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Languages Scottish Gaelic (gd)
Users 87
Active users (last month) 23
Active users (last six months) 31
Characters per post (max) 1,500
Known instances 13,591
First sight Oct 19, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Dec 14, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.1
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, and also according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) AdventOfCode, JukeboxFridayNight, TOTP, France, programming, BikeNite, FollowFriday
Short description
This server is aimed at Gaelic speakers.
Tha am frithealaiche seo ann do luchd na Gàidhlig.
Ma tha duilgheadas agad leis a’ CAPTCHA, cuir post-d thugainn air rianaire@co-shaoghal.net
Long description
This server is aimed at Gaelic speakers. If you aren't planning to write in Gaelic, head on over to mastodon.scot which is a friendly server, or check out the lists at joinmastodon.org or instances.social. You will still be able to talk to us from there. You can also create accounts on multiple servers if you like.

Tha am frithealaiche seo ann do luchd na Gàidhlig. Tha mi ’ga òstadh sa Ghearmailt le Hetzner ach am bi a h-uile duine fo dhìon an GDPR.

Ma tha duilgheadas agad leis a’ CAPTCHA, cuir post-d thugainn air rianaire@co-shaoghal.net


Chruthaich mi aiste le foir-shealladh air na seirbheisean agus le molaidhean air aplacaidean fòn-làimhe.

Sgrìobh rudeigin ’nad phròifil agus sgrìobh post leis an taga hais #fàilte ach am fàs sinn eòlach ort. Gheibh thu cuideachadh leis an taga hais #taic.

Airson daoine a lorg air a’ cho-shaoghal fharsaing a sgrìobhas mu chuspairean sònraichte, mholainn gun tadhail thu air Trunk agus fediverse.info ’s gun lean thu air @FediFollows@mastodon.social (Tha làrach-lìn aca cuideachd air fedi.directory). Cuideachd, gheibh thu liosta de phròifilean air Eòlaire nam pròifil.

Beusan sònraichte a’ cho-shaoghail

Tha beusan no netiquette aig a’ cho-shaoghal a tha beagan diofraichte o na meadhanan sòisealta eile.

  • Cleachdaibh CW (Content Warning, Rabhadh Susbainte) ma tha dad frionasach sa phost agaibh. Tha seo feumail do dhaoine a bhios an eisimeil air leughadairean-sgrìn cuideachd ma tha còd no teacsa fada agaibh. ’S urrainn dhuibh cuideachd comharra a chur ri dealbh no video gu bheil e frionasach.
  • Cuiribh teacsa ris na dealbhan, videothan is faidhlichean fuaime agaibh ach an tuig an fheadhainn air a bheil cion-lèirsinne no -cluaisneachd iad. Tha seo cudromach cuideachd mur eil an dealbh “fiosrachail” – is toigh leis a h-uile duine beagan fealla-dhà.
  • Airson taic a thoirt dhan fheadhainn air a bheil cion-lèirsinne, cleachdaibh litrichean mòra is beaga ann an #tagaicheanHais ach an leugh leughadairean-sgrìn os àrd iad mar bu chòir.
  • Tha daoine sa cho-shaoghal a dh’fhulaing droch-dhìol air Twitter, mar sin dheth feuch an can sibh “làrach an eun” no “birdsite” ’na àite.

Saoilidh mi gur e sin agaibh e! 😉

An sgioba

Seo an sgioba againn ma tha thu feumach air taic sam bith: RianaireanDèiligidh @gunchleoc ris an fhrithealaiche agus mur urrainn dhi a bhith ann, tha @neil comasach air cuideachadh ann an suidheachaidhean èiginneach ged nach eil a’ Ghàidhlig aige. Ma tha am frithealaiche sìos, gheibh thu grèim oirnn air @gunchleoc@mastodon.scot agus @neil@glasgow.social MaoirMa chì thu spama no dad sam bith a bhriseas riaghailtean an fhrithealaiche, cleachd gleus a’ ghearain. Ma tha barrachd taic a dhìth ort, faighnich dhe @gunchleoc agus/no @clamhan.

Bacadh fhrithealaichean

A thuilleadh air na lèirmheasan a nì sinn fhìn air frithealaichean eile, cleachdaidh sinn liosta aig oliphaunt agus bacadh fèin-obrachail air seann-bhathar-bhog.
Instance rules
  1. Bi caoimhneil
  2. Na bi ri gràin
  3. Na postaich nithean mì-laghail
  4. Tha postadh lomnochd cuingichte air an fhrithealaiche seo
  5. Na sgaoil mì-fhios
  6. Na sàraich càch
  7. Na foillsich fiosrachadh prìobhaideach mu chàch
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 0.0n.ee: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2. 076.**.jp: limited (reason: hate-associated)
  3. 0ve***.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  4. 101010.pl: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  5. 10minutepleroma.com: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  6. 13b****.*om: suspended
  7. 161*.****al: suspended (reason: hate-associated,anti-lgbtq,hate-speech)
  8. 194x1**.*****y.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  9. 19ma*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  10. 246***.*yz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  11. 2hu.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  12. 3v.*s: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  13. 4ae*.*om: suspended
  14. 4bear.com: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  15. 5dollah.click: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  16. 7a4.**.ua: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  17. 8030**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  18. 80c****.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  19. 80per****.**cial: limited
  20. 87**.*h: limited
  21. 9ine*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  22. 9kb.me: limited (reason: Spama)
  23. 9yo.punipoka.pink: suspended (reason: IFTAS:CSAM)
  24. a.b****.*yi: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  25. a.fa****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  26. a.ga*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  27. a.j***.**ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  28. a.kret*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  29. a.lu********.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  30. a.sc: suspended
  31. absolut************ry.org: limited
  32. ac*.**o: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  33. ac**.*a: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  34. ace****.*et: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  35. aces****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  36. acil*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  37. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended (reason: IFTAS:Service-Abuse)
  38. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: Ionnsaighean)
  39. adac**.**rty: suspended (reason: harassment,hate-associated,hate-speech,racism)
  40. adte*****.com: suspended
  41. adul*****.lol: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  42. adultsocial.inet.party: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  43. aethy.com: suspended (reason: IFTAS:CSAM)
  44. afn.ga*******.***ns.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  45. agd*****.no: limited
  46. ai.***i: limited
  47. ains-no-*******.******oud.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  48. airwaves.social: limited (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  49. aisl**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  50. ak.in******.**rden: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  51. aka****.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  52. akkom*.****.chat: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  53. akkoma.*********h.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  54. akkoma.*********ng.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  55. aklp.club: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  56. alge***.*hat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  57. along******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  58. alpi***.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  59. altere**********s.com: limited
  60. alterracloud.com: limited (reason: harassment,hate-speech)
  61. am.pir********.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  62. amami.paradigm-x.tokyo: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  63. ancr*****.com: limited
  64. ancr*****.xyz: limited
  65. ange***.*lub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  66. angr******.com: limited
  67. anima******.**mily: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  68. animal**********.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  69. annihilation.social: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  70. anon*******.com: suspended
  71. anub**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  72. ap.***.*tf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  73. ap.h*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  74. ap.tu*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  75. ap.uwu.st: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  76. appsi****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  77. arac****.*own: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  78. archive.***************nded.tv: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  79. are***.*ne: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  80. arne******.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  81. arri****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  82. artis******.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  83. asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  84. ascii*******.**chts: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  85. asen********.ca: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  86. asi***.*rg: limited
  87. asocia*.********k.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  88. asstodon.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  89. astou*********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  90. astr*.***nic: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  91. astro******.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  92. att*.**.to: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  93. att*.**wn: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  94. audi*.****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  95. audi*.******.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  96. audio.*****.blue: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  97. audio.*******.vip: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  98. audio.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  99. audio.**********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  100. audiop************n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  101. aura***.**ace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  102. autist*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  103. awa****.*om: limited
  104. awad****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  105. axb**.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  106. b.f****.se: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  107. b.kret*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  108. b.os*****.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  109. b.s****.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  110. b0x.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  111. b61*.*oe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  112. ba*.*n: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  113. ba**.*v: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  114. babyfurs.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  115. bad**.co: limited
  116. bae.st: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  117. bajax.us: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  118. bale*****.eus: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  119. balka*.*****e.rs: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  120. ballh***.*****nity: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  121. ban***.st: suspended (reason: hate-associated,antivax,harassment)
  122. baraag.net: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  123. bass**.***ial: suspended
  124. battl********.*ideo: suspended
  125. bbs.c*******.**line: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  126. bean****.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  127. bear.community: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  128. beck******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  129. bee**.**er: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  130. bee*****.ga: limited
  131. beef*****.*lub: limited
  132. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  133. berg****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  134. bers*****.*own: limited (reason: hate-speech,alt-right,anti-lgbtq,fascism)
  135. bes****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  136. beyer*******s.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  137. bf*.**c: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  138. bgzashtita.es: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  139. bhs*.**te: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  140. bibli**.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  141. biblio.***********.rocks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  142. bibliot***.********ub.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  143. bidu**.****.in: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  144. bigballchunkyverse.online: limited (reason: Spama)
  145. biha*.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  146. bike****.**rty: limited
  147. bilb***.*ech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  148. bin**.**sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  149. bir***.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  150. bird.makeup: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  151. bird.zvo.io: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  152. bird*.***den: limited
  153. bird*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  154. birdsite.blazelight.dev: suspended
  155. birdsite.frog.fashion: suspended
  156. birdsite.lakedrops.com: suspended
  157. birdsite.noitl.space: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  158. birdsite.slashdev.space: suspended
  159. birdsite.tcjc.uk: suspended
  160. birdsite.thorlaksson.com: suspended
  161. birdsite.wilde.cloud: suspended
  162. birdsitelive.mastodon.vm.statshelix.com: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  163. bitc*****.com: limited
  164. bitcoinhackers.org: limited (reason: Mealladh)
  165. bkk.g******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  166. blaz****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  167. bli**.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  168. blob.cat: limited (reason: harassment,porn)
  169. bloc*****.mom: limited
  170. blog.****.*ish: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  171. blog.****.*oop: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  172. blog.****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  173. blog.*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  174. blog.*****.**rden: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  175. blog.*****.*ame: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  176. blog.*****.*izza: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  177. blog.*****.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  178. blog.*****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  179. blog.*****.fi: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  180. blog.*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  181. blog.*****.sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  182. blog.******.*pace: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  183. blog.******.fun: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  184. blog.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  185. blog.*******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  186. blog.*******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  187. blog.*******.gay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  188. blog.*******.icu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  189. blog.*******.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  190. blog.*******.re: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  191. blog.*******.town: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  192. blog.*******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  193. blog.********.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  194. blog.********.ink: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  195. blog.********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  196. blog.*********.org: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  197. blog.**********.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  198. blog.********a.eu: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  199. blog.********i.cz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  200. blog.b***********s.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  201. blog.h*******.*tudio: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  202. blog.k*********.name: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  203. blog.l*********r.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  204. blog.m*********.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  205. blog.mi***********.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  206. blog.p**********er.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  207. blog.r***********i.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  208. blogi.*********mi.fi: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  209. blogs.******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  210. blogz.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  211. bloom********.icu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  212. blow.*******l.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  213. blu*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  214. blu***.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  215. bmu.beerinacan.com: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  216. bobin**.***.club: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  217. boil*******.ee: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  218. bokantaj.o-k-i.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  219. boo*****.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  220. book.***.ovh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  221. book*.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  222. book*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  223. book*.******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  224. books.*********.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  225. books.**********e.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  226. books.**********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  227. books.*********on.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  228. books.******o.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  229. books.dy***********.***hnology: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  230. books.k***********.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  231. books.l**************eon.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  232. bookw***.******a.mx: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  233. bookwy**.********dv.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  234. bookwyr*.*********sh.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  235. bot***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  236. bots.s*****.****ha.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  237. bott****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  238. boymilk.cafe: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  239. boymoder.biz: suspended
  240. brai*****.net: suspended
  241. brainport.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  242. brasi*.*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  243. bre***.**be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  244. bre***.**wn: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  245. brea******.*lub: suspended (reason: racism,anti-lgbtq,harassment,hate-associated,hate-speech)
  246. brech*.********s.me: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  247. bridge.yopp.me: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  248. brigadeof***********.*****kdns.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  249. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  250. bronyfurry.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  251. brun****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  252. bsd.moe: limited (reason: Sàrachadh)
  253. btrfly.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  254. bull**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  255. bun*.**rk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  256. bungle.online: limited (reason: hate-associated,racism)
  257. bunn*.***ily: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  258. burg**.**deo: limited
  259. burg****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  260. bw.b********.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  261. bw.k*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  262. bw.tr*********s.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  263. byte****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  264. byte*****.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  265. cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  266. caekis.love: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  267. calc***.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  268. calcke*.********.co.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  269. calendari*.**************llion.es: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  270. calo***.*lub: limited
  271. camp*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  272. campd*****.**cial: limited
  273. can***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  274. canar*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  275. candyuniverse.art: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  276. cann****.*afe: limited (reason: inappropriate,underage)
  277. canso****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  278. carni****.**cial: limited
  279. casc****.**mes: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  280. cast.****.sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  281. catgirl.life: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  282. catgirls.nya.gay: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  283. catp*****.*lub: limited
  284. cave.*******.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  285. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  286. ccr**.*om: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  287. cd0.nl: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  288. cdr**.***yo: limited
  289. cens*****.tk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  290. cess****.*ity: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  291. chamac**.******y.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  292. chedda*********.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  293. chil*****.su: suspended (reason: underage,inappropriate)
  294. childlove.space: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  295. chirp.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  296. cho***.*rt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  297. chric***.***n.de: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  298. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  299. cir***.**wn: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  300. ckp*.***ce: limited
  301. cle***.au: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  302. clew.lol: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  303. click.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  304. clif*.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  305. closed*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  306. clou******.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  307. cloud.****.*ocks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  308. cloudtu**.***.*******fer.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  309. club.darknight-coffee.eu: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  310. club*.***ial: limited
