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Lingue Inglese (en)
Utentə 2.000
Utentə attivə nell’ultimo mese 684
Utentə attivə negli ultimi sei mesi 990
Caratteri per post (max) 500
Istanze note a questa istanza 24.392
Primo avvistamento Nov 10, 2022 UTC
Ultimo check riuscito Nov 22, 2024 UTC
Nociva No
Nuova No
Software Mastodon 4.2.13
Iscrizioni Aperte (con approvazione admin)
Moderazione di Threads (Meta) Sconosciuta (quest’istanza non è elencata nella lista dell’Anti-Meta Fedi Pact, e la sua lista delle istanze moderate non è accessibile).
Hashtag più usati (ult. settimana) israel, BuyIntoArt, christmas, snow, bird, icc, Gifts, hamas, throwbackthursday
Descrizione breve
Welcome to Typo.social! This is a Mastodon instance open to any typo and type enthusiastic. We are offering this service out of sheer courtesy without being held responsible for any disadvantages.
Descrizione lunga

Welcome to Typo.social!☝︎

This place is a home for type designers, typographers, letterers, fontworkers, calligraphers, tool builders, foundries, historians, scholars, students and enthusiasts. Typo.social is run by a federation of international independent typo communities and stammtisches. If your community or organisation wants to help, support or join please let us know!

At this moment these are:

Our server is hosted by wwcom in Switzerland and runs on 100% renewable energy! Big thanks to Pirmin Walthert for setting this up.
We rent the server space and registered the domain. Whether all of it works out depends mostly on you! The team of moderators and admins keeps an eye on things.

Mastodon is a network of federated but individually owned and operated “instances”. Each instance is its own small community, with their own rules, discourse and members. All Mastodon instances are also compatible with each other: you can be a member of one instance, and follow accounts on other instances. And people on other instances can follow you. You can even run your own instance!

Typo.social is a non-commercial community without any profit-making intent. As such it is exempt of many of the rules that apply to commercial social media companies. (For more information, see e.g. the DIGITAL SERVICES ACT Article 2(6)) By joining our community you agree to follow the Typo.social code of conduct. We ask you to briefly explain why you are particularly interested in joining this instance, mainly to keep the bots and trolls out. We are not gatekeeping, anyone who is genuinely interested in our community and follows the rules is welcome to stay.

Terms of Service☝︎

Terms of Service


Lauriergracht 116 X
1016 RR Amsterdam
Regole dell’istanza
  1. Please read and understand our terms of service: this includes a code of conduct.
  2. This is a home for type designers, typographers, letterers, fontworkers, calligraphers, tool builders, foundries, historians, scholars, students and enthusiasts.
  3. Copyrights have deep and complex issues that do not all fit in this box. However, in general, please make sure you have permission to post the media you want to include in your message. When practically possible, within reason, due diligence etc. Make sure all materials are properly credited.
  4. Typo.social claims no copyright over media and text posted here.
  5. Please, be kind, and welcoming. Help others, when they ask questions.
  6. Posts are prohibited that promote or support ideologies based on denial of the inherent and equal dignity of all people, for instance: fascism, nazism, national or racial supremacism.
  7. Advertising: This is a discussion space, but we recognise that it also functions as a promotional medium. We want you to be able to announce your products & services. Ads & advertorials must be tagged using #ad. Filter keywords: Feditips: Filtering your timeline. More on ads in our Terms of Service
  8. Moderation: we recommend to first try to solve conflicts yourself before reporting posts or accounts to the admin & moderators team. “Can you explain a bit more about this?” is a reasonable question. If you really don’t want to read about specific topics, feel free to use the Mute & Block features.
Istanze moderate [?]
Non disponibili
Istanze che sicuramente moderano questa istanza [?]
  1. mytter.jp: sospensione
  2. nothing.tacowolf.net: sospensione
Account admin admin@typo.social
Data di creazione Nov 4, 2022 UTC
Nome visualizzato Admin
This is the official typo.social admin account.
Attività delle ultime 12 settimane (totali: 10019 stati, 5087 accessi, 57 iscrizioni)
S: 866
A: 446
I: 2
S: 897
A: 449
I: 3
S: 1054
A: 455
I: 7
S: 897
A: 448
I: 9
S: 848
A: 458
I: 2
S: 814
A: 442
I: 6
S: 822
A: 453
I: 5
S: 962
A: 478
I: 5
S: 1011
A: 472
I: 4
S: 937
A: 481
I: 6
S: 911
A: 505
I: 8
S: 0
A: 0
I: 0
Ultimi check (verde: OK; rosso: KO)
11/15/24, 2:03:29 AM UTC11/16/24, 2:51:56 AM UTC11/17/24, 2:45:19 AM UTC11/18/24, 3:26:55 AM UTC11/19/24, 2:56:23 AM UTC11/20/24, 3:32:26 AM UTC11/21/24, 3:23:48 AM UTC11/22/24, 3:31:51 AM UTC
Check riusciti: 676/676 (100%)