General info Watch out, we're running an experimental fork of Mastodon. See further down below for details.
This instance is a safe space for queer and/or neurodivergent people. We also strive to become one for the BIPOC, Romani, and other marginalized subgroups of the LGBTQ+ community (see disclaimer below). If you have an issue with that, don't even bother applying for an account. In addition to the bigotry clause in the rule list, we have a zero tolerance policy against any form of fascism and/or authoritarianism. This includes, but is not limited to, nazis
and tankies. We are primarily English and German speaking, but other languages are welcome, too. Our main interests are:
- Being gay on the Internet
- Touching computers
- Political discourse about queerness, neurodivergence, and other topics about marginalized people
- Ending capitalism
Disclaimer for BIPOC, Romani, and other ethnic minorities: This instance, like most others unfortunately, is hopelessly white. I acknowledge this is a problem and would love to do something about it. Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any suggestions to make this place more welcoming to you; i will try my best to accommodate for your needs. Nobody here has sinister intentions, but we are not immune to systemic racism.
Content policy details Although the name might admittedly suggest otherwise, this is generally
not an NSFW-focused instance. However, lewd content of any kind is totally allowed so long as you use appropriate content warnings and respect other people's boundaries. We also explicitly welcome sex workers and lewd alt accounts! Just keep in mind that if you explicitly seek a community centered around sexual topics, this might not be the instance you've been looking for.
Naturally, any depictions of minors in a sexual context will be deleted on sight, period. This phrasing is intentionally kept vague because if you even have to think about whether something would fall under that rule, you definitely shouldn't post it. So-called “MAPs” can fuck right off.
The fediverse is generally not too fond of corporate advertising, and sure is no exception: We don't tolerate any brands except non-profits, small personal businesses, and worker unions. The same applies to defending them. Furthermore, don't post anything that might be considered spam or otherwise unwanted, including excessive self promotion.
If you don't acknowledge the inherent problems with anything related to blockchain technology (including, but not limited to, cryptocurrencies and NFTs), you won't have a good time on here. Talking uncritically positive about that stuff is
strongly discouraged, and will likely get you banned if you give off cryptobro vibes.
Moderation & federation We decide the consequences for rule violations on a case-by-case basis, depending on severity and context. As such, the outcome can be anything between a friendly notice and a permanent ban. We are generally stricter than more popular instances like, say,, because this is supposed to be a cozy little place just for us. This is not the place to debate whether we deserve human rights.
Other instances whose admin either violates these rules themselves or tolerates their users doing so will be defederated entirely. Instances with poor moderation will be either limited or suspended, depending on the severity of the situation.
Technical details We are running
nyastodon, our own custom fork of
Mastodon based on
glitch-soc and
Note that this is
bleeding edge software with some fun quirks compared to vanilla Mastodon, so you might encounter rough spots here and there. The biggest difference is probably support for emoji reactions, which is actually in the process of being
merged into upstream right now.
If you're using multiple accounts on this instance, you can use these subdomains to access the web interface from multiple browser tabs:
This instance lives in a VM hosted on a Hetzner EX42 dedicated server with full disk encryption. I'm doing daily encrypted backups with a retention period of up to 4 weeks. In spite of all odds, the site actually has reasonable uptime and I usually post a notice before doing planned maintenance (which mostly happens late at night in the CET/CEST time zone).