  311. clubcyberia.co: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  312. cm*.**i: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  313. cnet.site: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  314. coba******.*lue: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  315. cocka**********u.re: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  316. coco*****.co: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  317. cofe.moe: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  318. coll****.cat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  319. collapsitarian.io: limited (reason: alt-right,hate-associated)
  320. colo****.**rld: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  321. colt**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  322. com*.***ks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  323. comfyboy.club: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  324. comm.network: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  325. communit*.*************dom.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  326. community.****************ture.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  327. community.highlandarrow.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  328. comp******.*ost: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  329. comput*******.*gency: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  330. comput********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  331. conklin.lol: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  332. contra*********.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech)
  333. cool****.**use: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  334. coolsite.win: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  335. coom.club: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  336. corre****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  337. cotto******.cafe: suspended
  338. counter.social: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  339. cras******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  340. craz****.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  341. crea****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  342. cri***.*ay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  343. crit*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  344. crl*.***ja: suspended
  345. croo****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  346. cros*****.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  347. cruc****.**rld: suspended
  348. cryp*****.lol: limited (reason: crypto)
  349. crypt*******.com: limited
  350. csis**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  351. cua***.**sa: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  352. cubes.link: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  353. cubhub.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  354. cum.camp: suspended (reason: IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment)
  355. cum.desupost.soy: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  356. cum.salon: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  357. cunny.gay: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  358. cunnyborea.space: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  359. cunnyborea.top: suspended
  360. cute.*****.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  361. cute*****.net: limited (reason: spam,hate-speech,inappropriate,racism,underage)
  362. cyb**.*oe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  363. cybe*****.art: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  364. cyber.scamdemic.party: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  365. cyber*******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  366. cyber*******.xyz: limited
  367. cybercriminal.eu: limited (reason: harassment,hate-associated,spam)
  368. cyberstorm.one: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  369. cztw*****.cz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  370. d-fens.systems: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  371. d.ntauthority.me: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  372. da**.*i: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  373. daily*****.****.gay: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  374. daishouri.moe: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  375. dang**.**rts: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  376. dank*****.org: limited
  377. danoni***.*******o.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  378. dao.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  379. darapa**.******y.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  380. darri*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  381. dart*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  382. das**.io: limited
  383. dasge*********.art: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  384. data****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  385. de**.*o: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  386. dec***.eu: limited
  387. dec****.*ub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  388. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  389. deep*****.gay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  390. deepspace.cafe: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  391. delme******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  392. dem**.***se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  393. dembased.xyz: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  394. demente*.***.***.***.social: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  395. demo.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  396. der**.**ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  397. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  398. dev*****.de: limited
  399. devel*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  400. develop.gab.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  401. devo****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  402. devs.live: limited (reason: Dìth maorsainneachd)
  403. diary.********.dev: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  404. diat**.***ial: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  405. digr******.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  406. dingdash.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  407. dirtyknight.life: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  408. discourse.helenprejean.org: limited (reason: Spama)
  409. discov**.*******a.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  410. disi****.*ips: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  411. disqordia.space: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  412. dj.*e: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  413. djsu****.com: suspended
  414. dob**.**wn: limited
  415. don.****.*ech: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  416. don.*******.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  417. dondon.*******.id.au: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  418. dono****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  419. dood****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  420. doyo******.*hop: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  421. dr**.*e: limited
  422. drag***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  423. drag*****.xyz: limited
  424. drive**********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  425. drum******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  426. dry****.*ed: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  427. ds1**.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  428. dtp-*****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  429. dtz***.*yz: limited
  430. dud-vid**.***.*******den.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  431. duis****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  432. dump****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  433. eam***.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  434. eat.f*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  435. eatthebugs.social: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  436. ebi*.**ub: limited
  437. ebu**.***ld: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  438. eei-*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  439. eggplant.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbheach)
  440. eientei.org: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  441. eig****.*et: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  442. eitel*.****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  443. el-spot.xyz: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  444. elb*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  445. ele.g*******.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  446. elect*******.tech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  447. electr***********.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  448. eleu***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  449. eli**.*et: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  450. elli*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  451. elon*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  452. encha****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  453. endtim*********s.com: limited
  454. enjo***.****ork: limited
  455. entro*********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  456. epen****.com: limited
  457. epsi***.***ial: limited
  458. erdk******.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  459. ergo-research.org: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  460. eris**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  461. esk***.*om: limited
  462. estrell*.*******.***ato.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  463. eveningzoo.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  464. event*.*****.moe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  465. event**.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  466. evento*.*********e.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  467. events.*********.*lobal: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  468. everyth***.*******.horse: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  469. evia*****.org: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  470. explosion.party: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  471. ext**.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  472. f.**.*m: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  473. f.3*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  474. f.dec*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  475. f.eo*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  476. f.haeder.net: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  477. f.le*****.app: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  478. f.q***.*rg: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  479. facebook.com: suspended (reason: Meta)
  480. famil*.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  481. fan**.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  482. fando******.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  483. farb**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  484. fark******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  485. fault.*********y.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  486. fb.pa********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  487. fbx*.*et: limited
  488. fe*.**r: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  489. fed.*****.in: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  490. fed.f********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  491. fed***.**te: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  492. fed***.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  493. fed***.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  494. fed****.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  495. fede*****.fun: limited (reason: anti-lgbtq,hate-speech)
  496. federa***.******r.dog: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  497. federate.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  498. fedi.*****.cz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  499. fedi.*****.ee: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  500. fedi.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  501. fedi.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  502. fedi.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  503. fedi.*******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  504. fedi.*******.is: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  505. fedi.*******.moe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  506. fedi.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  507. fedi.*******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  508. fedi.********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  509. fedi.*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  510. fedi.*********.ink: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  511. fedi.*********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  512. fedi.**********.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  513. fedi.**********.lol: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  514. fedi.*********i.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  515. fedi.*********n.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  516. fedi.********s.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  517. fedi.app: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  518. fedi.b*******.*u.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  519. fedi.b*********t.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  520. fedi.j**********k.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  521. fedi.kar*************nan.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  522. fedi.r*********l.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  523. fedi.treeoflifecomic.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  524. fedi*****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  525. fedi*****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  526. fedichive.tk: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  527. fedii.********a.ws: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  528. fedilist.com: suspended (reason: Sgrìobair)
  529. fedip*********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  530. fediv****.*****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  531. fediv****.****g.ca: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  532. fediv*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  533. fedivers*.*************b.world: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  534. fedp******.*lub: limited
  535. feed.********k.cx: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  536. feed.s**********s.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  537. fele*****.**oud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  538. fem**.*ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  539. femb***.*ove: suspended (reason: Chaidh briseadh a-steach orra)
  540. feminism.lgbt: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  541. fer**.**fe: limited
  542. fer**.**st: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  543. feti******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  544. fff.**.am: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  545. figh*****.net: limited (reason: hate-associated)
  546. fire.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  547. fire*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  548. firedr**********s.com: limited
  549. firefi**.*****.*rg.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  550. firefis*.************st1.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  551. fish****.**.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  552. flam****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  553. flas****.**deo: suspended (reason: Scraper)
  554. flax****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  555. flip*****.*eam: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  556. flo**.**nk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  557. flo***.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  558. flowe*.***.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  559. flowe**.*******.wtf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  560. flu*.**ub: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech)
  561. flutte**********.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  562. fnya.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  563. fo*.*x: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  564. foca*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  565. folk******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  566. follo*********.site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  567. follow.*********o.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  568. fomo******.*nfo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  569. fon****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  570. fora******.icu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  571. forge.*******4.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  572. forum********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  573. forw*****.**mes: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  574. fosstodon.org: limited (reason: Leth-bhreith cànain)
  575. fotograma*.**************ncia.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  576. foub****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  577. fourgo******.****py.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  578. fox****.*ol: suspended
  579. fr13nd5.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  580. fre****.*yz: limited (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech)
  581. freak.university: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  582. freak*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  583. free***.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  584. free******.*lub: limited
  585. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  586. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  587. freehold.earth: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  588. freequeefextremist.com: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  589. frees*****.*roup: limited
  590. freesocial.co: limited (reason: Spama)
  591. freesof************st.com: limited (reason: alt-right,hate-associated,hate-speech)
  592. freespeech.firedragonstudios.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  593. freespeech.host: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  594. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment;Disinformation)
  595. freet*******.com: limited
  596. freet*******.lgbt: limited
  597. freezepeach.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  598. frei****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  599. frennet.link: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  600. freu********.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  601. fri**.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  602. frie***.*afe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  603. frie*****.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  604. frien*.********.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  605. frien****.***u.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  606. frien****.**a.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  607. friend***.****.***bo.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  608. friend***.*******.chat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  609. friend***.********.info: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  610. friend***.********eb.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  611. friend***.********ty.nl: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  612. friend***.*******s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  613. friend***.******e4.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  614. friend******.****.place: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  615. friend*********ig.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  616. friendi**.***********ce.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  617. friendi**.*********s.cyou: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  618. friendi**.********her.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  619. friendi**.********rpf.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  620. friendic*.**************apes.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  621. friendic*.***********ings.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  622. friendlica.de: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith, sàrachadh, mì-fhios)
  623. frndc.s***********der.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  624. froth.zone: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  625. fsebu********.org: suspended
  626. ftl.**at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  627. fun*.***.si: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  628. funk.****.*arm: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  629. funkw****.***l.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  630. funkw****.**g.re: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  631. funkwh***.********e.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  632. funkwh***.******s.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  633. funkwh***.*****ir.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  634. funkwhal*.************ich.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  635. furuyo**********.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  636. fw.****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  637. g2s.e******.***tact: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  638. gab.ai: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  639. gab.best: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  640. gab.com: suspended
  641. gab.io: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  642. gab.polaris-1.work: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  643. gab.protohype.net: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  644. gab*.***ks: limited
  645. gabfed.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  646. gadge*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  647. gam**.*go: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  648. game**.****sed: limited
  649. game*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  650. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: Bot a dh'fhoillsicheas fiosrachadh mu bhacaidhean)
  651. gangstalking.services: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  652. gay.camera: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  653. gaybdsm.group: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  654. gayfr.social: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  655. gayr****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  656. gazo******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  657. gearlandia.haus: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  658. geda*******.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  659. gegenstimme.tv: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  660. gen***.**ve: limited
