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Languages English (en)
Users 178
Active users (last month) 4
Active users (last six months) 20
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 9,418
First sight Nov 9, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Dec 14, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.2
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) handmade, christmas, nature, introduction, cats
Short description
The Mastodon server built by Earpers for Earpers. If you are here to Earp and want to build safe and supportive community, we may be the home for you. Everyone welcome. We got you, Earp. E4L 📬
Long description
We are the Mastodon server built by Earpers for Earpers. This instance exists to celebrate all things Wynonna Earp: The comic, the TV show, the cast and crew, and our famdom.

If you are here to Earp and want to build safe and supportive community together, we may be the home for you. We are LGBTQIA-forward and neurospicy-friendly. Most of our content is in English but we are a global community.

You as you are, are ok.

Everyone welcome*

E4L 📬

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct at Earp Nation can be summarized as "Do no harm, but take no shit." *Everyone welcome, but not all behavior is welcome. For more details our full code of conduct is being drafted (coming soon!)

Support Earp Nation

If you enjoy your time on Earp Nation and want to support what we're doing here, you can do so in a number of ways:

  • Our current hosting expenses are about 25USD a month, and we are covered for the next 6-9 months, but you can tip Admin here and every little bit helps!
  • Spread the word to other Earpers that we are here
  • Welcome new members & help each other learn to use our platform


Dean owns and operates the server with the help of a team of Earpers:

Reporting and moderation

When reporting accounts, please make sure to include at least a few posts that show rule-breaking behaviour, when applicable. If there is any additional context that might help make a decision, please also include it in the comment. This is especially important when the content is in a language nobody on the moderation team speaks.

We aim to handle reports within 24 hours. Please mind that you are not notified when a report you have made has led to a punitive action, and that not all punitive actions are externally visible. For first time offenses, we may opt to delete offending content, escalating to harsher measures on repeat offenses.

Community Events

Wherever you are on the Fediverse, you can join in!


  • Celebrate Melanie Scrofano with #MelCrushMonday
  • New eps of Late Night at the Homestead drop wherever you get your podcasts


  • Celebrate Tim Rozon and the men of Earp with #TimStacheTuesday


  • Our holy day: #WayhaughtWednesday or #Wynaught rights, why pick just one?


  • Celebrate Dom P-C with #DomIsTheBombThursday
  • Earp Movie Watch, 8pm Eastern


  • Party with #FandrasFriday, #FoundFamilyFriday


  • Celebrate Kat Barrell with #Katurday


  • Celebrate the heart of our show with #EarpSistersSunday
  • Earp Movie Watch, Noon Eastern

