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Lingue Inglese (en)
Utentə 176
Utentə attivə nell’ultimo mese 30
Utentə attivə negli ultimi sei mesi 47
Caratteri per post (max) 600
Istanze note a questa istanza 22.299
Primo avvistamento Nov 10, 2022 UTC
Ultimo check riuscito Dec 4, 2024 UTC
Nociva No
Nuova No
Software Mastodon 4.4.0-alpha.1+glitch
Iscrizioni Aperte (con approvazione admin)
Moderazione di Threads (Meta) Sconosciuta (quest’istanza non è elencata nella lista dell’Anti-Meta Fedi Pact, e la sua lista delle istanze moderate non è accessibile).
Hashtag più usati (ult. settimana) dogsofmastodon, Dogs, givingtuesday, wrapstodon, SouthKorea, cartoon, martiallaw, korea, tvmysteries
Descrizione breve
This Mastodon instance is focused on Boulder, Colorado, USA, but others are welcome.
Descrizione lunga
Temporary/draft rules taken from hachyderm.io because I wanted to get some posted but didn't want to have to think to hard about it. We can have discussions about improving them!

Hosting this is very much an experiment for me. I'll do my best, but if you're not ok with some hiccups, you might want to sign up for a different server.

I'm seeking some co-admins, so if you know how to work with Linux, Linode, reverse proxies, and GitHub issues and aren't afraid to deal with the weirdos in Boulder, please reach out.


Regole dell’istanza
  1. Don't be a dick
  2. No violence
  3. No fascism
  4. No colonialism
  5. No white supremacy
  6. No nationalism
  7. No racism
  8. No homophobia
  9. No transphobia
  10. Safe Space: LGTBQIA+
  11. Safe Space: neurodivergent (ADHD, Aspie, Autism, etc)
  12. No hacking
  13. No misogyny
  14. You must be at least 13 years old (COPPA compliance)
Istanze moderate [?]
Non disponibili
Istanze che sicuramente moderano questa istanza [?]
  1. nothing.tacowolf.net: sospensione
Data di creazione Nov 5, 2022 UTC
Nome visualizzato Thomas
I like , , , , and things.

Apparently I also like attempting to run a mastodon instance. Wish me luck!

email: thomasw@bldrweb.org
pronouns: https://pronoun.is/he/him
Attività delle ultime 12 settimane (totali: 2277 stati, 240 accessi, 0 iscrizioni)
S: 151
A: 23
I: 0
S: 192
A: 23
I: 0
S: 178
A: 19
I: 0
S: 129
A: 21
I: 0
S: 182
A: 22
I: 0
S: 194
A: 20
I: 0
S: 218
A: 23
I: 0
S: 465
A: 23
I: 0
S: 280
A: 23
I: 0
S: 161
A: 21
I: 0
S: 127
A: 21
I: 0
S: 0
A: 1
I: 0
Ultimi check (verde: OK; rosso: KO)
11/27/24, 2:38:09 AM UTC11/28/24, 3:19:13 AM UTC11/29/24, 4:02:08 AM UTC11/30/24, 2:59:16 AM UTC12/1/24, 5:11:44 AM UTC12/2/24, 3:26:31 AM UTC12/3/24, 4:14:50 AM UTC12/4/24, 2:57:10 AM UTC
Check riusciti: 686/688 (99,71%)