  661. gende*********.xyz: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq,hate-speech)
  662. gens****.*lub: limited
  663. geofront.rocks: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  664. gerv*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  665. gespe**********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  666. get****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  667. gh0st.live: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh, leth-bhreith)
  668. ghet**.****ter: limited (reason: antisemitism,hate-speech,inappropriate,racism,underage)
  669. ghett*******o.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  670. gigaohm.bio: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  671. ging****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  672. git.***.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  673. git.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  674. gitmo.life: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  675. giveu********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  676. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  677. glee.li: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  678. glindr.org: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  679. glitc*.***.**mily: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  680. globa*********.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  681. glow***.***den: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  682. glowers.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  683. gly**.**ty: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  684. gnus*****.jp: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  685. gnus*****.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  686. gnuso****.*****.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  687. go3.**te: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  688. goldandblack.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  689. goma****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  690. goo****.*og: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  691. gor*.**be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  692. gor*.*ub: limited
  693. gosus****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  694. got*.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  695. goto.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  696. goto.*****.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  697. goto.*******.band: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  698. goto.********.*oday: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  699. goto.h**********s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  700. gotoso****.*****w.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  701. gotosoc***.*******rf.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  702. goyim.social: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  703. grea*****.**deo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  704. green*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  705. green******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  706. grei***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  707. grem***.**rty: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  708. grypstu**.***********ald.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  709. gts.****.**cks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  710. gts.*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  711. gts.*******.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  712. gts.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  713. gts.1**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  714. gts.a******.cool: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  715. gts.ap************e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  716. gts.dis************ic.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  717. gts.g*******.shop: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  718. gts.i********.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  719. gts1.*******.dk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  720. gul**.at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  721. gulp.cafe: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  722. h3h*.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  723. h5q.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  724. hack********.se: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  725. hae***.*et: suspended
  726. halls*******i.io: limited
  727. hand*******.io: suspended
  728. hanna******.**line: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  729. hard**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  730. harpy.faith: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  731. haru***.*ork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  732. hat*.**sa: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  733. hayu.sh: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  734. hedg****.pub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  735. hedge*********.club: limited
  736. heig**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  737. hell.twtr.plus: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  738. hell*.*****.xin: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  739. hell*****.com: limited
  740. hen***.**by: limited (reason: inappropriate,underage)
  741. hendr*******.com: limited
  742. hepb***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  743. her****.li: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  744. hex****.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  745. hidam***.******ents: limited (reason: nazism,alt-right)
  746. his**.li: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  747. hitch*****.**cial: suspended
  748. holo*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  749. home.s********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  750. hometo**.*********n.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  751. homura.space: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  752. honi.******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  753. honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  754. hoots.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  755. hps****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  756. hsjz.e***********a.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  757. huar**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  758. hub.pythia.cloud: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  759. hub.s*********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  760. hunk.city: suspended
  761. hus*.**te: limited (reason: harassment,hate-speech,racism)
  762. hya*.*nk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  763. hybrid*********e.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  764. hyp**.**fe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  765. hyper.equipment: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  766. i.c****.*om: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  767. i.transmit.love: limited (reason: Spama)
  768. ibite.lol: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  769. ic**.*e: limited
  770. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  771. idea.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  772. ifrit.g***.********dn.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  773. igno******.com: limited (reason: dos,spam)
  774. im.****.*ev: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  775. im.e*******.ovh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  776. im.m***.*ive: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  777. imas*****.*lue: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  778. imouto.exposed: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  779. imouto.pics: suspended (reason: IFTAS:CSAM)
  780. in.c*****.rip: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  781. ina**.**at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  782. ind*.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  783. indi*.*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  784. indi*****.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  785. inkspill.co: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  786. inst*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  787. inst********.pw: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  788. insta***.***ital: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  789. instagram.com: suspended (reason: Meta)
  790. inte*****.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  791. inthe****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  792. intkos.link: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  793. ip.o*******.cc: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  794. ippaita*************ey.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  795. iro****.*rg: limited
  796. is.a.****.dog: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  797. itab****.***.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  798. itmslaves.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  799. itsm*.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  800. itsnero.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  801. ix.*y: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  802. iyke.own****.*********re.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  803. jabb.in: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  804. jabb*******.moe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  805. jaeger.website: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  806. jak*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  807. james*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  808. jane*****.su: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  809. jaun******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  810. jets*****.**tch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  811. jic**.**og: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  812. jj*.*h: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  813. jkl**.**.to: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  814. john*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  815. jollyville.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  816. jonma*****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  817. josh******.*ech: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  818. jus****.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  819. just****.xyz: limited
  820. kad***.**ve: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  821. kad***.*oe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  822. kaf**.*cu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  823. kag***.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  824. kaje****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  825. katz****.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  826. katzen*****.****z.cat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  827. kawa****.com: limited (reason: hate-associated)
  828. kazar.ma: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  829. kazu****.**.si: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  830. kemo*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  831. ken****.*om: limited
  832. kenfm.quadplay.tv: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  833. kesk*****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  834. keu***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  835. key.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  836. kilo****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  837. kilogram.makeup: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  838. kinky.business: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  839. kinkyelephant.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  840. kit***.**fe: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  841. kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  842. kiwi*****.net: limited
  843. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  844. kiwifarms.is: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  845. kiwifarms.pleroma.net: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  846. knowl*******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  847. kobu****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  848. kok*.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  849. kompost.cz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  850. koso***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  851. kotob*********n.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  852. kowai.youkai.town: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  853. koware*******.**y.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  854. kra*****.se: limited
  855. kri*****.lv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  856. kult*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  857. kuni*****.icu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  858. kuro****.moe: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech,racism,harassment,underage)
  859. kuroyuk********.*****ey.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  860. ky*.**e: limited
  861. kya***.*oe: suspended
  862. la**.*a: limited (reason: hate-associated)
  863. la**.*h: limited
  864. lab-01.************et.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  865. labo.****.tk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  866. labv***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  867. lai*.*ay: limited
  868. lai***.*om: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  869. lam**.**sa: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  870. landof*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  871. lang***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  872. lapse2.o******.*********re.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  873. last******.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  874. laws*****.org: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  875. leafposter.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  876. learnin***********.social: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  877. leatherdyk.es: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  878. lebensr***.*******.trade: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  879. lect***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  880. leg**.*og: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  881. lemm*.****.ee: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  882. lemm*.****.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  883. lemm*.****.pt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  884. lemm*.******.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  885. lemm*.******.se: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  886. lemmy.*********.gay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  887. lemmy.************y.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  888. lemmy.**********n.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  889. lemmy.*********y.im: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  890. lemmy.*******x.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  891. lemmy.i************ax.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  892. les-carnets-d************.***********afouilles.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  893. lesser.******.****itute: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  894. letsalllovela.in: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  895. lewdieheaven.com: limited (reason: underage,inappropriate)
  896. lib**.***eo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  897. lib***.*ne: limited
  898. lib***.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  899. liber********y.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  900. liberdon.com: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, mì-fhios)
  901. libr***.*ove: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  902. libr****.**.za: limited
  903. libr*******.fr: limited
  904. libra******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  905. libre.tube: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  906. lig**.*ro: suspended (reason: alt-right)
  907. ling******.*nfo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  908. linuxrocks.online: suspended (reason: Dìth maorsainneachd)
  909. lit.t*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  910. liv*.***.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  911. live.*****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  912. live.*****.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  913. live.******.cafe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  914. live.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  915. live.******.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  916. live.******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  917. live.********.site: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  918. live.*********.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  919. live.**********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  920. live.********b.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  921. live.e**********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  922. live.lo************.games: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  923. live.t*********w.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  924. live********.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  925. livho.****.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  926. liz***.**ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  927. log.*******.me: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  928. log.li**********to.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  929. logo******.com: limited
  930. logs.reinhart1010.id: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  931. lol*.****ch: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  932. lol*.****te: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  933. lol*.***eo: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  934. lol**.***ld: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  935. lol****.*in: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  936. lol****.*op: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  937. loli***.****ork: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  938. loli***.****ter: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  939. loli***.**cks: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  940. long***.****.my: limited
  941. lore.l***********to.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  942. lovefo*********s.com: limited
  943. lovin*******.cafe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  944. lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  945. lust4****.**.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  946. lvi*.***ay: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  947. m.abu*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  948. m.and**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  949. m.b*****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  950. m.biendeo.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  951. m.co*****.*ech: suspended (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  952. m.f****.au: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  953. m.fil********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  954. m.gal********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  955. m.ge******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  956. m.ke****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  957. m.nev********.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  958. m.ni*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  959. m.o***.*et: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  960. m.pa*******.co: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  961. m.qu****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  962. m.s****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  963. m.te****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  964. m.tp********.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  965. m.und*******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  966. m.wi*****.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  967. m.yo*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  968. m.yt***.*nfo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  969. m.z***.*yz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  970. m11.***.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  971. m12.***.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  972. m2.kr*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  973. m6*.*u: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  974. ma**.*t: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  975. macro.********.blog: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  976. mad***.*ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  977. madd**.**cks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  978. mag****.*rg: limited
  979. magn********.dk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  980. mahi*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  981. mahno.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  982. maind********v.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  983. majes*****.****orce: limited
  984. makemy**********s.com: suspended
  985. mala*******.art: limited
  986. mam***.mx: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  987. mam*****.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  988. mamosw***.****.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  989. mamu*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  990. mamut.******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  991. maps******.de: limited (reason: underage,harassment,inappropriate)
  992. mar***.**ub: limited
  993. marimoko.biz: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  994. mas.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  995. mas.******.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  996. mas.g*********.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  997. mas.ne*********e.day: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  998. mas*.***.is: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  999. mas*****.cf: limited
  1000. mas*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1001. mas*****.la: limited
  1002. mas*****.se: limited
  1003. mashtodon.alterracloud.com: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1004. mask****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1005. masochi.st: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1006. masse.***********sa.tk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1007. mast.****.li: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1008. mast.*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1009. mast.ohbutt.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1010. mast*.*****.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1011. mast*.*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1012. mast*.******.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1013. mast****.***.au: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1014. mast****.***.dk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1015. mast****.***.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1016. mast****.***.no: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1017. mast****.***ial: limited
