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Languages English (en)
Users 1,083
Active users (last month) 127
Active users (last six months) 181
Characters per post (max) 1,024
Known instances 35,711
First sight Before Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Last successful check Feb 10, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.4.0-alpha.2+glitch
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) caturday, silentsunday, dogsofmastodon, superbowl, monsterdon, owl, tvduell, eattherich, experimentalmusic, owls, superbowlsunday, scholz, eagles, superbowls, dogsofpixelfed, StandingStoneSunday, eggcornamovieorplay, flyeaglesfly, lifewithoutinternetanything, mastersoftheuniverse
Short description
A generalist Mastodon instance with a nice domain name. Running on Glitch Social's fork with a custom theme and a 1024 characters limit!
Long description
Space. Space? I'm in space!
This instance is running on the glitch-soc fork with custom themes available.

Note: Registrations change to "approval mode" during European nights, from 22:30 to 08:00 CET, and will only be approved/refused later during the day. Already registered users can invite others to make them bypass the approval.

This server's admin can understand English, French, and Portuguese, with notions of Spanish, Italian and German. The co-admin understands French and a bit of English.
Please be aware if you post in other languages and from a non-EU/NA country: we'll moderate using translation tools and with a Western European view of society and morals.

This instance might block some Twitter bridges to not overwhelm the search with the same user from different bridges. We currently allow bird.makeup.

Please follow @status to get important announcements, just in case.



This instance includes third-party styles that you can pick. Some "skins" are only available in certain flavours ([G]litch or [V]anilla).


This instance uses Blobhaj by Heatherhorns, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This instance uses Mutant Standard emoji by Dzuk, which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This instance uses Robomoji by lun-4, a modified subset of the Mutant Standard emoji, which are also provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This instance uses Pulcino Gelsomino by Elena Pollastri, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This instance uses Cyan Capybara by Elena Pollastri, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This instance uses Neocat by Volpeon, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Space Core image by Terton

More services

Enafore frontend pf.im-in.space Halcyon frontend hal.im-in.space SearXNG search.im-in.space

Code modifications

We've made some changes to the Mastodon code and styles to personalize this instance.
Our code is available on GitHub at im-in-space/mastodon.

Instance updates

We regularly update Mastodon by merging the glitch-soc's main branch into ours.
During the update, the instance will be unavailable from 1 to 5 minutes to apply changes (well, unless there's a major database migration).

Server info

This server is hosted in Germany at Hetzner.
Intel Core i7-3770 (4C/8T 3.4GHz), 2x8Go DDR3 RAM, 2×3TB HDD, 1×480GB SSD.
IPv6: 2a01:4f8:162:70d2::2
Tor: pugvnub3iu36gzqcuzhxlrft52xyereovu7ypfn2bzrj44o3clf6zvyd.onion (assets might still be loaded from clearnet)

Uptime Robot ratio (30 days) GitHub last commit
A+ cryptcheck.fr / A+ SSL Labs / A+ Mozilla Observatory (2024-08-16)

We do daily backups. (script)

Warrant Canary

We're following this CanaryTail standard.
You can see our latest canary at https://im-in.space/canary.json
The history of our signed files can be found here.

Could you shut down soon?

Except if Kody suddenly doesn't have any money to run this, this instance will be running until the domain expires.
For now, it's until April 2027, but we can renew it before we get there. ;)
In the event Kody wants/needs to stop this service, we will do our best to announce it 3+ months before pulling the plug.

How's this instance funded? / Donate

Almost all the costs are covered by the main administrator (Kody) who has a daily job.

