Table of welcomes all makers and designers who love to build things and talk about them. We stand for an open, independent, sustainable, inclusive, and accessible web. Its current
admin is
@timotheegoguely, the previous one was
@mcpaccard (we both speak French and English), and the current moderators are
@rafa (English),
@lirontocker (German, English and Hebrew), and
@isunknown (French, English).
SupportAlthough there is no registration fee, it would be SUPER nice if you’d drop a few $/€ to support Timothée with the instance hosting costs. This instance is hosted in France on OVH servers via (Galaxy Plan + ElasticSearch add-on) for 118.80$/month (many thanks
@Hugo for all the good work!) and has a custom domain for 44.45€/year at for a total bill of ~1474$/year (~123$/month).
💛 So if you can afford to financially support (tiny monthly donation helps more than one-time ones), you can click the Donate button on Timothée’s
Liberapay or
Ko-fi page.
Content cache retention period⚠️ Our
Content cache retention period is now set to 730 days (2 years).
This means that
all posts and boosts (reposts) from other servers, and all your bookmarks, favorites, and boosts will be deleted after 2 years.
HelpNeed help? Mastodon can sometimes be a strange place for newcomers, but understanding its core concepts and exploring it is also very exciting! Here is a list of guides and resources to help you in your journey:
- Mastodon quick start guide, an article from Mastodon’s official blog.
- What is Mastodon?, a short introduction video.
- Intro to Mastodon 101, a longer introduction video.
- How to use MASTODON: the COMPLETE GUIDE (join, use, find people to follow, etiquette…), an even longer video published by The Linux Experiment.
- An Increasingly Less-Brief Guide to Mastodon, a massive Q&A by Joyeuse Noelle.
- How Does Mastodon Work?, a blog post by that will help you move your account to another server.
- Mastodon Help, a website also translated in Italiano.
- Resources for Mastodon newbies, a partial list of links and tips to help you get started with Mastodon.
- TUTO : choisir et utiliser Mastodon, a 5 pages PDF in French written by Piaille.
- Fedi.Tips, an informal and unofficial guide for non-technical people who want to use Mastodon and the wider Fediverse.
Third-party appsDid you know that there are lots of different third-party apps for Mastodon? You can find the whole list directly on
this official page or explore the curated selection below.
WebmacOS / uses a
custom theme with the following features:
- Warm light theme (inspired by Obsidian one)
- Responsive 4 columns layout for advanced web interface on desktop
Custom CSS works at the instance level, so if you want to use you own custom CSS, you need to use add-ons like
Stylus or
Live CSS Editor. For example, you can add .layout-single-column .colums-area__panels { flex-direction: row-reverse } if you prefer to use the single-column layout with the logo and navigation menu on the left, and the search bar and compose form on the right.
If you miss the Twitter X’s user interface, you can use the advanced custom theme
Mastodon Bird UI designed by
Roni Laukkarinen.
Code of ConductIf you would like to join or already have, you agree to behave according to our Code of Conduct below:AccessibilityPlease make sure you caption the images you upload. Image descriptions, also called alternative text or alt text, are text descriptions of an image. These descriptions support people who are blind, have low vision, use assistive technology, live in low-bandwidth areas, or want more context. The goal of writing image descriptions is to be clear and concise, while giving more context to your post. Here’s a list of recommendations for writing great image descriptions:
- Capture what's important
- Be succinct, clear, and detailed
- Be objective
- Write out or summarize text in images
- Watch out for acronyms and abbreviations
- Include the image type details
- Use regular sentence structure and letter casing
- Avoid redundant information
- Take care with complex visuals
For those who want to improve their knowledge, here are two comprehensive guides on the subject:
Media size & qualityPlease reduce your images’ size and compress them before uploading. Mastodon automatically downscales images to 1.6 megapixels (enough for a 1280×1280 image) 8.3 megapixels (enough for a 3840×2160 image)
* and compresses JPEG and PNG with a quality of 90
**, but you can often get much better compression by using free tools like
Squoosh (web app),
TinyJPG (up to 20 images, works for PNG) or
imageOptim (desktop app).
Avoid uploading large animated GIFs, videos, or audio files as much as possible. It takes up a lot of disk space, which means more hosting costs in the end. For videos, you can use the open-source tool
Handbrake (this simple
guide written by
@gauthier will help you if you don’t know how to use it).
Post etiquetteYou agree to put sensitive topics behind a content warning (CW) (photos must be marked with the eye symbol - after uploading, before posting). Here are a few topics you'd want to CW:
- Politics
- Graphic violence / gore
- Sexual content / nudity
- Spoilers
- Hate topics (racism / sexism / homophobia / transphobia, etc)
- Depression / suicide / mental health (you can add (-) or (+) to indicate tone)
- Flashing video / GIFs
- Drug / alcohol use
- Food / diet / weight
- Medical
- Religion
When in doubt, CW. More people than you think can be badly affected by specific topics, or just the current state of our world. If you think that anyone could suffer from reading your content, please hide it behind a Content Warning and mask your pictures.
Content rulesThe following types of content will be removed from the public timeline, and may result in a ban from
- Plagiarism (see definition)
- Posting other people's work/photos/art without credit
- Untagged pornography and sexually explicit content
- Untagged gore and graphic violence
- Racism or advocation of racism
- Sexism or advocation of sexism
- Xenophobic and/or violent nationalism
- Intentional misinformation
The following types of content are explicitly disallowed and will result in a ban from
- Sexual depictions of children
- Holocaust denial or Nazi symbolism
- Conduct promoting the ideology of fascism/radical nationalism
- Promoting the oppression of any group based on gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or class
Any conduct intended to stalk, harass, or intimidate other users, or to impede other users from utilising the service, or to degrade the performance of the service, or to harass other users, or to incite other users to perform any of the aforementioned actions is forbidden and subject to punishment up to and including a ban from can include, but is not limited to, the following behaviors:
- Continuing to engage in conversation with a user that has specifically requested for said engagement to cease may be considered harassment, regardless of platform-specific privacy tools employed
- Aggregating, posting, and/or disseminating a person's demographic, personal, or private data without express permission
- Inciting users to engage another user in continued interaction or discussion after a user has requested for said engagement with that user to cease and desist may be considered harassment
- Posting and/or disseminating a person's posts ("toots"), including screen captures or any other content without express permission
- Intentionally posting or disseminating libel, slander, or other disinformation.
This Code of Conduct applies both to content and behavior online and to public spaces when an individual is representing
Reports of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be made by using the report button. All reports will be reviewed and dealt with as soon as possible. Admins are obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
The Admin reserves the right to revoke any user's content on or access to at any time, for any reason.