  1018. mast****.***ule: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1019. mast****.bot: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1020. mast*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1021. mast*******.one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1022. maste********.*o.uk: limited
  1023. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1024. masto.****.*d.au: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1025. masto.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1026. masto.*******.chat: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1027. masto.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1028. masto.************.buzz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1029. masto.************ce.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1030. masto.*********g.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1031. masto.******m.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1032. masto***.***.**m.br: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1033. masto***.***.*e.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1034. masto***.***.ooo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1035. masto***.****.*loud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1036. masto***.****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1037. masto***.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1038. masto***.*****.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1039. masto***.*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1040. masto***.*****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1041. masto***.*****.eus: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1042. masto***.*****.fun: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1043. masto***.*****.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1044. masto***.*****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1045. masto***.*****.site: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1046. masto***.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1047. masto***.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1048. masto***.******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1049. masto***.******.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1050. masto***.******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1051. masto***.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1052. masto***.******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1053. masto***.******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1054. masto***.******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1055. masto***.******e.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1056. masto***.******k.gr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1057. masto***.******l.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1058. masto***.******l.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1059. masto***.******m.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1060. masto***.******n.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1061. masto***.******o.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1062. masto***.******r.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1063. masto***.*****5.tv: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1064. masto***.*****a.cz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1065. masto***.*****a.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1066. masto***.*****c.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1067. masto***.*****f.co: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1068. masto***.*****k.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1069. masto***.*****n.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1070. masto***.*****n.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1071. masto***.*****o.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1072. masto***.*****p.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1073. masto***.****a.im: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1074. masto***.****b.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1075. masto***.****e.ro: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1076. masto***.****l.ca: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1077. masto***.****land: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1078. masto***.****o.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1079. masto***.****q.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1080. masto***.***o.cz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1081. masto***.***o.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1082. masto***.***u.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1083. masto*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1084. mastobate.social: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1085. mastod**.*****.*ku.hk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1086. mastod**.*****.black: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1087. mastod**.*****.tokyo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1088. mastod**.*****.world: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1089. mastod**.******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1090. mastod**.******.id.au: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1091. mastod**.*******.host: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1092. mastod**.*********.blue: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1093. mastod**.*********.casa: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1094. mastod**.*********.cool: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1095. mastod**.*********.name: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1096. mastod**.*********l.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1097. mastod**.*********re.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1098. mastod**.*********y.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1099. mastod**.*********y.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1100. mastod**.*********y.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1101. mastod**.********2.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1102. mastod**.********en.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1103. mastod**.********er.co: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1104. mastod**.********g.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1105. mastod**.********g.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1106. mastod**.********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1107. mastod**.********r.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1108. mastod**.********s.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1109. mastod**.********t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1110. mastod**.*******04.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1111. mastod**.*******b.pro: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1112. mastod**.*******c.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1113. mastod**.*******e.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1114. mastod**.*******e.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1115. mastod**.*******k.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1116. mastod**.*******o.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1117. mastod**.*******ou.se: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1118. mastod**.*******s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1119. mastod**.*******s.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1120. mastod**.*******s.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1121. mastod**.*******t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1122. mastod**.*******t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1123. mastod**.*******ud.lu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1124. mastod**.******h.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1125. mastod**.******h.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1126. mastod**.******i.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1127. mastod**.******i.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1128. mastod**.******ig.co: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1129. mastod**.******ll.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1130. mastod**.******n.win: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1131. mastod**.******no.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1132. mastod**.******o.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1133. mastod**.******on.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1134. mastod**.******s.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1135. mastod**.******t.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1136. mastod**.******t.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1137. mastod**.******y.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1138. mastod**.******y.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1139. mastodo*.********.*igital: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1140. mastodo*.********.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1141. mastodo*.*********.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1142. mastodo*.*********.social: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1143. mastodo*.**********.gen.nz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1144. mastodo*.**********.group: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1145. mastodo*.***********.space: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1146. mastodo*.************al.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1147. mastodo*.************dge.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1148. mastodo*.************el.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1149. mastodo*.************ory.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1150. mastodo*.************ted.se: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1151. mastodo*.***********ast.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1152. mastodo*.***********ck.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1153. mastodo*.***********erk.de: limited
  1154. mastodo*.***********ps.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1155. mastodo*.***********rs.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1156. mastodo*.**********ab.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1157. mastodo*.**********in.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1158. mastodo*.**********om.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1159. mastodo*.**********on.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1160. mastodo*.**********ru.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1161. mastodo*.**********s.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1162. mastodo*.**********se.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1163. mastodo*.**********va.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1164. mastodo*.*********e.guru: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1165. mastodo*.*********esi.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1166. mastodo*.*********ms.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1167. mastodo*.*********ro.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1168. mastodo*.*********to.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1169. mastodon-********.******lane.app: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1170. mastodon.**********.***dns.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1171. mastodon.***********.***ology.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1172. mastodon.***************.com.br: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1173. mastodon.******************e.social: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1174. mastodon.****************w.lawyer: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1175. mastodon.*************ite.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1176. mastodon.************ate.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1177. mastodon.************ecke.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1178. mastodon.adtension.com: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  1179. mastodon.popps.org: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1180. mastodon.x*************.******s937b.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1181. mastodong.lol: suspended (reason: Ionnsaighean)
  1182. mastodonhub.com: suspended (reason: Sgàthanadh chunntasan gun chead)
  1183. mastoscat.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1184. matt******.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1185. matth********.live: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1186. md.g****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1187. mdx.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1188. me.p****.*nfo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1189. me**.*e: limited
  1190. medi****.***tos: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1191. media.*******.*adio: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1192. media.********.*du.uy: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1193. media.***********m.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1194. media.*********d.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1195. media.*********m.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1196. media*.********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1197. meet****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1198. meetbeauties.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1199. meetup.*************on.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1200. megamast.io: limited (reason: Dìth maorsainneachd)
  1201. meis****.one: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1202. melalandia.tk: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1203. melo****.run: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1204. ment**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1205. meo*.****ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1206. merci*********e.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1207. merov******.club: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1208. meta-tube.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  1209. mete*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1210. mew.**bt: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1211. mi.****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1212. mi.g****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1213. mi.i****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1214. mi.n****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1215. mi.o******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1216. mi.p*****.moe: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1217. mi.p*******.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1218. mi.parcero.casa: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1219. mi.s*******.ga: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1220. mi.t*******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1221. mi.u*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1222. mi*.**u: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1223. mic***.*yz: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1224. mica*.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1225. micr*.***.cat: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1226. micr*.*****.al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1227. micro.********.blog: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1228. micro.b************.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1229. micro****.*****.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1230. microb***.*******e.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1231. microwor**.***********ius.org: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1232. midni***.****very: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1233. midnightride.rs: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  1234. midwa*******.com: suspended (reason: hate-associated,alt-right,anti-lgbtq)
  1235. migh*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1236. miju***.*ork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1237. miku-e*********.club: limited
  1238. mil***.**fe: limited
  1239. millc****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1240. mille********.*loud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1241. min**.**fo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1242. minc*.****ork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1243. minds.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  1244. mini***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1245. mini****.**kyo: limited
  1246. mir***.**ty: suspended (reason: hate-associated,inappropriate,underage)
  1247. mis****.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1248. mis****.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1249. miso*****.*nfo: limited
  1250. miss***.****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1251. miss***.****.to: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1252. miss*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1253. missin****.******a.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1254. missk**.****.gift: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1255. missk**.****.icu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1256. missk**.****.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1257. missk**.****.site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1258. missk**.****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1259. missk**.*****.*orks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1260. missk**.*****.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1261. missk**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1262. missk**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1263. missk**.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1264. missk**.*****.run: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1265. missk**.******.cyou: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1266. missk**.******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1267. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1268. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1269. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1270. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1271. missk**.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1272. missk**.******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1273. missk**.******.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1274. missk**.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1275. missk**.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1276. missk**.*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1277. missk**.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1278. missk**.*******.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1279. missk**.*******a.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1280. missk**.*******n.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1281. missk**.******b.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1282. missk**.******o.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1283. missk**.*****a.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1284. missk**.*****a.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1285. missk**.*****e.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1286. misske*.*****.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1287. misske*.*****.*rg.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1288. misske*.*******.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1289. misske*.*******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1290. misske*.*******.life: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1291. misske*.*******.work: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1292. misske*.********.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1293. misske*.********.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1294. misske*.*********.work: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1295. misske*.**********.page: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1296. misske*.**********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1297. misske*.*********7.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1298. misske*.*********a.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1299. misske*.*********i.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1300. misske*.*********t.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1301. misske*.********n.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1302. misske*.********o.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1303. misske*.*******3.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1304. misske*.*******a.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1305. misske*.*******e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1306. misske*.*******k.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1307. misske*.*******m.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1308. misske*.*******o.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1309. misske**********e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1310. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: Ionnsaighean)
  1311. misskey.**.********.ac.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1312. misskey.*************d.games: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1313. misskey.************ra.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1314. misskey.ar**************.**ve-on.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1315. mk.***.af: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1316. mk.****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1317. mk.****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1318. mk.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1319. mk.l*****.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1320. mk.sh*.*******a.jp: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1321. mk.v******.*ite: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1322. mkey.*******.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1323. mn.*****.be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1324. mo.*t: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1325. mo**.*o: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1326. mobi****.***lin: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1327. mobil****.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1328. mobil****.****y.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1329. mobile.co: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1330. mobili***.*******et.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1331. mobili***.******l.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1332. mobili***.******x.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1333. mobili***.*****s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1334. mobilizon.*****************bres.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1335. moch******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1336. moda*****.*lub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1337. moe.******.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1338. moet*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1339. mofm**.***fee: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1340. mofu*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1341. mogmo*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1342. mokom********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1343. mola****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1344. mon-****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1345. mona**.***ine: limited