It is possible to make donations to help us keep this service (and indirectly whatever Kody runs too) online.
Please use Kody's Ko-Fi and pay with PayPal or Card.
Instance rules
  1. Don't be a d*ck, respect the others (no hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia) and fight in direct messages.
  2. Please keep bad memes or any political incorrect stuff out of the public timeline. Feel free to use the "unlisted", "private" or "direct" visibility options when talking between friends and with people who are okay about that.
  3. Not safe for work (NSFW) content is allowed if you put it behind both a #NSFW tag and add a content warning (the "CW" or warning button below the message text box). Content depicting sexualized minors (including drawn, a.k.a. loli/shota), self-harm, gore and forced acts is not allowed.
  4. As stated in our ToS you must be 16 of age or more to use this instance.
  5. Don't make parody accounts or try to impersonate someone or a group.
  6. Accounts for for-profit companies or used for advertising only, SEO boosting, or SPAM will be suspended. If you truly want to participate in the Fediverse, please ask the admin for permission before joining.
  7. Please do not use a public anonymizer email service (like temporary boxes or forwarders). You will be asked to change your email under a time limit or will be suspended. Self-hosted forwarders are exempt of this rule.
  8. No promotion of cryptocurrencies or NFTs. Commenting on the surrounding news about it is still allowed.
  9. Please put politics and activism behind CWs when posting with the "public" visibility. A few times is OK but repetitive ignorance of this rule will result in a limitation of visibility of your account.
  10. Respect Switzerland's (owner's country) and Germany's (server location) laws.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. *.o****.*et: suspended
  2. *.o****.ly: suspended
  3. 07*.**e: suspended
  4. 0xsp***.***ial: suspended
  5. 101010.pl: suspended
  6. 10min**********.com: suspended
  7. 13b****.*om: suspended
  8. 161*.****al: suspended
  9. 5dol***.**ick: suspended
  10. 9kb.me: suspended
  11. activi*****.******i.app: suspended
  12. activi*********xy.cf: suspended
  13. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended
  14. activitypub.awakari.com: suspended
  15. aet**.*om: suspended
  16. ai.wiki: suspended
  17. aia**.**ge: suspended
  18. ak.k*****.moe: suspended
  19. akko.d********.space: suspended
  20. akm.l******.***e.my: suspended
  21. america.social: suspended
  22. angr******.com: suspended
  23. anime.website: limited
  24. anti******.icu: suspended
  25. asocial.social: suspended
  26. awa****.*pp: suspended
  27. awakari.com: suspended
  28. ba*.*t: suspended
  29. ban***.st: suspended
  30. baraag.net: limited
  31. bbw.*****rk: limited
  32. bear.******ity: limited
  33. beef*****.win: suspended
  34. bers*****.*own: suspended
  35. besties.com: suspended
  36. beta.*****.cf: suspended
  37. bigballchunkyverse.online: suspended
  38. bitco*********.org: limited
  39. bittube.video: suspended
  40. bof*.****al: suspended
  41. boin****.wtf: suspended
  42. bondsdogs.com: suspended
  43. boseb***.****.net: suspended
  44. bots.tinysubversions.com: limited
  45. boy***.*rg: suspended
  46. brands.town: limited
  47. brea******.*lub: suspended
  48. brigh****.**cial: suspended
  49. buildthatwalland*********************.********ovetrumpis.life: suspended
  50. bwz***.*yz: suspended
  51. cac****.*yz: suspended
  52. cae***.**ve: suspended
  53. calckey.social: suspended
  54. calo***.*lub: suspended
  55. carni****.**cial: suspended
  56. caw***.**ub: suspended
  57. celeb****.**cial: limited
  58. cens******.icu: suspended
  59. channels.im: limited
  60. chil*****.**ace: suspended
  61. chil*****.*hop: suspended
