
This search engine for Mastodon instances is based on a database that gets updated by our crawler every night (CET). Instances are considered new for 30 days after they are discovered. When an instance has not responded to our daily checks for more than 30 days it’s no longer considered in statistics and searches and it gets checked only on the first of the month, rather than daily, until it possibly responds again. “Random ordering” of results varies daily.

Default search criteria reflect our fondness for a decentralized and egalitarian Fediverse and our attempt to exclude instances accepting fascist, racist, sexist, ableist or sovereignist contents by marking them as noxious.

We currently count 11,611 Mastodon instances, with 8,718,482 users (1,378,355 active during last month) and 898,103,912 published statuses. [Show Threads moderation statistics]

Threads moderation statistics

These statistics on the status of Threads moderation are based on the list of moderated instances, which is accessible only on some instances, and on the list of instances adhering to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact.

Statistics on the state of Threads moderation
related to instances on which it is known

 Instances suspending Threads: 583 / 1,597 (36.51%)
 Instances limiting Threads: 43 / 1,597 (2.69%)
+ Instances suspending or limiting Threads: 626 / 1,597 (39.20%)
 Instances not suspending or limiting Threads: 971 / 1,597 (60.80%)
 Users on instances suspending Threads: 943,803 / 4,778,062 (19.75%)
 Users on instances limiting Threads: 76,029 / 4,778,062 (1.59%)
+ Users on instances suspending or limiting Threads: 1,019,832 / 1,597 (21.34%)
 Users on instances not suspending or limiting Threads: 3,758,230 / 4,778,062 (78.66%)

Statistics on the state of Threads
moderation related to all instances.

 Instances suspending Threads: 583 / 11,611 (5.02%)
 Instances limiting Threads: 43 / 11,611 (0.37%)
+ Instances suspending or limiting Threads: 626 / 11,611 (5.39%)
 Instances not suspending or limiting Threads: 971 / 11,611 (8.36%)
 Instances whose Threads moderation status is unknown: 10,014 / 11,611 (86.25%)
 Users on instances suspending Threads: 943,803 / 8,718,482 (10.83%)
 Users on instances limiting Threads: 76,029 / 8,718,482 (0.87%)
+ Users on instances suspending or limiting Threads: 1,019,832 / 8,718,482 (11.70%)
 Users on instances not suspending or limiting Threads: 3,758,230 / 8,718,482 (43.11%)
 Users on instances whose Threads mod. status is unknown: 3,940,420 / 8,718,482 (45.20%)

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