  1346. monk.ey.business: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1347. moo*.*om: limited
  1348. moos******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1349. mor***.ch: suspended
  1350. morr**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1351. mostr.pub: suspended
  1352. moto.*****nge: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1353. moto.t*********n.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1354. mous*.*****ces: suspended (reason: harassment,hate-associated)
  1355. mouth.*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1356. movies.***********er.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1357. mrha***.**rse: limited
  1358. ms**.*g: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1359. msk.****.*nfo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1360. msk.q*******.*5.si: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1361. msk.s******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1362. msky.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1363. msky.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1364. msky.**********t.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1365. msl***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1366. mst.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1367. mst.ak*********rk.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1368. mst**.***ka: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1369. mst**.**er: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1370. mst**.**ru: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1371. mst**.*cu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1372. mst**.jp: limited
  1373. mst**.md: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1374. mstd*.***.**kyo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1375. mstd*.***.pw: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1376. mstd*.****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1377. mstd*.*****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1378. mstd*.*****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1379. mstd*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1380. mstd**.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1381. mstdn.*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1382. mstdn.*****.help: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1383. mstdn.******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1384. mstdn.******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1385. mstdn.*******.tel: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1386. mstdn.********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1387. mstdn.*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1388. mstdn.*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1389. mstdn.************e.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1390. mstdn.**********e.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1391. mstdn.*********m.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1392. mstdn.*********s.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1393. mstdn.*******o.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1394. mstdn.******n.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1395. mstdn.foxfam.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1396. mstdn.itsnero.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1397. mstdn.m*************er.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1398. mstdn.t***********to.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1399. mstdn.x**************86p.st: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1400. mstdn*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1401. mstn.*******t.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1402. mt.a*******.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1403. mtd.*******.at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1404. mtdn.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1405. mtl.***ks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1406. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1407. mulm****.***rch: limited
  1408. mus*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1409. musi*.*****.cab: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1410. music.*********.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1411. music.*********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1412. music.***********.live: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1413. music.************ss.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1414. music.g************upe.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1415. music*.******s.es: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1416. myli*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1417. myn*.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1418. mysid**********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1419. n.kd******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1420. na**.*e: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1421. naloc*****.**cial: limited
  1422. nan*.**bt: suspended (reason: Mì-ghnàthachadh)
  1423. nana*.******.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1424. nar*.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1425. narra*******.xyz: suspended
  1426. nateh******.**line: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1427. natio******.**cial: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1428. nazi.social: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1429. nba***.**ub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1430. ndrg***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1431. neb*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1432. nebu**.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1433. neckbeard.xyz: suspended
  1434. nee**.***ka: suspended
  1435. neen****.org: suspended
  1436. nega****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1437. neko****.xyz: limited
  1438. neko*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1439. nekola**.******o.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1440. nekosat.work: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh, leth-bhreith)
  1441. nekt**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1442. neomobius.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1443. neont*******.lol: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1444. ner*.****cy: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1445. nerd*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1446. net.ma***********s.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1447. net**.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1448. net****.*rg: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1449. net****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1450. netwo******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1451. neur*.****ing: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1452. nev**.*id: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1453. nev****.*ne: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1454. newjack.city: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  1455. newsk**.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1456. nexi***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1457. ngoa.****.*oan: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1458. nhw.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1459. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1460. nick******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1461. niederbayern.social: limited (reason: Spama)
  1462. nier-d*******.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1463. nigh*****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1464. night*****.**cial: suspended
  1465. nik***.*in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1466. nite**.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1467. niu.moe: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1468. nixn**.***ial: limited
  1469. nn**.*c: limited
  1470. nnia.space: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1471. noage*******.com: suspended
  1472. noagenda.social: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1473. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1474. noaut******.**cial: suspended (reason: alt-right,hate-speech,racism,anti-lgbtq,conspiracy,harassment)
  1475. nobod*******.biz: suspended (reason: hate-speech,anti-lgbtq)
  1476. nocturn*.***********ld.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1477. noe***.pt: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1478. noeld*******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1479. nofu*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1480. nope.rodeo: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1481. nor***.**fe: limited
  1482. norm**.**yle: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1483. norr****.**ace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1484. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  1485. not***.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1486. notb***.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1487. notret***.*****ma.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1488. novo*.***oya: limited
  1489. nowplayi**.**********edi.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1490. noz**.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1491. nrg*.*et: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1492. ns.auction: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1493. nsfw.lgbt: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1494. nsfw.social: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1495. nsfw.wnymathguy.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbheach)
  1496. nsfwphotography.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1497. null*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1498. nulli*****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1499. nxt.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1500. nya.****ee: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1501. nya****.*om: suspended (reason: harassment,anti-lgbtq,hate-speech,nazism,racism)
  1502. nyon.**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1503. o.b**.fo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1504. obo.sh: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1505. oc.sc********.city: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1506. occu*****.**ace: limited
  1507. oco**.*oo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1508. oddballs.online: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1509. oddpr*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1510. of.r*******.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1511. off****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1512. ofl****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1513. oft.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1514. ohka*****.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1515. ohuton.*********i.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1516. okap*.****ite: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1517. omo**.**fo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1518. omo***.*yz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1519. onevery.ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: Bathar-bog droch-rùnach)
  1520. onio******.org: suspended
  1521. onion.ly: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1522. onion.pet: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1523. onl*****.cc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1524. online**********.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1525. onlyc*****.*egal: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1526. ooe.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1527. opay*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1528. or*.**i: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1529. orbis*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1530. organ***.***.land: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1531. ot*.*t: limited
  1532. otak******.com: limited
  1533. otr.rocks: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1534. oubl*****.*ity: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1535. ouli**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1536. our.be*********rk.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1537. out****.nl: limited
  1538. outdoor***********.space: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1539. oute****.art: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1540. outpoa.st: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1541. outs***.***.dog: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1542. ovaltu**.*******ab.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1543. ove***.**ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1544. owncas*.********b.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1545. owncast.***********o.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1546. p.g**.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1547. p.m***.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1548. p.rhi*******.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1549. p.t**.fm: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1550. pac*.*ip: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1551. pac*****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1552. pajcevina.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1553. pal***.**ub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1554. pap**.wf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1555. par****.sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1556. paravielfalt.zone: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbheach)
  1557. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh, leth-bhreith, sàrachadh)
  1558. parsa.********.love: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1559. pas****.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1560. pasta******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1561. pate*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1562. patr***.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1563. patri********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1564. pawl*****.com: suspended
  1565. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean. Susbaint inbhich.)
  1566. pay***.*rg: limited
  1567. peal.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1568. ped*.****ol: suspended (reason: underage)
  1569. pede****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1570. peer.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1571. peer.*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1572. peer****.***.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1573. peert***.**.**udio: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1574. peert***.***.**p.tf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1575. peert***.****.*edia: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1576. peert***.****.cat: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1577. peert***.****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1578. peert***.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1579. peert***.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1580. peert***.******a.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1581. peert***.******b.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1582. peert***.******e.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1583. peert***.******t.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1584. peert***.****a.im: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1585. peert***.****b.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1586. peert***.****h.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1587. peert***.****l.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1588. peert***.***3.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1589. peertu**.****.*tudio: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1590. peertu**.******.*enter: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1591. peertu**.******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1592. peertu**.*********e.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1593. peertu**.*********s.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1594. peertu**.*********s.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1595. peertu**.********d.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1596. peertu**.********ng.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1597. peertu**.********s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1598. peertu**.********t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1599. peertu**.*******a.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1600. peertu**.*******c.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1601. peertu**.*******on.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1602. peertu**.*******y.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1603. peertu**.******b.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1604. peertu**.******bs.ch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1605. peertu**.******cr.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1606. peertu**.******d.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1607. peertu**.******e.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1608. peertu**.******er.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1609. peertu**.******n.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1610. peertu**.******pe.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1611. peertu**.******ux.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1612. peertub*.***********re.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1613. peertub*.**********cte.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1614. peertub*.**********gel.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1615. peertub*.**********ia.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1616. peertub*.**********ng.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1617. peertub*.**********om.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1618. peertub*.*********er.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1619. peertub*.*********ik.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1620. peertub****.*******et.app: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1621. peertub****.*******et.app: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1622. peertube.*****.******gmaz.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1623. peertube.*******.****.gouv.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1624. peertube.*************bly.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1625. peertube.*************tute.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1626. peertube.************ates.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1627. peertube.************ght.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1628. peertube.************hey.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1629. peertube.************nion.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1630. peertube.************rum.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1631. peervideo.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1632. pei****.*rg: limited
  1633. penci*.*****.cafe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1634. pend*****.**cks: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1635. peopl*.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1636. petl****.**.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1637. pettanko.art: suspended
  1638. pfeed.ayotocorp.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1639. pff.*.****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1640. phenom***.*******l.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1641. photo*.*****.*okyo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1642. photo*.******k.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1643. photos.**************.video: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1644. photos.*********ri.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1645. photos.********n.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1646. phpa***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1647. phys***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1648. pi4l*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1649. piaz**.**day: suspended
  1650. pib**.*et: suspended (reason: underage,inappropriate)
  1651. pic.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1652. pic*.***.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1653. pic***.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1654. pics.****.gay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1655. pid***.*om: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1656. pieville.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1657. ping.t*********.space: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1658. pip**.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1659. pisskey.io: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1660. pissqordia.space: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1661. pix.**.ax: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1662. pix.******.is: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1663. pix.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1664. pix.*******.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1665. pix.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1666. pix.ca*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1667. pix.g*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1668. pix.s********.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1669. pix.we************s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1670. pixe*.****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1671. pixe**.***.ai: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1672. pixe**.***.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1673. pixe****.*.st: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1674. pixel.**.*******a.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1675. pixel.*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1676. pixel.************ny.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1677. pixel.***********r.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1678. pixel.in*************aku.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1679. pixel***.*****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1680. pixel***.******t.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1681. pixel***.******x.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1682. pixel***.*****n.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1683. pixel***.****4.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1684. pixelf**.********.world: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1685. pixelf**.*********ll.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1686. pixelf**.********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1687. pixelf**.******ux.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1688. pixelfed.******.********stle.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1689. pixelfed.*******.******tion.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1690. pixels.g***************le.host: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1691. pixl*.******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1692. pkte*****.xyz: limited (reason: alt-right,conspiracy)