  62. chud****.lol: suspended
  63. club*******.co: suspended
  64. cmm.fyi: suspended
  65. coc*.**sh: suspended
  66. coc****.*oe: suspended
  67. contrapointsfan.club: limited
  68. count**.****.live: suspended
  69. cryp*****.lol: suspended
  70. crypt******.**cial: suspended
  71. cum.***on: suspended
  72. cum.**mp: suspended
  73. cunny*****.*pace: suspended
  74. cuyes.mooo.com: suspended
  75. cyber*******l.eu: suspended
  76. dank*****.org: suspended
  77. darkni*********e.org: suspended
  78. detro**********.com: suspended
  79. develop.gab.com: suspended
  80. dob**.**wn: suspended
  81. don.neet.co.jp: suspended
  82. duc****.*rg: suspended
  83. dur**.***ld: suspended
  84. educhat.social: suspended
  85. edusocial.it: suspended
  86. eie****.*rg: suspended
  87. endtim*********s.com: suspended
  88. epic.****.moe: suspended
  89. even******.*lub: suspended
  90. f.ha****.net: suspended
  91. fed.****.de: suspended
  92. fed.alt************ns.com: suspended
  93. fede*****.fun: suspended
  94. fedi.****.dog: suspended
  95. fediv****.****.com: suspended
  96. fer**.**fe: suspended
  97. figh*****.net: suspended
  98. flipboard.com: limited
  99. flipboard.social: limited
  100. flu*.**ub: suspended
  101. forestver.se: suspended
  102. fre****.*yz: suspended
  103. freak.******sity: suspended
  104. free****.**rth: suspended
  105. free*******.xyz: suspended
  106. freea*******.com: suspended
  107. freecu*********t.com: suspended
  108. freequ***********t.com: suspended
  109. frees*****.*roup: suspended
  110. freesocial.co: suspended
  111. freesof************st.com: suspended
  112. freesp************t.com: suspended
  113. freespeec*.*************dios.com: suspended
  114. freew****.**cial: suspended
  115. freewa**********t.com: suspended
  116. freez******.**line: suspended
  117. friend***.*****o.com: suspended
  118. friends.deko.cloud: limited
  119. fro**.**ne: suspended
  120. fsebu********.org: suspended
  121. ga*.**m: suspended
  122. gab.ai: suspended
  123. gamel******.club: suspended
  124. gangst******.***vices: suspended
  125. gear******.*aus: suspended
  126. gege*******.tv: suspended
  127. genart.social: limited
  128. gende*********.xyz: suspended
  129. get***.*rg: suspended
  130. ghet**.****ter: suspended
  131. git**.**fe: suspended
  132. glea*******.com: suspended
  133. glea*******.dev: suspended
  134. gli***.*rg: suspended
  135. goo*.**ws: suspended
  136. gor*.*ub: suspended
  137. goyi*.***ial: suspended
  138. halls*******i.io: suspended
  139. hen***.**by: suspended
  140. hir**.it: suspended
  141. i.transmit.love: suspended
  142. iddq*.***ial: limited
  143. ihate******.live: limited
  144. ine*.***ks: suspended
  145. inst*****.com: suspended
  146. int***.**nk: suspended
  147. ji*.**e: suspended
  148. jiy*.*ev: suspended
  149. jou***.**st: suspended
  150. kenfm.*******y.tv: suspended
  151. kernkraft.social: suspended
  152. kink*.*****ess: limited
  153. kitsu******.club: suspended
  154. kitsui.life: suspended
  155. kiwi*****.is: suspended
  156. kiwi*****.net: suspended
  157. kiwifarms.cc: suspended
  158. kokuusa.club: suspended
  159. ky*.**e: suspended
  160. lbry.world: suspended
  161. leaf******.*lub: suspended
  162. lgbt****.*one: suspended
  163. lib***.de: suspended
  164. libr****.**.za: suspended
  165. lig**.*ro: suspended
  166. lof***.*om: limited
  167. lol*.**st: suspended
  168. lol****.*op: suspended
  169. loli***.****ork: suspended
  170. loli***.**cks: suspended
  171. loma.ml: limited
  172. m.ai6yr.org: limited
  173. m.corduba.tech: suspended
  174. m.techsocial.site: suspended
  175. mah****.*oe: suspended
  176. majes*****.****orce: suspended
  177. mala*******.art: suspended
  178. mastinator.com: suspended
  179. masto***.****.art: suspended
