
This search engine for Mastodon instances is based on a database that gets updated by our crawler every night (CET).

Instances are considered new for 30 days after they are discovered.

When an instance has not responded to our daily checks for more than 30 days it is no longer considered in statistics and searches and it gets checked only on the first of the month, rather than daily, until it possibly responds again, or until its last succesful check is one year old; in this latter case, from that moment it gets checked only on the first day of each year.

“Random ordering” of results varies daily.

Default search criteria reflect our fondness for a decentralized and egalitarian Fediverse and our attempt to exclude instances accepting fascist, racist, sexist, ableist or sovereignist contents by marking them as noxious.

To report any issue, technical or non-technical, or to suggest instances to exclude according to the above criteria, please contact us at our e-mail address, masthelp[at]

We currently count 10,759 Mastodon instances, with 9,328,659 users (980,698 active during last month) and 1,069,648,511 published statuses. [Show Threads moderation statistics]

Threads moderation statistics

These statistics on the status of Threads moderation are based on the list of moderated instances, which is accessible only on some instances, and on the list of instances adhering to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact.

Statistics on the state of Threads moderation
related to instances on which it is known

 Instances suspending Threads: 639 / 1,523 (41.96%)
 Instances limiting Threads: 49 / 1,523 (3.22%)
+ Instances suspending or limiting Threads: 688 / 1,523 (45.17%)
 Instances not suspending or limiting Threads: 835 / 1,523 (54.83%)
 Users on instances suspending Threads: 1,638,450 / 5,701,499 (28.74%)
 Users on instances limiting Threads: 165,395 / 5,701,499 (2.90%)
+ Users on instances suspending or limiting Threads: 1,803,845 / 1,523 (31.64%)
 Users on instances not suspending or limiting Threads: 3,897,654 / 5,701,499 (68.36%)

Search instances

Search criteria
Show instances where...
Order of results
Languages English (en)
Users 375
Active users (last month) 79
Active users (last six months) 155
Characters per post (max) 5,000
Known instances 27,110
First sight Nov 9, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Mar 14, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.4
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) scribesandmakers, throwbackthursday, live, argentina, alfredhitchcockanything, trumpcession, explainyourusername, impressashowcharacter, activist, milei
Short description
Mastodon.Africa is run by South Africans, for South Africans, Africans and everybody else looking for a friendly and welcoming Mastodon instance.
Long description
Welcome to Mastodon.Africa! We maintain a dedicated website on which you can learn about:

Head on over there for more information:
Instance rules
  1. Be respectful of others
  2. No trolling, spamming, or flame-baiting
  3. No harassment, or sharing of personal data
  4. All content must be "Safe for Work"
  5. Don't try to overload or break the service
  6. Agree to be bound by the Terms and Code of Conduct at
Moderated instances [?]
  1. suspended (reason: This domain appears on several public blocklists for harmful content)
  2. suspended (reason: Repeated targeted harassment of users)
  3. suspended (reason: Multiple accounts on this instance have harassed users)
  4. suspended (reason: Multiple accounts on this instance have harassed users)
  5. suspended (reason: Multiple accounts on this instance have harassed users)
  6. suspended (reason: Repeated targeted harassment of users)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Admin account
Date of creation Nov 7, 2022 UTC
Display name Wogan May
Today is a good day to build! | Admin of
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 10180 statuses, 609 logins, 26 registrations)
S: 700
L: 51
R: 3
S: 888
L: 46
R: 2
S: 896
L: 55
R: 2
S: 854
L: 50
R: 3
S: 995
L: 57
R: 7
S: 929
L: 58
R: 2
S: 941
L: 60
R: 0
S: 912
L: 55
R: 2
S: 1008
L: 56
R: 1
S: 1022
L: 59
R: 1
S: 1031
L: 62
R: 3
S: 4
L: 0
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
3/7/25, 3:16:26 AM UTC3/8/25, 3:29:02 AM UTC3/9/25, 4:02:13 AM UTC3/10/25, 3:46:37 AM UTC3/11/25, 4:26:59 AM UTC3/12/25, 3:26:00 AM UTC3/13/25, 4:05:09 AM UTC3/14/25, 3:03:04 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 787/789 (99.75%)
Languages English (en)
Users 13
Active users (last month) 13
Active users (last six months) 13
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 4
First sight Mar 1, 2025 UTC
Last successful check Mar 14, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New Yes!
Software Mastodon 4.3.6
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
E-mail Not available
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
Not available
Long description
Not available
Instance rules
Not available
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Admin account Not available
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 60 statuses, 42 logins, 12 registrations)
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 2
L: 7
R: 6
S: 18
L: 11
R: 2
S: 20
L: 13
R: 4
S: 18
L: 10
R: 0
S: 2
L: 1
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
3/7/25, 2:08:12 AM UTC3/8/25, 2:50:29 AM UTC3/9/25, 3:43:47 AM UTC3/10/25, 3:42:10 AM UTC3/11/25, 4:16:06 AM UTC3/12/25, 4:00:54 AM UTC3/13/25, 2:39:14 AM UTC3/14/25, 3:02:07 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 14/14 (100%)
Languages English (en)
Users 5,342
Active users (last month) 860
Active users (last six months) 2,132
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 35,576
First sight Nov 10, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Mar 14, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.6
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) ClimateCrisis, merz, bundestag, meermittwoch, museum, throwbackthursday, jobs, BSW, thursdayfivelist, TBT
Short description
Non-profit, ad-free social media for social scientists. Join thousands of social scientists here and across the fediverse.
Long description is an online community for social scientists. Users here can connect with one another and the millions of other Mastodon users who have opted for social media that is ad-free and actively moderated to keep bad actors at bay. Here's how to get started.

1. Create an account

Create an account to get started. You will need to provide information about yourself so we can approve your account. After we approve, you'll be asked to agree to some ground rules. You can post about almost anything on, but we don't allow sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, casteism or abusive behavior.

Once you confirm your email you'll be online. Come on back to this page ( for next steps.

2. Get an app

Ice Cubes for iOS and Tusky for Android are very good and free. Mona and ivory are excellent apps for iOS/Mac users with a few dollars to spare.

Mastodon also works well from a web browser on laptops and desktops. A browser extension like Graze (chrome, mozilla) or FediAct (chrome, mozilla) will make following folks from other Mastodon servers seamless. Highly recommended.

3. Follow lots of folks

Thousands of social scientists are active on Mastodon, and you can follow anyone regardless of which server they call home. There's no algorithm to fill your feed with content so it helps to follow liberally. Our companion site makes it easy to find and follow academics from many different disciplines including Sociology, Communication and Media Studies, and Political Science. Followgraph finds folks who are popular among the people you already follow.

You can also follow hashtags like #ASA2023 to see what people are posting about the conference. Or follow #rstats for hints on R and #AcademicChatter for - you know. Or maybe just #NaturePhotography for some pleasant views.

4. Start Posting and Boosting

Introduce yourself with your first post, and include an #introduction hashtag. Post about whatever you want, and use hashtags to make finding your posts easier. If you see a post you like, boost it. There's no algorithm to amplify selected voices here so we rely on boosting to see what's interesting.

More about us welcomes all social scientists, including professors, grad students and anyone with a graduate degree in the social sciences (sociology, anthropology, political science, communications, economics...), including people who are doing qualitative and quantitative work inside or outside academia. We want this to be a comfortable place for social scientists from all backgrounds, including those who are from marginalized or racialized groups, sexual minorities, people with disabilities and others who may not feel welcomed in some academic spaces. is collectively funded. It was started by Mark Igra (@markigra), a PhD student who earned enough money to start the site in a previous career. While Mark will continue to ensure is funded, donations have helped pay for the rapid growth of the site. We encourage you to donate through Ko-fi

Mark runs this site with the help of a crew of moderators (Pratik, Kristian, and Simon. Let us know if you would like to help out.