  1693. pl.****.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1694. pl.8*****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1695. pl.ju********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1696. pl.slash.cl: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  1697. pl.smuglo.li: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1698. pl.tkammer.de: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  1699. pl.voltrina.net: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1700. pla**.ee: suspended
  1701. plan******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1702. planetrage.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1703. play.*****.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1704. play.*********.tech: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1705. play.*******a.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1706. play.xmr.101010.pl: suspended (reason: Mealladh)
  1707. play***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1708. pler***.**.th: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1709. pler***.***.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1710. pler***.***.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1711. plero**.***.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1712. plero**.****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1713. plero**.****.kim: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1714. plero**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1715. plero**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1716. plero**.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1717. plero**.******.icu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1718. plero**.*******c.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1719. plero**.*******l.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1720. plerom*.******.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1721. plerom*.********.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1722. plerom*.*********.in.th: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1723. plerom*.*********.work: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1724. plerom*.**********e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1725. plerom*.**********z.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1726. plerom*.*********t.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1727. plerom*.********rt.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1728. plerom*.*******v.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1729. pleroma.*************er.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1730. pleroma.adachi.party: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  1731. pleroma.cucked.me: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1732. pleroma.fun: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1733. pleroma.kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1734. pleroma.kiwifarms.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1735. pleroma.leopold.fajtak.at: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1736. pleroma.mouse.services: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1737. pleroma.narrativerry.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1738. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1739. pleroma.quietrelay.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1740. pleroma.rareome.ga: suspended (reason: Foillseachadh nithean prìobhaideach)
  1741. pleroma.salastil.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1742. pleroma.soykaf.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1743. pleroma.yorha.club: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1744. pleromer.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1745. ples******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1746. plume.a*****.*****rta.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1747. po0.****ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1748. poa.st: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1749. poast.org: suspended (reason: IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment)
  1750. poast.tv: suspended (reason: IFTAS:TVEC)
  1751. podhubie.vsieti.sk: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1752. podl****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1753. podl****.**deo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1754. pog*.**fe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1755. pon*.****al: limited (reason: anti-lgbtq,hate-associated,racism,underage)
  1756. pond******.co: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1757. poop*.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1758. pooper.social: suspended (reason: Bot a dh'fhoillsicheas fiosrachadh mu bhacaidhean)
  1759. popo*.*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1760. pori***.*lub: limited
  1761. pork****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1762. porn*****.*lub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1763. pos*.***eo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1764. post.********t.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1765. poster.place: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1766. postin*.*******.rocks: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1767. postnstuffds.lol: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1768. posts.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1769. posts.*********ve.ie: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1770. posts.di*************ies.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1771. pou***.*et: limited
  1772. poue*.***.la: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1773. pourp******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1774. ppp***.*op: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1775. pqc***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1776. pr.a****.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1777. pr0m****.*ife: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1778. pre**.**op: limited
  1779. prete*******.biz: limited
  1780. pri****.*ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1781. prism******.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1782. priso*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1783. priv**.***ial: limited
  1784. probablyfreespeech.com: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  1785. proj*****.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1786. proj*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1787. pros*****.**ace: suspended
  1788. prz**.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1789. pseud*********.bar: limited
  1790. psi**.co: limited
  1791. psycho*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1792. pt.***.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1793. pt.go*****.**n.nz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1794. pu**.*k: limited
  1795. pub.******.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1796. pub.*******.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1797. publ.***.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1798. pul*.****al: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  1799. pup*.**fe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1800. pur****.*ub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1801. purpo*******.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1802. pxl.***.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1803. pxl.r********r.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1804. q8ma***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1805. qa.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1806. qaf.men: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1807. qua.**me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1808. qua***.**ki: limited (reason: hate-associated,alt-right,anti-lgbtq)
  1809. quasiso****.********rr.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1810. queer*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1811. quixo**.***.club: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1812. qunag*.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1813. quod*****.com: suspended
  1814. qww**.*at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1815. r18.****al: suspended
  1816. racc***.**est: limited
  1817. rada.*********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1818. radio.wa*************.online: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1819. rag*.*ol: limited
  1820. rai****.*ol: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1821. raik**.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1822. rail.*******.work: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1823. railca**********t.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1824. rainbowdash.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1825. rakket.app: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1826. rally.guide: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1827. ramen****.**.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1828. rap*****.st: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1829. rape.pet: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  1830. rapefe*******.**twork: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1831. rapem***.*****ions: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1832. rapem***.***ress: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1833. raplst.town: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1834. raptu**.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1835. ray**.st: suspended
  1836. rb.2snc.eu: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1837. rcso****.net: limited
  1838. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1839. read.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1840. read.*******.surf: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1841. readi**.****.**rden: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1842. rebe*****.*ite: suspended
  1843. rec****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1844. red.col************ra.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1845. redsnake.io: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1846. refu****.**deo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1847. refusal.biz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1848. regar***.****.pub: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1849. repl.co: suspended (reason: Ionnsaighean)
  1850. repl**.****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1851. repu****.red: limited (reason: alt-right,fascism,anti-lgbtq,conspiracy,hate-speech)
  1852. resea*.*******e.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1853. respublicae.eu: limited (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  1854. ret**.id: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1855. ret*****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1856. rethin*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1857. rick*.***tos: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1858. rid***.*om: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1859. rivende**.********ard.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1860. rkg*.*oe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1861. rl*.*t: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1862. ro-ma******.***o.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1863. roark.voluminum.net: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1864. robo***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1865. roc***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1866. rojogato.com: limited (reason: harassment,hate-speech)
  1867. rol***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1868. roo***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1869. rot.***es: limited (reason: underage,hate-speech,inappropriate)
  1870. roys****.**ace: limited
  1871. rrge****.*ive: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1872. rso****.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1873. rtypedbs.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spama)
  1874. ru**.*e: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1875. rubb****.one: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1876. ruin*******.rs: limited
  1877. rwfert******.***ns.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1878. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1879. s.a*.**mo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1880. s.co*****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1881. s.hum*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1882. s.ku******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1883. s.ne****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1884. s2.u*****.*ail: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1885. sa*.**b: suspended
  1886. sa**.*s: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1887. sai*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1888. saig*****.*you: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1889. sak*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1890. samm******.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1891. sant****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1892. sard****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1893. sato*******.de: limited
  1894. sawa***.**ace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1895. say.****.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1896. sayn***.*gbt: limited
  1897. sb1*.***ce: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1898. sca****.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1899. schn*****.de: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1900. schwa*******.xyz: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech)
  1901. scip***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1902. scit***.**deo: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1903. scor**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1904. scots.network: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  1905. scr***.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1906. scr*****.ch: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1907. scul***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1908. sea****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1909. seac**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1910. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1911. sealion.club: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1912. seas******.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1913. sebi****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1914. secret**********y.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1915. secu****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1916. sed*.****al: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  1917. seeed******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1918. sei****.*ne: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1919. seka.****.la: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1920. seka*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1921. sel**.*ev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1922. selq.me: suspended (reason: Briseadh bhacaidhean)
  1923. sensitive.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spama)
  1924. server*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1925. sha*.*pp: suspended
  1926. sha****.*rg: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1927. shado*******.info: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1928. shado*******.org: limited
  1929. shaku*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1930. shar**.*****ics: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1931. shar******.com: limited
  1932. shar*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1933. share.a************re.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1934. shef*****.pub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1935. shel***.*hat: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1936. sherlo********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1937. shigu******.club: suspended
  1938. shitasstits.life: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1939. shitp*****.*orld: limited (reason: alt-right,harassment)
  1940. shitpisscum.mooo.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1941. shitpo*****.***iness: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1942. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1943. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  1944. sho**.***se: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1945. sho**.**wn: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1946. short********n.ch: suspended (reason: hate-speech,racism,antisemitism,hate-associated)
  1947. shortstackran.ch: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  1948. shot*.***ial: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1949. shot*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  1950. shpp*****.*lub: limited
  1951. shri*****.pw: limited
  1952. shrim*******.club: limited (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech,harassment)
  1953. sight*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1954. silli****.****rver: suspended
  1955. silverheart.social: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1956. sim***.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1957. sin.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1958. sist****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1959. sjtu.******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1960. ske*****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1961. skin*****.eu: suspended
  1962. skin*****.io: suspended
  1963. skin*****.uk: suspended
  1964. skinh****.**cial: suspended (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech,nazism)
  1965. skipp*******.com: suspended (reason: inappropriate,underage)
  1966. skys*****.xyz: suspended
  1967. sla**.cl: suspended
  1968. slange******.***am.as: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1969. slap.*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1970. sleepy.cafe: suspended
  1971. slo***.**at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1972. slon.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1973. slon**.*****.ru: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1974. slop*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1975. smokecircle.co: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1976. smu***.li: suspended
  1977. smuganimeavatar.xyz: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1978. smutlandia.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  1979. snac*.***.st: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1980. sneak.berlin: suspended (reason: Foillseachadh nithean prìobhaideach)
  1981. snee*.***ial: suspended (reason: racism,antisemitism,fascism,hate-speech,anti-lgbtq)
  1982. snf-1921*.******.*******oud.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1983. snipe*******e.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1984. sno****.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1985. sns.t********i.be: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1986. so.***.**nk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1987. so.****.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1988. so.*****.tk: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  1989. soapbo*.****.****unity: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1990. soapbox.minaduki.dev: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1991. soc.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1992. soc.********.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1993. soc.********.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1994. soc.crashed.org: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  1995. soc.r******.site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1996. soc.tri**********.online: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1997. soc.ua-fediland.de: suspended (reason: Cus bhotaichean)
  1998. soci**.***.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  1999. soci**.***.li: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2000. soci**.***.moe: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2001. soci**.***.ooo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2002. soci**.****.at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2003. soci**.****.at: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2004. soci**.****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2005. soci**.****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2006. soci**.****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2007. soci**.****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2008. soci**.****.li: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2009. soci**.****.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2010. soci**.****.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2011. soci**.****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2012. soci**.****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2013. soci**.****.one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2014. soci**.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2015. soci**.****.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2016. soci**.*****.de: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2017. soci**.*****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2018. soci**.*****.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2019. soci**.*****.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2020. soci**.*****.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2021. soci**.*****.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2022. socia*.****.***site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2023. socia*.****.**udio: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2024. socia*.****.blue: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2025. socia*.****.chat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2026. socia*.****.coop: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2027. socia*.*****.*odes: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2028. socia*.*****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2029. socia*.*****.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2030. socia*.*****.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2031. socia*.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2032. socia*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2033. socia*.*****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2034. socia*.*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2035. socia*.******.*arty: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2036. socia*.******.chat: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2037. socia*.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2038. socia*.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2039. socia*.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2040. socia*.******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2041. socia*.******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2042. socia*.******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2043. socia*.******.fun: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2044. socia*.******.info: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2045. socia*.******.link: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2046. socia*.******.name: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2047. socia*.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2048. socia*.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2049. socia*.