  180. mastod**.********e.net: suspended
  181. mastod**.********n.com: suspended
  182. mastodon-ero.xyz: suspended
  183. mastodon-jp.com: suspended
  184. mastodon.io.seg.br: suspended
  185. mastodon.snmsoc.org: suspended
  186. mastodon.social.fraudulent.link: suspended
  187. mastodon.svgun.ru: suspended
  188. matr**.**cks: limited
  189. mentalhealth-masto.com: suspended
  190. merov******.club: suspended
  191. milker.cafe: limited
  192. min**.*om: limited
  193. mir***.**ty: suspended
  194. misc.*********.net: suspended
  195. misske*.*********s.com: suspended
  196. misske*.********o.com: suspended
  197. misske*.*******o.moe: suspended
  198. mk.ni****.**cial: suspended
  199. molaguay.xyz: suspended
  200. mor***.ch: suspended
  201. mostr.pub: limited
  202. mous*.*****ces: suspended
  203. mstdn.business: suspended
  204. mstdn.kemono-friends.info: limited
  205. mugi***.*lub: suspended
  206. na**.*k: suspended
  207. nasface.cz: suspended
  208. nation*********.*ocial: suspended
  209. naz*.****al: suspended
  210. neck*****.xyz: suspended
  211. neen****.org: suspended
  212. nekton.social: suspended
  213. net4sw.com: limited
  214. neuroscience-mastodon.com: suspended
  215. newsbots.eu: limited
  216. newsie.social: limited
  217. nicec***.***ital: suspended
  218. niederbayern.social: suspended
  219. nigg***.****ion: suspended
  220. night*****.**cial: suspended
  221. nni*.***ce: suspended
  222. noage*********.com: suspended
  223. nobod*******.biz: suspended
  224. noho.st: suspended
  225. nohost.me: suspended
  226. not.***.lt: suspended
  227. novo*.***oya: suspended
  228. nsfw.social: limited
  229. nsupdate.info: suspended
  230. ob*.*h: suspended
  231. onion.social: suspended
  232. out***.st: suspended
  233. owl***.ch: suspended
  234. owo.is: suspended
  235. parc***.*ond: suspended
  236. patr***.***ine: suspended
  237. pawoo.net: limited
  238. ped*.****ol: suspended
  239. pee*****.se: suspended
  240. peertu**.*********re.fr: suspended
  241. phyrexia.ru: suspended
  242. pib**.*et: suspended
  243. piclub.social: suspended
  244. piev****.net: suspended
  245. pis****.io: suspended
  246. pissq*****.*pace: suspended
  247. pkte*****.xyz: suspended
  248. pl.*****.cl: suspended
  249. pl.c**.***eup: limited
  250. pl.st*****.***work: suspended
  251. pl.t******.de: suspended
  252. pl.wy********.art: suspended
  253. plan*****.icu: suspended
  254. ple****.*un: suspended
  255. plero**.*******.org: suspended
  256. pleroma.**********he.biz: suspended
  257. po*.*t: suspended
  258. poa**.*rg: suspended
  259. poa**.*th: suspended
  260. poa**.tv: suspended
  261. poli*****.icu: suspended
  262. pone.social: limited
  263. pony.tube: limited
  264. poop**.***ial: suspended
  265. porn****.com: suspended
  266. post**.**ace: suspended
  267. powere*********e.com: suspended
  268. pre**.**op: suspended
  269. psim**.**rld: suspended
  270. psyo*****.com: suspended
  271. puls.social: suspended
  272. qa*.**n: limited
  273. qot*.*rg: suspended
  274. qua***.**ki: suspended
  275. r18.****al: suspended
  276. rag*.*ol: suspended
  277. rainbowdash.net: suspended
  278. rally.guide: limited
  279. rapem***.*****ions: suspended
  280. ray**.st: suspended
  281. rcsocial.net: suspended
  282. real.******.org: suspended
  283. rebe*****.*ite: suspended
  284. redl******.com: suspended
  285. ref****.*iz: suspended
  286. repl.co: suspended
  287. respublicae.eu: limited
  288. retr*****.*ech: suspended
  289. rf**.*z: suspended
  290. rojo****.com: suspended
  291. rot.***es: suspended
  292. rss-parrot.net: limited
  293. rubb**.***ial: limited
  294. ryon*.***ncy: suspended
  295. s-h.social: suspended
  296. scfzfilm.org: suspended
  297. schwa*******.xyz: suspended
  298. scrapist.xyz: suspended
  299. se**.*e: suspended
  300. sea*.**fe: suspended
