. neenster.org: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  240. nekocave.xyz: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  241. netz.org: suspended
  242. newsrelay.org: limited (reason: Excessive automatic posts)
  243. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  244. niederbayern.social: suspended (reason: Spam)
  245. nightshift.social: suspended
  246. niscii.xyz: suspended
  247. nnia.space: suspended
  248. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  249. noagendasocial.nl: suspended
  250. noagendatube.com: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  251. nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended
  252. normie.cafe: suspended
  253. novoa.nagoya: suspended
  254. nukem.biz: suspended
  255. obo.sh: suspended
  256. oti.st: suspended
  257. outpoa.st: suspended
  258. p.enes.lv: suspended
  259. parcero.casa: suspended
  260. pawlicker.com: suspended
  261. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  262. paypig.org: suspended
  263. pedo.school: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  264. piazza.today: suspended
  265. pibvt.net: suspended
  266. pieville.net: suspended
  267. pisskey.io: suspended
  268. pizzaf.art: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  269. pkteerium.xyz: suspended
  270. pleroma.kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  271. pmth.us: suspended
  272. poa.st: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  273. poast.org: suspended
  274. poast.tv: suspended
  275. pone.social: suspended
  276. pooper.social: suspended
  277. poridge.club: suspended
  278. posix.gay: suspended
  279. poster.place: suspended
  280. poweredbycocaine.com: suspended
  281. press.coop: limited (reason: Twitter relay. Suspicious "verification" scheme.)
  282. preteengirls.biz: suspended
  283. privex.social: suspended
  284. prospeech.space: suspended
  285. pseudo-whiskey.bar: suspended
  286. psion.co: suspended
  287. public.mitra.social: suspended (reason: Crypto)
  288. px.mathias777.com: suspended (reason: Spam)
  289. qoto.org: suspended (reason: Federates with every instance, without any exceptions)
  290. quanta.wiki: suspended
  291. quodverum.com: suspended
  292. r18.social: suspended
  293. rage.lol: suspended
  294. rakket.app: suspended
  295. rapefeminists.network: suspended
  296. rapemeat.solutions: suspended
  297. rcsocial.net: suspended
  298. rdrama.cc: suspended
  299. rebelbase.site: suspended
  300. refusal.biz: suspended
  301. refusal.llc: suspended
  302. repl.co: suspended (reason: Spam)
  303. republic.red: suspended
  304. rneetup.com: suspended
  305. rojogato.com: suspended
  306. rot.gives: suspended
  307. ruinouspowe.rs: suspended
  308. ryona.agency: suspended
  309. satoshishop.de: suspended
  310. saynoto.lgbt: suspended
  311. schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended
  312. scots.network: suspended
  313. seal.cafe: suspended
  314. seo.chat: limited
  315. servernerds.net: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror)
  316. shadowsocial.org: suspended
  317. sharivegas.com: suspended
  318. sheep.network: suspended
  319. shigusegubu.club: suspended
  320. shitpost.cloud: suspended
  321. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  322. shortstackran.ch: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  323. shota.house: suspended
  324. shota.social: suspended
  325. shrimpcam.pw: suspended
  326. silliness.observer: suspended
  327. skinheads.eu: suspended
  328. skinheads.io: suspended
  329. skinheads.social: suspended
  330. skinheads.uk: suspended
  331. skinnyver.se: suspended
  332. skippers-bin.com: suspended
  333. skyshanty.xyz: suspended
  334. slash.cl: suspended
  335. sleepy.cafe: suspended
  336. smuglo.li: suspended
  337. sneak.berlin: suspended
  338. sneed.social: suspended
  339. social.freetalklive.com: suspended
  340. social.jacksgloryhole.com: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  341. social.wideboys.org: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  342. social.xenofem.me: suspended
  343. solagg.com: suspended (reason: Crypto Spam)
  344. somewhy.net: suspended (reason: No admin)
  345. sonichu.com: suspended
  346. soykaf.com: suspended
  347. spank.ws: limited (reason: Inappropriate content)
  348. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  349. springbo.cc: suspended
  350. squid.kids: suspended
  351. starnix.network: suspended
  352. stereophonic.space: suspended
  353. strelizia.net: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  354. supernets.social: suspended
  355. takesama.com: suspended
  356. tastingtraffic.net: suspended
  357. teci.world: suspended
  358. terrible.place: suspended
  359. theapex.social: suspended
  360. thebag.social: suspended
  361. thechimp.zone: suspended
  362. thepostearthdestination.com: suspended
  363. theres.life: suspended
  364. thisisjoes.site: suspended
  365. threads.net: suspended (reason: Preemptive Meta block, see blog)
  366. ti.parcero.casa: suspended
  367. tkammer.de: suspended
  368. tnd.lol: suspended
  369. troll.cafe: suspended
  370. trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended
  371. truthsocial.co.in: suspended
  372. tweets.icu: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror)
  373. twitter.grants.cafe: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror)
  374. twtr.plus: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror)
  375. tyil.nl: suspended
  376. ua-fediland.de: suspended
  377. udongein.xyz: suspended
  378. unperson.us: suspended
  379. unsafe.space: suspended
  380. urchan.org: suspended
  381. ursal.zone: suspended
  382. urspringer.de: suspended
  383. uwu.social: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  384. varishangout.net: suspended
  385. vrij.social: suspended
  386. waifuism.life: suspended
  387. whinge.house: suspended
  388. whinge.town: suspended
  389. wideboys.org: suspended
  390. wolfgirl.bar: suspended
  391. workers.dev: suspended
  392. worm.pink: suspended (reason: Bad moderation)
  393. wxw.moe: suspended
  394. xenofem.me: suspended
  395. xhais.love: suspended
  396. xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: suspended
  397. xscape.top: suspended (reason: Inappropriate content)
  398. yggdrasil.social: suspended
  399. youjo.love: suspended (reason: Unacceptable content)
  400. zov.oti.st: suspended (reason: Incompatible rules)
  401. zwezo.o-k-i.net: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror)
  402. zztails.gay: suspended
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Date of creation Nov 13, 2022 UTC
Display name Camilo Bravo :drumset:
Programmer by day, musician by night. Proud dad of two beautiful girls, all the time. He/him.

Maintainer of https://Musicians.Today, a community for musicians of all levels, instruments, regions, languages, and genres.
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 12815 statuses, 1407 logins, 68 registrations)
S: 915
L: 126
R: 3
S: 1331
L: 118
R: 2
S: 1201
L: 120
R: 2
S: 1148
L: 118
R: 2
S: 874
L: 116
R: 3
S: 1095
L: 118
R: 3
S: 1229
L: 134
R: 15
S: 1259
L: 122
R: 5
S: 1406
L: 141
R: 14
S: 1132
L: 145
R: 13
S: 1209
L: 136
R: 6
S: 16
L: 13
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/3/25, 4:22:42 AM UTC2/4/25, 3:39:51 AM UTC2/5/25, 2:16:26 AM UTC2/6/25, 4:14:08 AM UTC2/7/25, 3:47:35 AM UTC2/8/25, 2:45:11 AM UTC2/9/25, 4:09:34 AM UTC2/10/25, 4:20:18 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 747/750 (99.6%)