At the moment, the official rules are deliberately minimal, but they have important implications. First, if you don't understand that "treat people with respect" means no sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or casteism and precludes abusive behavior and doxxing, then you don't belong on this site. Second, you must use your real name in your profile and we strongly encourage using your full name as your display name. While there are plenty of good reasons for anonymity on the internet, for our purposes being able to link online reputation to real-world reputation is important.

Post Visibility

Public posts appear on the local timelines and federated timelines of and all other mastodon instances that host your followers. Consider using Unlisted for posts you want your followers to see, but would prefer not to appear in public timelines. Using Unlisted for replies is strongly encouraged.

Posts expressing racism, homophobia and the like are not allowed with or without a content warning or with any level of visibility.

Sensitive Media

You must mark media as sensitive if it contains violence or sexual content. We also request that you mark media as sensitive if it might trigger common phobias including arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes).

Getting along

Folks come here from different academic, ethnic and national cultures, so there are likely to be some mismatches in tone when we talk to one another. People might be more blunt than you are used to, or you might think someone is frustratingly obtuse when they are just trying to be polite. It's best to presume that folks here are acting in good faith. Mastodon has good tools for filtering or blocking posts you don't want to see. However, if you think someone is deliberately violating the rules or negatively affecting the community as a whole, you can report them as described below.

Reporting bad behavior

One of the great strengths of Mastodon is the ability to restrict access to bad actors. already blocks posts from dozens of sites known to host trolls and nazis, but there'll be other bad behavior. If you use the "Report" action on someone's post the moderators can review it and take action to restrict that account. Reporting helps even for people who make their home on other servers.

Content Warnings

Content warnings are an important part of both the technical infrastructure and the culture of the Mastodon online community. They aren't just used for "triggering" content but also are often treated as a “headline” that allows people to choose whether they want to read the whole post. Click the CW link on your post to set one.

We strongly encourage the use of content warnings for posts that you think might be triggering or of limited interest, for example mentions of death or violence, and political debates centered on one country or locality.

While expressions of racism, casteism, homophobia, and transphobia are off-limits, we do not require content warnings for posts about those topics and their effects on people, whether academic or otherwise. Use your own judgment about using content warnings on these topics.

Site Visualization

The header image is a public domain visualization from W.E.B. Du Bois exhibit at the 1900 Paris Exhibition.
Instance rules
  1. Use your real name and be yourself. Your real world reputation is valuable here and your reputation here is valuable in the real world.
  2. Treat people with respect.
  3. No sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, casteism or abusive behavior
  4. Sexually explicit or violent media must be marked as sensitive when posting.
  5. No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies.
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. limitation
  2. suspension
Date of creation Oct 30, 2022 UTC
Display name Mark Igra
Started this Sociology PhD candidate at the University of Washington, studying altruism and morality. Former software guy.

Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 29483 statuses, 5830 logins, 389 registrations)
S: 2036
L: 435
R: 37
S: 2328
L: 501
R: 40
S: 2777
L: 526
R: 42
S: 2900
L: 552
R: 37
S: 3390
L: 580
R: 44
S: 2575
L: 557
R: 39
S: 2629
L: 545
R: 41
S: 2424
L: 571
R: 75
S: 2408
L: 482
R: 16
S: 2764
L: 491
R: 12
S: 3085
L: 511
R: 6
S: 167
L: 79
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
3/7/25, 2:30:51 AM UTC3/8/25, 2:13:30 AM UTC3/9/25, 3:19:27 AM UTC3/10/25, 2:16:12 AM UTC3/11/25, 2:47:33 AM UTC3/12/25, 2:15:16 AM UTC3/13/25, 4:23:57 AM UTC3/14/25, 3:33:09 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 788/788 (100%)
Languages English (en)
Users 43
Active users (last month) 15
Active users (last six months) 16
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 8,940
First sight Nov 3, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Mar 14, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.4
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
Collapsible.Systems is a research node to collect and share knowledge relating to the Collapsible Project (see
Long description
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

(Possibly an African proverb)

Collapsible.Systems is a research node of the Collapsible Project. It primarily exists to gather strategies, skills, disciplines, technologies, ideas and designs to the ends of preparing communities, big and small, for a time of great upheaval - an era of collapses (plural).