******.ski: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2050. socia*.******.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2051. socia*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2052. socia*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2053. socia*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2054. socia*.*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2055. socia*.*******.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2056. socia*.*******.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2057. socia*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2058. socia*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2059. socia*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2060. socia*.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2061. socia*.*******.one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2062. socia*.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2063. socia*.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2064. socia*.*******.tech: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2065. socia*.*******.wtf: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2066. socia*.********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2067. socia*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2068. socia*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2069. socia*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2070. socia*.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2071. socia*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2072. socia*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2073. socia*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2074. socia*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2075. socia*.********.nyc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2076. socia*.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2077. socia*.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2078. socia*.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2079. socia*.********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2080. socia*.********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2081. socia*.********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2082. socia*.********.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2083. socia*.********a.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2084. socia*.********e.ai: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2085. socia*.********h.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2086. socia*.********r.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2087. socia*.********t.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2088. socia*.*******d.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2089. socia*.*******n.jp: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2090. socia*.*******s.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2091. socia*.*******s.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2092. socia*.*******t.me: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2093. socia*.*******x.ai: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2094. socia*.*******x.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2095. socia*.******a.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2096. socia*.******a.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2097. socia*.******e.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2098. socia*.******h.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2099. socia*.******k.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2100. socia*.******k.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2101. socia*.******s.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2102. socia*.******t.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2103. socia*.*****2.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2104. socia*.*****7.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2105. socia*.*****a.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2106. socia*.*****a.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2107. socia*.*****i.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2108. socia*.*****n.ws: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2109. socia*.*****o.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2110. socia*.*****r.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2111. socia*.*****s.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2112. socia*.*****s.no: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2113. social-****.********ace.pl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2114. social-******.*****eus.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2115. social-en*************.****media.es: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2116. social.**.********re.edu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2117. social.****.***tures: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2118. social.*****.**rg.cl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2119. social.******.**stems: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2120. social.******.**twork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2121. social.******.*ov.br: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2122. social.*******.**llege: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2123. social.*******.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2124. social.********.**.rocks: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2125. social.********.link: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2126. social.*********.name: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2127. social.*********.space: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2128. social.**********.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2129. social.**********.link: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2130. social.**************es.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2131. social.**************ms.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2132. social.*************an.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2133. social.*************er.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2134. social.*************le.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2135. social.*************ms.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2136. social.*************pe.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2137. social.************er.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2138. social.************er.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2139. social.************rs.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2140. social.************st.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2141. social.************th.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2142. social.***********at.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2143. social.***********cy.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2144. social.***********da.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2145. social.***********gua.ge: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2146. social.***********n.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2147. social.***********nne.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2148. social.***********on.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2149. social.***********r.com: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2150. social.***********re.pl: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2151. social.***********s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2152. social.***********s.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2153. social.***********t.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2154. social.**********1.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2155. social.**********es.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2156. social.**********es.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2157. social.**********n.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2158. social.**********o.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2159. social.**********rs.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2160. social.**********te.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2161. social.**********x.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2162. social.**********y.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2163. social.**********y.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2164. social.*********ct.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2165. social.*********g.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2166. social.*********ik.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2167. social.*********m.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2168. social.*********n.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2169. social.*********n.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2170. social.*********r.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2171. social.*********s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2172. social.*********s.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2173. social.*********s.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2174. social.*********t.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2175. social.*********t.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2176. social.*********ti.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2177. social.********0.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2178. social.********ay.im: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2179. social.********b.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2180. social.********d.one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2181. social.********ds.gr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2182. social.********fe.ru: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2183. social.********g.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2184. social.********i.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2185. social.********n.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2186. social.********rn.in: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2187. social.********se.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2188. social.********y.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2189. social.076.ne.jp: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2190. social.12vpx.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2191. social.a****************enf.net: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2192. social.ancreport.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2193. social.as59715.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2194. social.bryanthomestead.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2195. social.cutefunny.net: suspended
  2196. social.denseanalysis.org: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2197. social.dirigibly.ltd: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2198. social.encryptomatic.com: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2199. social.getgle.org: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2200. social.guizzyordi.info: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2201. social.h*************tuut.nl: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2202. social.hidamari.blue: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2203. social.hinter.bayern: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2204. social.homunyan.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2205. social.i************.*omputer: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2206. social.i2p.rocks: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2207. social.inversamente.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2208. social.itm.osaka: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2209. social.louisoft01.moe: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  2210. social.lucci.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mì-fhios)
  2211. social.malan.family: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2212. social.masked.cloud: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2213. social.protectors.moe: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2214. social.quodverum.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2215. social.raptorengineering.io: limited (reason: Sanasachd)
  2216. social.res***************.*echnology: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2217. social.retroedge.tech: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2218. social.rucksfuchs.de: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2219. social.saghul.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2220. social.samizdatpixelpress.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2221. social.sanfranciscan.org: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2222. social.sunshinegardens.org: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2223. social.super-niche.club: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2224. social.targaryen.house: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2225. social.theredcaps.net: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2226. social.urspringer.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  2227. social.veraciousnetwork.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2228. social.wiuwiu.de: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2229. social.xcess.one: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin ⁊ Mealladh)
  2230. socialcon**.************ital.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2231. socialgoblins.club: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2232. socnet.supes.com: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2233. sol*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2234. solagg.com: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  2235. solc******.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2236. solid*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2237. some.*****.*sia: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2238. someo*******.xyz: limited
  2239. someti***.****.***puter: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2240. son****.*om: suspended
  2241. sonora.************go.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2242. sop***.**fe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2243. soran**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2244. sota.*********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2245. soul****.***.pw: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2246. sound.********.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2247. sovr**.***tos: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2248. sovr**.**deo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2249. sovran.me: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2250. soy***.*om: limited
  2251. sp.k******.ru: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2252. spa***.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2253. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  2254. splod**.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2255. spoil****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2256. spoj***.**rks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2257. spookygirl.boo: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2258. spoon**.*****nity: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2259. spr*****.cc: suspended (reason: alt-right,anti-lgbtq,racism,harassment)
  2260. spt.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2261. sta***.**wn: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2262. staging.*****.******.network: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2263. star***.****ork: limited
  2264. star*****.*afe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2265. star*****.*ive: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2266. startr************g.com: limited (reason: Spama gun dèiligeadh)
  2267. stat**.*****.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2268. statu*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2269. stay.****.*****tute: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2270. staycur************mil.in: limited
  2271. std*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2272. stere*******.*pace: limited (reason: hate-associated,alt-right,harassment)
  2273. ston**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2274. storie*.*******.*nline: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2275. story*******s.kr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2276. str****.ca: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2277. stran*********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2278. stre*****.net: suspended (reason: hate-speech,underage)
  2279. strea*.*****.lol: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2280. strea*.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2281. strea*.*******.pub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2282. strea*.*******m.md: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2283. strea*.*******t.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2284. strea*.*****e.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2285. strea****.*****.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2286. stream.**********.cloud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2287. stream.************s.info: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2288. stream.********ar.io: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2289. stream.********us.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2290. studio*.*******9.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2291. su**.*x: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2292. subs*******.xyz: suspended
  2293. suke***.*ove: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2294. sul**.**te: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2295. sun.f********.moe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2296. sunc****.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2297. sunm****.rip: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2298. super****.**cial: limited (reason: hate-speech,racism,alt-right)
  2299. supernatural.fans: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2300. swin***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2301. sy.n****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2302. t.fr*****.im: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2303. t.joe********n.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2304. t.k*****.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2305. t.l3r.me: suspended (reason: Mealladh)
  2306. t2m.davinkevin.fr: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  2307. taih**.****ite: suspended
  2308. taiwan.*********h.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2309. tak***.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2310. takahe.******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2311. takahe.*************.madrid: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2312. take****.com: limited
  2313. tale.********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2314. talk.****.red: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2315. talke******.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2316. talkin*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2317. tall***.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2318. tasti*********.net: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq,spam)
  2319. tbs.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2320. tebu****.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2321. tec*.***ld: suspended (reason: hate-associated,alt-right)
  2322. tech*****.eu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2323. tech*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2324. tech******.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2325. techo**********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2326. ten****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2327. termin*.*********up.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2328. terr****.**ace: limited
  2329. test**.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2330. tetrah*****.****ec.se: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2331. text.*****.*ocks: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2332. text.a***********dl.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2333. textes.********.land: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2334. the***.**fe: limited
  2335. the****.*rg: suspended (reason: hate-speech,racism)
  2336. theb**.***ial: limited
  2337. thec****.*one: suspended
  2338. thechad.zone: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2339. thefo******.cafe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2340. then**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2341. then*****.*lub: suspended
  2342. theo-*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2343. thepat*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2344. thepost**************on.com: suspended
  2345. thes*****.cc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2346. thi****.*tf: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2347. thicc.horse: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2348. thoughtful.social: limited (reason: Spama)
  2349. thre**.****.rip: limited (reason: Bathar-bog trèigte)
  2350. thre***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2351. threa******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2352. threads.net: suspended (reason: Meta)
  2353. tibu*.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2354. time.*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2355. times.*******k.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2356. tine*.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2357. tini***.**rld: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2358. tka****.de: suspended
  2359. tl.x******.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2360. tldr.*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2361. toddc***.***site: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2362. todo*.****.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2363. todo*.*****.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2364. toge***.**rty: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2365. toko**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2366. too**.nu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2367. too***.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2368. too***.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2369. toot.****.gay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2370. toot.****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2371. toot.****.yt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2372. toot.*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2373. toot.*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2374. toot.******.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2375. toot.******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2376. toot.******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2377. toot.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2378. toot.******.tech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2379. toot.*******.icu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2380. toot.*******.in: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2381. toot.********.app: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2382. toot.*********.info: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2383. toot.**********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2384. toot.**********.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2385. toot.********k.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2386. toot.canberrasocial.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2387. toot.k*********.name: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2388. toot.love: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2389. toot.p*********h.ing: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2390. toot.r*********0.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2391. toot.s**********.co.uk: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2392. toote*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2393. toots.******.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2394. toots.********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2395. toots.*********.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2396. toots.*********a.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2397. tou**.me: limited
