Welcome to Page.LGBT!Page.LGBT is an inclusive Mastodon instance, primarily (but not exclusively) for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Our doors are open to anyone who would like to join - so if you're looking for a small, friendly community, we'd love to welcome you!
Inclusivity and ModerationWe are open and welcoming to anybody who wishes to join, but ask that you return the favour by being friendly and polite to everybody else whilst you are here. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, intolerance or harassment, neither towards users of Page.LGBT, nor towards anybody outside of Page.LGBT.
If you see anything on Page.LGBT which you believe may break our rules, please let us know by using Mastodon's reporting functionality. We aim to review all reports within 24 hours of receiving them.
All of our rules apply both to users registered on Page.LGBT, and to external users elsewhere in the Fediverse. If an external user is found to be breaking our rules, we may restrict or block their content from appearing to our users. Similarly, if a user from Page.LGBT is found to be breaking our rules whilst interacting with an external user, we will enforce the rules equally to how we would between two local users. The Fediverse is still largely a very friendly place - so be nice to our neighbours!
RegistrationRegistration is open to everyone, but new accounts may sometimes require approval from our staff team before they can start using our website. This is to help prevent abusive registrations from accounts intending to harrass our users.
Approval is not always required - we regularly review whether manual approval is necessary based on the current level of rule-breaking content from new accounts.
To increase the likelihood of your account being approved, you may want to include links to other social networking profiles in the "Why do you want to join?" section. This is completely optional, and your application will never be rejected solely for not including any links - but being able to show that your other profiles have a clean history allows us to review and approve your application sooner.
Moderated ServersTo help provide a safe and inclusive space for everyone, we limit and/or suspend connections from any Fediverse servers which we believe present a risk of targeting or attacking our users, or posting content which violates our rules. For some servers, this may be because their rules explicitly allow this to occur; for others, it may be because they are not sufficiently well moderated, allowing unwanted content to slip through.
The full list of moderated servers can be viewed in the "Moderated servers" section below.
If you are aware of a server which is not on the list, but you believe that it should be, please let us know by telling us both the server's URL, and the reason you believe it should be restricted.
If you believe that a server has been limited or suspended by mistake, please let us know, so that we can review whether the server is eligible to be removed from the list.
The names of some servers in the list may be partially obscured - this is done for instances hosting the worst kinds of content, to prevent our moderation list from being used as a tool to help nefarious users find unacceptable content.
If you would like a copy of our moderated instance list, in either a human-readable or machine-readable format, please feel free to get in touch and we'd be happy to help.
Acknowledgements and thanks