General InformationAllThingsTech is a small Mastodon instance that anyone who is interested in all things tech related can call home. It's a safe place for anyone to talk about their passion for tech/technology, but also to post the things they wish to post and talk about on a daily basis.
We fully subscribe to and comply with the
Mastodon Server Covenant. A number of instance blocks are implemented to comply with the principles of the covenant.
When first launches, and for the foreseeable future, sign-ups will be limited and all users will have to be approved my staff before gaining access to the instance. This is being done to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible, but to also ensure this instance remains a safe and friendly space for everyone.
If you'd like to get official updates about the server itself, you can do so by following this account:
allthingstech@allthingstech.socialAdmins And ModeratorsCliff - Admin
Kyle - Admin
Patrick - Moderator
Server Status PageServer Status PageDetailed RulesThe following guidelines are not a legal document, and final interpretation is up to the administration of; they are here to provide you with an insight into our content moderation policies:
The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline:
Excessive advertising or self-promotion (including but not limited to crypto ponzi schemes or other MLM scams) without any other content. Promoting things such as your livestream, YouTube videos, blog articles/reviews, etc. are acceptable as long as they abide by the above rule. Uncurated news bots posting from third-party news sources. Untagged nudity, pornography and sexually explicit content, including artistic depictions. Untagged gore and extremely graphic violence, including artistic depictions.The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline, and may result in account suspension and revocation of access to the service:
Racism or advocation of racism. Sexism or advocation of sexism. Casteism or advocation of casteism. Transphobia, homophobia, discrimination against gender and sexual minorities, or advocation thereof. Xenophobic and/or violent nationalism. Spreading disinformation or conspiracy theories that undermine public health.The following types of content are explicitly disallowed and will result in revocation of access to the service:
Sexual depictions of children. Content illegal in the United States or any other country. Holocaust denial or Nazi symbolism. Conduct promoting the ideology of National Socialism.Any conduct intended to stalk or harass other users, or to impede other users from utilizing the service, or to degrade the performance of the service, or to harass other users, or to incite other users to perform any of the aforementioned actions, is also disallowed, and subject to punishment up to and including revocation of access to the service. This includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors:
Continuing to engage in conversation with a user that has specifically requested for said engagement with that user to cease and desist may be considered harassment, regardless of platform-specific privacy tools employed. Aggregating, posting, and/or disseminating a person's demographic, personal, or private data without express permission (informally called doxing or dropping dox) may be considered harassment. Inciting users to engage another user in continued interaction or discussion after a user has requested for said engagement with that user to cease and desist (informally called brigading or dogpiling) may be considered harassment.These provisions notwithstanding, the administration of the service reserves the right to revoke any user's access permissions, at any time, for any reason, except as limited by law.
Most of our rules are forked from
New accounts that are created have 14 days from date of creation to update their profile to include a profile picture, a banner and a bio. Failure to do so will result in the account being deleted as to not fill up the server with inactive/dormant accounts.
DonationsIf you would like to donate to help support the finances of you are free to do so. Donations are not expected in any way, yet they are greatly appreciated!
One-time or Recurring DonationsKo-Fi