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Sembra che l’URL della “miniatura del server” di questa istanza punti a un file inesistente. Solitamente questo problema è facilmente risolvibile dallə admin dell’istanza ricaricando l’immagine sul loro server. Nota che l’eventuale cambiamento non verrà mostrato qui prima dell’aggiornamento automatico delle info di questa istanza, che avviene una volta al giorno.
Lingue Inglese (en)
Utentə 5
Utentə attivə nell’ultimo mese 1
Utentə attivə negli ultimi sei mesi 2
Caratteri per post (max) 500
Istanze note a questa istanza 14.305
Primo avvistamento Nov 9, 2022 UTC
Ultimo check riuscito Dec 4, 2024 UTC
Nociva No
Nuova No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Iscrizioni Aperte (con approvazione admin)
Moderazione di Threads (Meta) Sconosciuta (quest’istanza non è elencata nella lista dell’Anti-Meta Fedi Pact, e la sua lista delle istanze moderate non è accessibile).
Hashtag più usati (ult. settimana) Non disponibili
Descrizione breve
It doesn't have to be crazy at work!<br/>
A place for folks interested in (small-a) agile and lean ways of working, with a strong slant towards software delivery craft.
Descrizione lunga
agilodon.social Information


We are a community for anyone interested in the various aspects of lean and agile software development. Developers, coaches,even project managers all welcome!

What's with the dinosaur?

Just tryng to keep with the prehistoric animal theme here. Unfortunately there is no such dinosaur as an agilodon, so we co-opted the agilisaurus ("agile lizard") from the Jurassic period. See what we did there? Pretty neat, eh? 😎


This server is run on donations and goodwill, so please show your Admin (who is paying for the server) some love and donate a coffee sometime! £5/month will keep things running and allow server capacity to increase as needed.

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

Note: this server is being run as not-for-profit. So if there is any money left when it is end of life, it will be donated to a UK charity of the Admin's choice.

Code of Conduct

The code can be summed up very succinctly: "Don't be a d🤬ck" and "Be excellent to each other". But specifically:

  • Be kind
  • Be considerate
  • Read and follow the Rules!

Feel free to disagree on here, but keep things civil. No form of violence is tolerated. Nor will prejudice based on race, sex or religion. Failure to adhere to this will result in your suspension and ejection from the server.

Your Admins reserve the right to ban individuals and servers without warning as deemed necessary to maintain the Server Rules

Server Rules

  1. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or xenophobia
  2. No sexually explicit or violent media
  3. No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies
  4. No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users
  5. No content that is illegal in the UK, or the EU
  6. Do not share intentionally false or misleading information
  7. The Admins are always right
  8. Always remember to be excellent to each other
Regole dell’istanza
  1. Intolerance is not tolerated.
  2. Be excellent to each other.
  3. The Admins' decision is law.
Istanze moderate [?]
Non disponibili
Istanze che sicuramente moderano questa istanza [?]
  1. nothing.tacowolf.net: sospensione
Account admin Non disponibile all’indicizzazione
Data di creazione Non disponibile
Nome visualizzato Non disponibile
Non disponibile
Attività delle ultime 12 settimane (totali: 476 stati, 11 accessi, 0 iscrizioni)
S: 30
A: 1
I: 0
S: 31
A: 1
I: 0
S: 37
A: 1
I: 0
S: 79
A: 1
I: 0
S: 43
A: 1
I: 0
S: 51
A: 1
I: 0
S: 33
A: 1
I: 0
S: 56
A: 1
I: 0
S: 45
A: 1
I: 0
S: 41
A: 1
I: 0
S: 30
A: 1
I: 0
S: 0
A: 0
I: 0
Ultimi check (verde: OK; rosso: KO)
11/27/24, 2:35:38 AM UTC11/28/24, 2:57:36 AM UTC11/29/24, 4:04:39 AM UTC11/30/24, 4:15:21 AM UTC12/1/24, 5:23:47 AM UTC12/2/24, 3:47:09 AM UTC12/3/24, 4:13:32 AM UTC12/4/24, 4:06:52 AM UTC
Check riusciti: 688/688 (100%)