  301. searc******.**cial: suspended
  302. seda.social: suspended
  303. serv*******.net: suspended
  304. share*****.**cial: suspended
  305. shit****.**oud: suspended
  306. shit******.*lub: suspended
  307. shitp*****.*orld: suspended
  308. shitpi*****.***o.com: suspended
  309. shitpo**.*******.club: suspended
  310. sho**.***se: suspended
  311. short********n.ch: suspended
  312. short*******n.ch: suspended
  313. shot*.***ial: suspended
  314. skep*****.fr: suspended
  315. ski**.*ay: suspended
  316. skipp*******.com: suspended
  317. sle***.**fe: suspended
  318. snea*.***lin: suspended
  319. snee*.***ial: suspended
  320. soapbox.**********es.com: suspended
  321. soc.u*********d.de: suspended
  322. socia*.***.*e.jp: suspended
  323. socia*.****.*orld: suspended
  324. socia*.******m.me: limited
  325. social.*******.horse: suspended
  326. social.************te.xyz: suspended
  327. social.***********e.com: suspended
  328. social.*********a.com: suspended
  329. social.********t.com: suspended
  330. social.l*************ons.net: suspended
  331. social.mypdns.org: suspended
  332. socks.*******.org: suspended
  333. socne*.*****.com: suspended
  334. spin****.xyz: suspended
  335. sportsbots.xyz: limited
  336. squeet.me: suspended
  337. super****.**cial: suspended
  338. tambayan.us: suspended
  339. tasti*********.net: suspended
  340. tcpcat.net: suspended
  341. the.t********.life: suspended
  342. thec******.icu: suspended
  343. thed****.icu: suspended
  344. thep*******.icu: suspended
  345. thepost**************on.com: suspended
  346. threads.net: limited
  347. tmed******.io: suspended
  348. toot.poedelwitz.de: suspended
  349. tootnet.nl: suspended
  350. trab****.com: suspended
  351. transforthe.win: suspended
  352. tro**.**fe: suspended
  353. trumpi************.life: suspended
  354. trut*******.com: suspended
  355. truth******.*o.in: suspended
  356. truth*********.org: suspended
  357. tube.*****.de: suspended
  358. tube.q***********11.de: suspended
  359. twitt**.*****.net: suspended
  360. twtr.plus: suspended
  361. unfufadoo.net: limited
  362. unsa**.**ace: suspended
  363. urc***.*rg: suspended
  364. varis*******.net: suspended
  365. video.*******.xyz: suspended
  366. voic*****.icu: suspended
  367. vol*****.bz: suspended
  368. vuj*.*om: suspended
  369. waif****.*ife: suspended
  370. wank.social: limited
  371. wask*******.com: limited
  372. waterlily.tokyo: suspended
  373. wer*.****al: suspended
  374. wide****.org: suspended
  375. wiki*****.de: suspended
  376. woo*.***up: limited
  377. www.******.st: suspended
  378. www.gctaisentl.com: suspended
  379. x.g***.**ws: suspended
  380. x0*.**g: suspended
  381. xha**.**ve: suspended
  382. xn--p1a****.******asehdb: suspended
  383. xsc***.*op: suspended
  384. yggdr****.**cial: suspended
  385. ynh.fr: suspended
  386. you**.**ve: suspended
  387. zeds*****.ca: suspended
  388. zzt****.*tf: suspended
  389. zzta***.***ine: suspended
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. artisan.chat: limitation
  2. mytter.jp: suspension
  3. religion.masto.host: limitation
  4. simcha.lgbt: suspension
  5. toot.foundation: suspension
  6. www.librepunk.club: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 7036 statuses, 1071 logins, 3 registrations)
S: 698
L: 100
R: 0
S: 741
L: 103
R: 1
S: 648
L: 102
R: 0
S: 700
L: 100
R: 1
S: 528
L: 96
R: 0
S: 519
L: 93
R: 0
S: 522
L: 90
R: 0
S: 554
L: 97
R: 0
S: 595
L: 96
R: 0
S: 921
L: 94
R: 1
S: 603
L: 95
R: 0
S: 7
L: 5
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/3/25, 3:08:41 AM UTC2/4/25, 4:26:33 AM UTC2/5/25, 4:00:56 AM UTC2/6/25, 2:04:23 AM UTC2/7/25, 4:29:41 AM UTC2/8/25, 4:05:16 AM UTC2/9/25, 4:06:39 AM UTC2/10/25, 2:19:34 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 900/900 (100%)