In short, the goal is to make a really useful wiki with social media as the research engine.

The intended flow:

  • Find useful things relating to collapse(s) resilience.
  • Share them on this Mastodon instance
  • Archive them in the Collapsible Wiki
  • Also occasionally share amazing tardigrade facts, images or poems

The Collapsible Wiki is hosted at See the Wiki for more info about the broader project.

The rest of the time, this instance is just another Mastodon node on the Fedi for you to use like any other, for you and your interests!


In joining this server you:

  • identify that we face not some future Collapse, but are already in the midst of multiple converging collapses.
  • recognise that the climate and extinction crises are due to the stresses our growth-addicted civilisation has placed on the Planet, and with that comes consequences for all alive.
  • understand that species extinction and a changed climate can not be undone, that we are already locked in for decades of consequences regardless of any mitigating steps made today.
  • understand that many communities are already enduring significant and sudden changes, and that we have much to learn from them.
  • believe that openly discussing and addressing the challenges we face is not 'negative', nor pessimistic, but essential to overcoming them.
  • understand that environmental defense and biome conservation today are crucial for our continued survival tomorrow.
  • recognise that true resilience means togetherness, and that strong communities are built atop a commitment to inclusivity.
  • honestly think tardigrades are amazing, not only because they are collapsible.

This server (incl the wiki) runs on hydro-electric energy.
Instance rules
  1. Racism, fascism, gender discrimination: You will not engage in or promote any form of fascism, racism or gender discrimination, and will be proactive in reporting it if encountered.
  2. Harrassment: you will not engage in harassment in any form, and will be proactive in reporting it if witnessing it or subject to it.
  3. Conspiracy Theories: You will not engage in the development nor circulation of conspiracy theories.
  4. Weapons: You will refrain from posts pertaining to guns, explosives and the use of weapons for self-defense.
  5. Child protection: You will not post child pornography nor any identifying images of children, including your own.
  6. Content Warnings: You will place content warnings on any material that you understand may be disturbing for our membership.
  7. Image captions: You will add captions to images for those with vision challenges.
  8. Pseudoscience: You will to the best of your ability ensure research and designs shared are peer reviewed and/or meet a scientific consensus, and will not advocate nor propagate pseudo-scientific works and theses.
  9. Tardigrada: You must post at least one image, poem or fact about tardigrades.
  10. Be excellent to each other.
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. limitation
Date of creation Aug 18, 2023 UTC
Display name Collapsible Julian
Originator and sysadmin of Collapsible. This account will be used primarily for the project.

"Optimism without honesty is denial"

- Anohni

Avatar pic is of me standing under partially cloudy sky on a coastline, back to the ocean, dressed in hiking boots, hiking pants, wearing sunglasses and a cap.

Pākehā, he/him.
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 249 statuses, 109 logins, 2 registrations)
S: 30
L: 9
R: 0
S: 11
L: 10
R: 0
S: 21
L: 9
R: 0
S: 34
L: 9
R: 0
S: 30
L: 10
R: 0
S: 19
L: 10
R: 0
S: 21
L: 10
R: 0
S: 27
L: 9
R: 0
S: 17
L: 9
R: 0
S: 18
L: 12
R: 2
S: 21
L: 10
R: 0
S: 0
L: 2
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
3/7/25, 3:12:40 AM UTC3/8/25, 4:27:17 AM UTC3/9/25, 3:06:27 AM UTC3/10/25, 2:53:52 AM UTC3/11/25, 3:43:36 AM UTC3/12/25, 2:06:34 AM UTC3/13/25, 2:33:36 AM UTC3/14/25, 2:08:24 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 496/498 (99.6%)