  2398. tough*******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2399. tow**.*ay: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2400. tpo.***ld: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2401. tran*.****.*own: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2402. trans****.**rden: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2403. tras******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2404. tro**.**fe: limited
  2405. trouth.eu: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2406. tru.*****.*ork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2407. tru*****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2408. trumpi************.life: suspended
  2409. truth******.*o.in: suspended (reason: alt-right)
  2410. truthsocial.com: suspended (reason: Dòmhnall na Trombaid)
  2411. truthsocial.st: suspended (reason: Dòmhnall na Trombaid)
  2412. tsc****.li: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2413. tsubuy***.*****3.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2414. tsum****.**rty: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2415. tt.****.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2416. tty*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2417. tub*.***.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2418. tub*.***.is: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2419. tube.***.***.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2420. tube.****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2421. tube.*****.***work: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2422. tube.*****.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2423. tube.*****.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2424. tube.*****.nu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2425. tube.*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2426. tube.*****.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2427. tube.*****.sh: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2428. tube.*****.tv: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2429. tube.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2430. tube.******.ru: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2431. tube.*******.**g.il: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2432. tube.*******.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2433. tube.*******.nz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2434. tube.********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2435. tube.********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2436. tube.********.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2437. tube.*********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2438. tube.**********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2439. tube.**********.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2440. tube.**********e.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2441. tube.**********v.at: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2442. tube.********d.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2443. tube.********n.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2444. tube.b*********.watch: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2445. tube.d***********m.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2446. tube.doc*************ics.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2447. tube.kenfm.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  2448. tube.l**********ys.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2449. tube.ni***********ant.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2450. tube.querdenken-711.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  2451. tube.s*******.*nline: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2452. tube.s**********r.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2453. tube.t*******.*gency: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2454. tul**.nl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2455. tummy.town: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2456. turbot***.********m.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2457. tus**.**nk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2458. tut***.**be: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2459. tut***.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2460. tv.a******.bg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2461. tv.far**********a.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2462. tv.pir********.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2463. tv.sa**********e.ru: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2464. tv.su*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2465. tv.u*******.re: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2466. tv**.*u: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2467. twe**.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2468. tweet.********.co.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2469. tweetbridge.kogasa.de: suspended
  2470. tweets.icu: suspended
  2471. twhtv.club: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2472. twi.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  2473. twit****.***ial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2474. twitte*.*******l.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2475. twitter-bridge.cryobyte.net: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  2476. twitter.activitypub.actor: suspended (reason: Duilgheadasan teicnigeach)
  2477. twitter.kfem.cat: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  2478. twitter.toot.as: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  2479. twitter.toots.ro: limited (reason: Botaichean Twitter)
  2480. twog***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2481. twtr.plus: suspended (reason: À bith)
  2482. ty**.*l: limited
  2483. typ**.**ub: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2484. ua-f*******.de: limited
  2485. uec-*****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2486. uin.l********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2487. ull.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2488. um**.*s: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2489. uma****.*et: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2490. umbr*****.org: limited
  2491. unbo***.***ial: limited
  2492. unip**.***ine: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2493. unn***.jp: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2494. unp*****.us: limited
  2495. unsafe.space: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2496. unx***.**rm: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2497. urchan.org: suspended
  2498. ursp******.de: limited
  2499. usual********.lol: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq,harassment,hate-speech)
  2500. utrera.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2501. uwu.****al: limited
  2502. uwu.**wn: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2503. v.e**.cc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2504. v.kret*******.*ocial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2505. v1.s******.nu: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2506. v11-k.******.xyz: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2507. v454**.****.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2508. v6*.**t: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2509. valen***.*****y.kr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2510. vampi******.cafe: suspended
  2511. vampire.estate: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2512. vapes*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2513. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2514. vart***.*ans: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2515. vaul****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2516. vcas****.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2517. vect****.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2518. ver*.****os: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2519. veri****.*oop: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2520. vid.***.ca: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2521. vid.******.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2522. vid.pr********.**stems: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2523. vid.s*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2524. vide*.***.**oud: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2525. vide*.***.it: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2526. vide*.***.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2527. vide*.****.no: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2528. vide*.****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2529. vide*.*****.io: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2530. vide*.*****.me: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2531. vide*.******.co: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2532. vide*.******.co: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2533. vide*.******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2534. vide*.******.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2535. vide*.******.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2536. video.***.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2537. video.****.*z.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2538. video.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2539. video.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2540. video.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2541. video.*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2542. video.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2543. video.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2544. video.*******.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2545. video.*********.tech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2546. video.**********.name: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2547. video.**********e.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2548. video.**********y.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2549. video.*********al.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2550. video.*********ke.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2551. video.*********m.si: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2552. video.*********p.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2553. video.*********t.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2554. video.********d.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2555. video.*******4.eu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2556. video.*******e.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2557. video.******r.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2558. video.******s.lt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2559. video.a***********en.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2560. video.b**********.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2561. video.f*************ms.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2562. video.l***********rte.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2563. video.sof****************ierte.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2564. video.v************y.band: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2565. video.wsz***************ejsze.pl: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2566. video*.*****.club: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2567. video*.*****.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2568. video*.******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2569. video*.*******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2570. video*.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2571. video*.********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2572. video*.******2.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2573. video*.*****o.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2574. video*.*****y.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2575. videos.***.*******ud.lu: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2576. videos.******.*erlin: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2577. videos.***********a.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2578. videos.***********on.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2579. videos.***********t.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2580. videos.***********ue.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2581. videos.**********te.fr: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2582. videos.**********w.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2583. videos.*********re.fr: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2584. videos.*********s.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2585. videos.*********x.xyz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2586. videos.c***************ine.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2587. videot***.*****it.it: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2588. vis**.pt: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2589. vladt********.com: limited
  2590. vocalfry.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2591. vods.****.*ube: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2592. voi*.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2593. volun********.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2594. vore.*****que: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2595. vorny-*******.*nline: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2596. vps.gl***********b.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2597. vr**.*s: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2598. vrch**.**day: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2599. vrij.social: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2600. vtg****.*om: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2601. vtube****.**cial: suspended
  2602. vulp***.*one: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2603. wac**.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2604. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2605. waif****.*ife: limited
  2606. waifu.social: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2607. waifuappreciation.club: suspended (reason: Sàrachadh)
  2608. waku****.boo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2609. wakuw*********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2610. wal***.*ev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2611. walkw*****.*oday: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2612. wank.social: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2613. washingt**.************work.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2614. waskuisland.com: suspended (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2615. watch.****.*pace: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2616. watch.******.dev: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2617. watch.*******.*ocial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2618. watch.************.life: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2619. watch.w************gs.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2620. watts.*******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2621. wb.z********.tk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2622. wb.zh*******.*omes: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2623. we.defake.app: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2624. weather***********.*etwork: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2625. webs*****.ing: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2626. webw*****.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2627. weeaboo.space: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2628. weir*****.pro: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2629. weir******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2630. wer.****al: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2631. were.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2632. werem*****.**cial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2633. westergaard.social: suspended (reason: Droch bhathar-bog)
  2634. wf.f**.****ems: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2635. wf.l*******.top: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2636. wf.u******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2637. where*********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2638. whi***.**wn: limited (reason: hate-associated,anti-lgbtq,racism)
  2639. whin**.**use: limited
  2640. whit******.dog: limited (reason: hate-associated,hate-speech,inappropriate,racism,underage)
  2641. wide****.org: limited (reason: anti-lgbtq,harassment,hate-associated,racism)
  2642. wiki-tube.de: suspended (reason: Mì-fhios)
  2643. wiki******.org: limited
  2644. winds*****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2645. wintermute.fr.to: suspended (reason: Leth-bhreith)
  2646. wir****.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2647. wire****.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2648. wisd******.com: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2649. wise***.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2650. wist****.*afe: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2651. withbrains.com: suspended (reason: Oillt thar-ghnèitheach)
  2652. wjla******.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2653. wmd.****al: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2654. wolf****.bar: suspended (reason: harassment,hate-speech,antisemitism,racism)
  2655. woll**.***ial: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2656. woof.group: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2657. woofer.alfter.us: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2658. workers.dev: suspended (reason: Lìonra bhotaichean)
  2659. wri*.**ve: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2660. wri**.bz: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2661. writ*.*****.pl: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2662. writ*****.is: limited
  2663. writ******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2664. writ******.us: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2665. write.*****.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2666. write.******.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2667. write.*******.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2668. write.********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2669. write.*********e.org: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2670. write.******a.de: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2671. write.i*************.social: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2672. writef*****.*****n.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2673. writin*.*********.me.uk: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2674. writing*.***********me.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2675. wrongthink.net: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2676. www.******.*ube: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2677. www.******.jp: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2678. www.******.me: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2679. www.f*********.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2680. www.g*********.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2681. www.k*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2682. www.kale*************ger.com: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2683. www.la************a.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2684. www.mypr***************rney.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2685. www.p*********e.de: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2686. www.ps*********.tech: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2687. www.r**********a.tv: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2688. wxw.moe: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2689. wyrm.******.*pace: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2690. wyrm.*******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2691. x.**.*a: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2692. x.ice*****.**ffee: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2693. xmrp*****.*lub: limited
  2694. xn--br-***.*********ly.dev: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2695. xn--l********t.is: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2696. xn--p1a****.******asehdb: suspended
  2697. xn--y9a******.****y9a3aq: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2698. xyz**.*rg: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2699. xz.*c: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2700. yab**.us: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2701. yaky****.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2702. yap.***.*oo: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2703. yasai********.net: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2704. yes***.*et: limited
  2705. yggdr****.**cial: suspended (reason: hate-speech,anti-lgbtq)
  2706. yiff.life: limited (reason: Susbaint inbhich)
  2707. ymsk*.*****.cc: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2708. you**.**ve: suspended (reason: antisemitism,antivax,inappropriate,underage)
  2709. youkai.town: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2710. your-****.**cial: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2711. yuga.surf: suspended (reason: Gràin-chinnidh)
  2712. zenw******.net: limited (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2713. zerohack.xyz: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2714. zhu*.**nk: suspended
  2715. zitid**.******m.cc: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2716. znajom*.********i.org: suspended (reason: Seann bhathar-bog)
  2717. zoomer.photography: suspended (reason: Susbaint mhì-laghail)
  2718. zztails.gay: limited (reason: alt-right,hate-speech,racism)
  2719. zztails.online: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
  2720. zztails.wtf: suspended (reason: Cainnt-ghràin)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 2758 statuses, 197 logins, 4 registrations)
S: 212
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
12/7/24, 2:04:35 AM UTC12/8/24, 3:57:17 AM UTC12/9/24, 2:10:26 AM UTC12/10/24, 2:45:23 AM UTC12/11/24, 3:43:41 AM UTC12/12/24, 2:20:06 AM UTC12/13/24, 2:43:19 AM UTC12/14/24, 4:09:02 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 718/719 (99.86%)