We can also be found at #EarperCreations and #EarperSupport
Instance rules
  1. No illegal content under US, French, or European law
  2. Do not use slurs or racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory or hateful jokes or language or promote white supremacy, anti-Semitism, transphobia or other hateful ideologies.
  3. Do not harass anyone, participate in group harassment of anyone, or otherwise engage in personal attacks. Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”) constitutes harassment.
  4. Do not be intentionally antagonistic. A post or reply designed to provoke a confrontation is not acceptable.
  5. Do not use automated tools to toot without participating in the community. It is fine to post with an automated tool so long as you are an active member of the earpnation community and respond to replies you receive here. Unmonitored accounts that post automatically are not acceptable.
  6. Do not post spam. Toots that are nothing other than a link and/or contain an inordinate number of hashtags are spam, as does any overly commercial self-promotion. (It is fine to toot about your own projects and share what you are excited to be working on — just keep the toot itself interesting).
  7. Do not post about inflammatory, controversial subjects without a Content Warning.
  8. Do not engage in name calling, ad hominem attacks, or any other uncivil behavior; criticize ideas or behavior and never people.
  9. Do not tone police. Toots may violate the standards of civility we set on earpnation, but you should not criticize users for their tone. Report them or feel free to block them. In neither case should you criticize their tone.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. a.*c: suspended (reason: Extreme racism, fascism)
  2. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: DDoS attacks from subdomains)
  3. aet**.*om: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  4. akko.*******.*lack: suspended (reason: Racism, fash, harassment)
  5. akko.d********.space: suspended (reason: Racism, channer stuff)
  6. arac****.*own: suspended (reason: Homophobia from the admin accounts)
  7. baj**.us: suspended (reason: Abuse, harrassment)
  8. bar***.*et: suspended (reason: NSFW Anime style images that appear to be of child-like characters.)
  9. beef*****.*lub: suspended (reason: Neo-nazis, harassment)
  10. bers*****.*own: suspended (reason: Federating with 'free speech' instances, hosting ableist, transphobic, fascist content)
  11. bike****.**rty: suspended (reason: Harassment, federating with Gab, etc.)
  12. blo*.*at: suspended (reason: freespeechextremist.com association, federating with Kiwifarms)
  13. brigh****.**cial: suspended (reason: Radical right-wing instance)
  14. cac****.*oe: suspended (reason: Racism)
  15. chil*****.*hop: suspended (reason: Child porn and/or loli content)
  16. chu****.cc: suspended (reason: Ableism, transphobia, racism, slurs)
  17. clit*****.*lub: suspended (reason: TERF instance)
  18. club*******.co: suspended (reason: Harassment, hate speech)
  19. co**.*i: suspended (reason: Racism, fascism, harassment, trolling, etc.)
  20. communi**.********aks.de: suspended (reason: Nazi/far-right rhetoric, xenophobia)
  21. coo*.**ub: suspended (reason: Associating with Gab, antisemitism, ableism, etc.)
  22. crl*.***ja: suspended (reason: Harassment, ableism)
  23. cruc****.**rld: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  24. crypto*********y.com: suspended (reason: Spam instance)
  25. cum.***on: suspended (reason: uncensored porn, slurs)
  26. cum.d*******.soy: suspended (reason: Ableism, racism, transmisia)
  27. cybe******.one: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  28. dais*****.moe: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  29. detro**********.com: suspended (reason: Racism, homophobia, etc)
  30. develop.gab.com: suspended (reason: Racism, misogyny, queerphobia, ...)
  31. dlf.****al: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  32. eie****.*rg: suspended (reason: racism)
  33. even******.*lub: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theory, racism, antisemitism, fascism)
  34. fandom.community: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  35. fedi.******.link: suspended (reason: Free speech, antisemitism)
  36. fedi.*********.com: suspended (reason: Transphobia, racism, kiwifarms, loli, conspiracy theories)
  37. fedi.*********u.be: suspended (reason: freespeechextremist.com association, pedophilia defenders)
  38. fedic*.*******.org: suspended (reason: Holocaust denial, misogyny, fascist ideology/symbolism)
  39. figh****.*ech: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance, far-right ideology)
  40. free******.*ost: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance, federates with Gab, Kiwifarms)
  41. freea*******.com: suspended (reason: ableism, nationalism, right-wing rhetoric and conspiracy theories)
  42. frees*****.*roup: suspended (reason: Alt-right rhetoric, conspiracies, etc)
  43. freesp************t.com: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  44. freespeec*.*************dios.com: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance, little to no moderation oversight, lack of CoC)
  45. freewa**********t.wtf: suspended (reason: Ableism, racism, transmisia)
  46. fwediv****.*******a.com: suspended (reason: Transphobia, antisemitism)
  47. gab.ai: suspended (reason: Racism, misogyny, queerphobia, ...)
  48. gamel******.club: suspended (reason: Racism)
  49. gear******.*aus: suspended (reason: Transphobia, racism)
  50. gende*********.xyz: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  51. geof****.**cks: suspended (reason: Racism, slurs)
  52. geti****.com: suspended (reason: Racism)
  53. ghet**.****ter: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
  54. git**.**fe: suspended (reason: Alt-right rhetoric, conspiracy theories, zenophobia)
  55. glea*******.com: suspended (reason: TERF instance)
  56. gli***.*rg: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  57. gor*.***ce: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theory, homophobia, etc.)
  58. gor*.**ub: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theory, racism, antisemitism, fascism, homophobia...)
  59. gor*.*ub: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theory, racism, antisemitism, fascism, homophobia...)
  60. goy**.*pp: suspended (reason: Racism, ableism, transphobia, nazi content)
  61. goys***.*afe: suspended (reason: Racism)
  62. hag**.*et: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  63. halls*******i.io: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  64. honk****.*ech: suspended (reason: Transphobia, racism)
  65. jaeg**.****ite: suspended (reason: Transphobia, harassment)
  66. kab***.**ub: suspended (reason: Racism)
  67. kiwi*****.is: suspended (reason: Transphobia, doxxing, harassment)
  68. kiwi*****.net: suspended (reason: Transphobia, doxxing, harassment)
  69. kuro****.moe: suspended (reason: Loli, racism, slurs, channer)
  70. la**.*h: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  71. lanue*********a.es: suspended (reason: Hate speech, abuse, harassment)
  72. leaf******.*lub: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism, harassment)
  73. liberdon.com: suspended (reason: Harassment and toxic behaviour from users)
  74. liv*****.cf: suspended (reason: Homophobic slurs, abusive behaviour by instance Admin toward users of other instances)
  75. lostvoi*.**********ds.xyz: suspended (reason: Ableist domain name)
  76. mar***.**ub: suspended (reason: Racism)
  77. mas****.st: suspended (reason: Harassment, white supremacy)
  78. mastod**.********ta.es: suspended (reason: Threats of violence, harassment)
  79. mastodon.cf: suspended (reason: Uncensored porn & hosting pedophilia)
  80. md.k*****.*ech: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  81. mk.di*******.*pace: suspended (reason: Racism, channer stuff)
  82. mona**.***ine: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  83. mst**.io: suspended (reason: Hosting fash content, not defederating from fash instances, transphobic accounts that harass others)
  84. mstdn.foxfam.club: suspended (reason: Spam bots and a lot of alt-right posting.)
  85. mu.z******.nu: suspended (reason: Federating with Gab, transphobia)
  86. mugi***.*lub: suspended (reason: Racism)
  87. musk******.com: suspended (reason: "Free speech")
  88. naz*.****al: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  89. neck*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Lolicon, abusive behaviour)
  90. neen****.org: suspended (reason: Gab-fork, spin off of TERF instance spinster.xyz, admin is a moderator of spinster.xyz)
  91. nicec***.***ital: suspended (reason: Racism, homophobia)
  92. nni*.***ce: suspended (reason: "Free speech")
  93. noage*********.com: suspended (reason: "Free speech")
  94. nor***.**fe: suspended (reason: Hate Speech)
  95. ob*.*h: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  96. onewa*.*****.host: suspended (reason: Admin interacting with known hate instances)
  97. onio*.***ial: suspended (reason: "Free speech", conspiracy theory, etc)
  98. out***.st: suspended (reason: Free speech, hate speech, racism)
  99. pas**.*tf: suspended (reason: Racism)
  100. paw**.*et: suspended (reason: hosting pedophilia)
  101. ped*.****ol: suspended (reason: Self explanatory.)
  102. pieville.net: suspended (reason: Racism, misogyny, etc.)
  103. pl.an*********.com: suspended (reason: Racism, homophobia, antisemitism)
  104. pl.info.***********.online: suspended (reason: Racism)
  105. pl.ki*********.club: suspended (reason: Bigotry and harassment)
  106. pl.nat********.*nline: suspended (reason: Racism)
  107. pl.zo********.run: suspended (reason: Transphobic)
  108. pleroma.**********he.biz: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  109. poa.st: suspended (reason: Overt racism and misogyny.)
  110. pon*.****al: suspended (reason: antisemitic, racist, homophobic)
  111. prete*******.biz: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  112. rag*.*ol: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance, members with nazi affiliation, members that advocate genocide and eugenics)
  113. rak***.*pp: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  114. rap*.*ol: suspended (reason: The URL is self-explanatory.)
  115. rap***.**wn: suspended (reason: Self explanatory.)
  116. rape****.*hop: suspended (reason: Pro-sexual assault)
  117. rapem***.*****ions: suspended (reason: Pro-sexual assault)
  118. rdr***.cc: suspended (reason: Racism, homophobia)
  119. rojo****.com: suspended (reason: Harassment, hate speech)
  120. ryon*.***ncy: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  121. sea*.**fe: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, racism, free speech, harassment)
  122. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: Racism, alt-right)
  123. short*******n.ch: suspended (reason: Racism, homophobia)
  124. shr***.*oe: suspended (reason: Loli, racism)
  125. sle***.**fe: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  126. sne**.**op: suspended (reason: Racism, antisemitism, fascism)
  127. snee*.***ial: suspended (reason: Racism, antisemitism, fascism)
  128. socia*.******.org: suspended (reason: Homophobia)
  129. social.************ey.bar: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  130. social.***********e.com: suspended (reason: "Free speech", praising the KKK, ...)
  131. social.*********ng.io: suspended (reason: Transphobia, homophobia)
  132. social.l*************ons.net: suspended (reason: Transphobia, nazism)
  133. solagg.com: suspended (reason: Lots of spam bots.)
  134. spin****.dev: suspended (reason: Transphobia/TERFs)
  135. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: TERFs, "Radical Feminism")
  136. spr*****.cc: suspended (reason: Racism, "free speech", transphobia)
  137. tasti*********.net: suspended (reason: Queerphobia)
  138. taul**.***ial: suspended (reason: Hosting pedophilia)
  139. terr****.**ace: suspended (reason: Fascism, racism, harrassment)
  140. toot.c************l.net: suspended (reason: Racism, "free speech" instance)
  141. varis*******.net: suspended (reason: Child porn and/or loli content)
  142. wa**.*t: suspended (reason: Paedophilia and lolicon apologist)
  143. waha.********.soy: suspended (reason: Ableism, racism, transmisia)
  144. witc***.*ive: suspended (reason: Racism/harassment by the admin toward people on POC instances)
  145. wur*.**st: suspended (reason: Suicide baiting, racism, slurs, trolling, harassment)
  146. xn--p1a****.******asehdb: suspended (reason: Single user instance that is extreme transphobic views.)
  147. yggdr****.**cial: suspended (reason: TERF instance, homophobia)
  148. you**.**ve: suspended (reason: Pedophilia, holocaust denial, ...)
  149. zet***.**ub: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  150. zzt****.*ay: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Date of creation Nov 11, 2022 UTC
Display name earpnation.social admin 🛡️
The Goddamn Sheriff of Purgatory*

This is the admin account for earpnation.social

If you are looking for posts regarding the server, announcements of new members, and some newbie usage tips...follow this account

I'll also post server related news on

Want related posts with a dash of my other interests? Follow me at @TheReverendDean

Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 0 statuses, 10 logins, 0 registrations)
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
12/7/24, 2:46:15 AM UTC12/8/24, 3:18:30 AM UTC12/9/24, 2:40:00 AM UTC12/10/24, 4:05:14 AM UTC12/11/24, 2:23:09 AM UTC12/12/24, 3:56:13 AM UTC12/13/24, 3:49:49 AM UTC12/14/24, 2:12:52 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 698/699 (99.86%)